1. #1

    Smile Help with Unit frame Addon!

    Hi! I'm using an edited addon from the original Sain UI (it's a really lightwave and pretty ui addon ) But I'm also a fan of MiirGui Texture Pack too. In her/his mop beta version she/he did the portrait of the player and target's frame bigger and I would like to do so with the Sain UI I have. Can someone help me please? I'm all about copying and pasting things cause I really don't know how scripts work... but I would really appreciate the help u.u

    Since this is my first post, I'm not allowed to post links or images...
    So please google Post your UI! - Arena Junkies - Page 133 where the version of Sain Ui i'm using is, and for miirgui google Miirgui texture pack Blue MOP BETA

    Thank you in advance

  2. #2
    You mean this ui?


    If it's that particular Ui, it should be pretty easy to make the portraits bigger. Sadly i have no active World of Warcraft Account so i can't test it.

    You would have, however to edit the playerframe .blp files (so the graphic itself) because the frame itself creates a round mask on the portrait as well as the frame itself. In addition to that you would need to add a few lines of .lua to the already existing addon.

    Gimme 10 minutes, im gonna test it up.
    Last edited by mmoc5d3981592b; 2012-07-17 at 12:59 PM.

  3. #3
    Miir texture pack is just a skin for default frames.
    That UI uses a unitframe addon.
    So no, you can't really combine both easily without some lua work. It's not a full unitframe addon, the lua file for unitframes. But it does specify which textures are used and when are they activated and how they're anchored. Without you sitting there and sifting through that code, you can't do it the same way.
    You could take out the unitframe code altogether out of that UI (provided it's functioning as a separate unit and is easy to take out), and instead just use default frames and substitute the textures the way Miir Pack does it. But again, you gotta test yourself whether this is doable with that UI at all.

  4. #4
    Ok i downloaded the pack and changed the Target Files as well as as adding a few lines of lua.

    You can download it here: http://ersguteryves.net/miirgui/ft.rar. I hope this is what you asked for, it adds square portraits to the sain ui frames.


  5. #5

    It looks totally cool now Miiru! Thanks! Btw, Can u see that the line between the PlayerFrame's hp and mana is a bit missplaced? Could u fix that please? I beg you (It is also happening with the FocusFrame)

    And a tiny question, I like this addon only because of the Player, Target and Focus Frame. Do you think that those 3 will work in MoP?
    Thank you in advance, I wasn't expecting the very creator of Miirgui texture Pack to answer me. (Love the addon, I'm waiting for a Black update, or with wider Player and Target frame!)
    Last edited by mmocba105e19de; 2012-07-18 at 08:04 PM.

  6. #6
    This was pretty easy fixable... not -.- Spent 1 hour wondering why my arguments wont do anything untill i resolved it by just simply eliminating the lua errors.

    Here you go:

    SainUi/Actionbars.lua --> delete Line 226,227,228 and 229 (delete the 4 lines alternating the now non-existant keyring)

    SainUI_UnitFrames/SainUI_UnitFrames.lua --> find

    PetFrameHappiness:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", 8, 12)
    and delete them.

    Now for the Focus Fixes:

    FocusFrameManaBar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -106, -53)
    replace it with
    FocusFrameManaBar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -106, -55)

    replace it with

    FocusFramePortrait:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -60, -23)
    replace with
    FocusFramePortrait:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -60, -24)
    That should fix all those display errors.

    I'd also recommend to replace

    as well as replacing

    I did a pastebin of both: Unitframes.lua and Actionbars. There you can get the final code.

    And yes the UnitFrames should work in Mists of Pandaria also, they didnt change anything big concerning them.

  7. #7
    I can't tell you how much I appreciate your answer, thank you for saving this addon for me, I find it very simple but useful and I'm very happy to know that it will work in pandaria, you'll see, I don't like Pitbull, Shadowunitframes, or any other Unitframes since I can't really see the cast bar

    A bunch of thanks to you Miiru, thanks for taking your time to do this

  8. #8
    No problem

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