1. #1

    Great Idea needs some support

    I recently came up with a great idea that could really bring some interesting things to WoW's future and maybe even blizzards new mmo. I'd appreciate it if all would give me some feedback, just keep it constructive please. Check out the topic here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4877407908

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    I don't think that is a very good idea. Who would like to sit at a flag to give bonuses to others with no benefit to your self?
    I wouldn't want to guard a flag anyway, even if I got something for it.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Gawwad View Post
    I don't think that is a very good idea. Who would like to sit at a flag to give bonuses to others with no benefit to your self?
    I wouldn't want to guard a flag anyway, even if I got something for it.
    You don't have to sit at it, just return it to your city. Once it's there the entire faction gets the bonus. This gives a change of pace to wow, and adds incentive to those who love to pvp and also pve'ers who need something to do in downtime.

  4. #4
    Hmm, it is indeed a very good idea =). But ya know what it would be even better? If there were 2 other factions we could compete for, lets say neutral factions/teams. They ought to serve to something don't they? also, the types of bonuses should range from exp bonuses to players controling the flag, or extra combat resource, or even extra speed, things that would grant some utility in the process of leveling or questing with friends, not in dungeons. Also, another idea occured to me. How about make it like a treasure hunt type of quest? The team who finds it would be awarded with a big chest of gold and maybe epic thingies. I think both ideas have huge potencial tbh.

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