1. #1

    Lightbulb Looking for Video Inspiration

    Recently I've been playing around with the 'Idea' of creating some High Quality video's and guides. I was planning on doing this earlier this year, but a high workload left me almost no time to do it.

    Im looking for Suggestions/Inspiration of what Video's and/or Guides you as a general community would like to see or think others would find useful.

  2. #2
    You could make a guide on how to start the game (with tips, such as platinum obtaining, useful items you should save, places of interests).
    Another guide about what to do at end-game (saving up on different items, raiding and it's requirements, pvp and it's requirements, hunting of artifacts, etc).

  3. #3
    Do video on the most often asked questions; What to do at 50, Returning after X break, What souls should I use?, etc.

    That's the kind of thing people who seek vids would watch.

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