Poll: Would you push the button on the Box and take 1Million

Thread: The Box

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  1. #21
    I did just get up but :

    He said all you would have to do is press a red button and someone whom you don't know will die. You will also get 1 million dollars in cash tax free. If you don't accept his offer he takes the box, simply leaves. Nothing will come back on you, someone whom you don't know would die.

    So basically that person is screwed anyway? So the choice is, take the money and the person dies or don't take the money and the person died. You might as well take the money as you can't save them, I would want someone to take the money if it was me going to die anyway XD

    If the person wouldn't die then of course not.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Maelle View Post
    I did just get up but :

    He said all you would have to do is press a red button and someone whom you don't know will die. You will also get 1 million dollars in cash tax free. If you don't accept his offer he takes the box, simply leaves. Nothing will come back on you, someone whom you don't know would die.

    So basically that person is screwed anyway? So the choice is, take the money and the person dies or don't take the money and the person died. You might as well take the money as you can't save them, I would want someone to take the money if it was me going to die anyway XD

    If the person wouldn't die then of course not.
    He never says that that person is "marked for death" -- it's my understanding that if you walk away from the deal, that "random" person isn't necessarily going to be the next person to be chosen for death. The theory I found interesting was that the person who took the deal would be the next person to die. But, again, just a theory, it doesn't have any evidence to support it. That, and it's been a couple years since I've seen the movie.

  3. #23

  4. #24
    I wouldn't push the button for several reasons.

    First, I don't exactly like money. Yes we need it, but I hate money because the way people use it, to bribe, for stupid stuff that will harm themselves, like drugs for example, and many other stupid stuff people do with money.

    Second and last and most important. We do not deserve to end someone's else life for our own benefit, never, not for revenge, not for money(in this case), for nothing. Human life, let me put that in a better way, LIFE itself is very important and we have no right to end it for our own agenda. There are specific cases where you want to die because of some disability, but those are rare cases.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Maelle View Post
    I did just get up but :

    He said all you would have to do is press a red button and someone whom you don't know will die. You will also get 1 million dollars in cash tax free. If you don't accept his offer he takes the box, simply leaves. Nothing will come back on you, someone whom you don't know would die.

    So basically that person is screwed anyway? So the choice is, take the money and the person dies or don't take the money and the person died. You might as well take the money as you can't save them, I would want someone to take the money if it was me going to die anyway XD

    If the person wouldn't die then of course not.
    I kinda repeated the last line so the people would get it. Let me make clear. If you press the button, someone whom you don't know will die. You will also get one million dollars in cash, tax free. If you don't push the button. Watch the video. It explains it in video and audio. I would personally explain it myself but they do much better job.

  6. #26
    Mechagnome suttie's Avatar
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    Yes, multiple times if possible.

  7. #27
    As much as I would like to say no, I'm just gonna be honest! YES, I'd push it! Though I'd probably regret it afterwards

  8. #28
    Please wait Temp name's Avatar
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    I'd most likely press it. Then press it again if it was allowed.
    First of all; I don't know the person who dies.
    Second of all; MONIEZ!

  9. #29
    Depends, if it's sure that nobody I know would die AND that whomever gets the deal next can't kill me or my loved ones AND I'm in a bad situation, I might.

    If any of those factors are not fully sure, then I would not.

  10. #30
    Nope. Never. Who could ever just kill somebody like that?

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Lyriok View Post
    So im viewing it as 100 lives > 1.
    And what if the person that died is some kind of Mother Teresa?
    ~Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.~
    ~Every damn thing you do in this life, you have to pay for.~

  12. #32
    At this point in time, i would not press the button.

    However if i was desperate then im not sure, the guilt would eat me up afterwards if i did though.

  13. #33
    I'd like to say no. I probably would though.

  14. #34
    Honestly, someone in the world died as I typed this and I didn't get any money for it. I would push the button seeing as this or any other person would be dead from natural causes or accidents that kill millions of people a year.

    Infact so many people die and are born a day, I could apply it to anything. Grabbed a bottle of water, someone died. Pushed a button on a soap dispenser, someone died. Sneezed, someone died.
    Last edited by Demox; 2012-09-08 at 07:53 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbazz View Post
    You're up in arms about something you never had and never knew you were going to have until more recent times, now you're pissed off because it turns out you might not get it, even though nobody ever actually said you were getting it anyway?
    Turns out painting a bunch of circles on the floor is all it takes to totally trivialize an encounter designed by Blizzard's dev team. I guess it must be pretty scary when your best work is broken down and utterly defeated by trigonometry.

  15. #35
    Since I'm a greedy selfish little bastard, I'd probably push the button before you can say 'You cruel son of a bitch!"
    Sweeter than yo mama's apple pie.

  16. #36
    Bloodsail Admiral Giants41's Avatar
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    No i wouldn't. Life is more important.
    Wow <3 Korra<3 Giants<3

  17. #37
    Maybe it's just me, but I think this is the third time I've seen this thread. There's just something about this movie (or twilight zone episode) that makes people want to make threads :P

    And, no, I wouldn't push the button. I know that I'll be the next person to die if I push it :P A lot of the people in this thread would be dead :P
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  18. #38
    Bloodsail Admiral Decagon's Avatar
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    I'd like to think that I wouldn't, but in reality, I know I would. I'd probably invest it all (slowly so that the police don't look into it) and I'd donate all my money to science and/or education when I die.

  19. #39
    High Overlord dPwnShop's Avatar
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    I would probably call the cop's to see if anyone is missing from the mental hospital. Then take his money.

  20. #40
    Titan vindicatorx's Avatar
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    god this topic again I guess we are running out of things to talk about. That and this video beats that other one.

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