1. #1

    [Stopwatch Script] old script, new game; Can't get it to function.

    The Script;

    /run f=CreateFrame("Frame") f:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED") f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self,event,...) if UnitName(select(1,...))==UnitName("player") and select(5,...)==1833 then Stopwatch_StartCountdown(0,0,22) Stopwatch_Play() end end

    this script was first used to time cheapshots DR using the stopwatch. If the spell failed it would not invoke the stopwatch, one of the key points i enjoyed about this script. the spell ID would be put in ==1833. the number been the spell ID.

    Currently whenever i try to change this to Leg Sweep or FoF i can not get it to function as intended. I would appreciate anyones help resolving this.

  2. #2
    There is a missing parenthese at the end of your script, or was that a typo or copypaste error?

  3. #3
    Could be the former. It's a stright copy from my macro, nothing missing. It worked fine in cata and but has since ceased in mists.

  4. #4
    I guess it's broke. I'll find another way around it.

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