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  1. #221
    TBC: Flying Mounts
    WOTLK :The way Arthas was mixed in the questing experience
    CATA: That it entertained me long enough to play until Blizzcon and get the year subscription so i could play MoP Beta that was a real convincer for me to join WoW on the live servers again (in other words...i hated cata)
    MoP:The look and feel of Pandaria

  2. #222
    - BC: Dark Portal event
    - Woltk: ICC
    - Cata: World broken
    - MoP: AMAZING soundtracks!

  3. #223
    BC: The Environments
    Wrath: The Environments
    Cata: The Environments
    MoP: Haven't played it yet

    To give a more interesting answer:

    BC: Arena, Heroics
    Wrath: LFD
    Cata: Transmog

  4. #224
    Quote Originally Posted by Manekk View Post
    TBC - Everything
    Rose colored glasses.

    World pvp was poorly done in TBC, attempted but poorly done. There was a lot of downtime in TBC the first week, moreso then wotlk/cat/mop. Daily quests were introduced, tons of people would consider that a step backwards. A whole patch was basically dedicated to in-game voice communication. What a waste of development effort and time, did anyone ever use it? Is it even still in the game? I honestly don't know. Jumping in and out of portals for 45 minutes just to spawn an instance and 30+ minute 2v2 queue times later in the expansion we're not fun and actually drove a few of my friends to quit who have never come back to the game.

    Yes it was arguably the most innovative and best expansion in wow's history but no not everything was awesome, lol.

  5. #225
    Dreadlord the0o's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Burning Crusade: Blood elfs
    Wrath of the Lich King: Death Knights / ICC Heroic
    Cataclysm: transmog / Crossrealm raids
    Mists of Pandaria: Monks

    "Humility defeats pride, Master Yang has preached. Pride defeats man"

  6. #226
    Burning Crusade: Heroics and Karazhan
    Wrath of the Lich King: Introduction of machinima cut scenes with Wrath Gate and proper use of phasing with Battle for Undercity
    Cataclysm: Transmogrification
    Mists of Pandaria: Too soon for me to decide what I'd name as my "good thing." So far I'm loving the expansion.

  7. #227
    BC: Addition of Arenas. Made WoW feel competitive and made me strive to be a better player
    Wrath: Ulduar best raid of all time no other raid did a better job of combining boss mechanics, story and graphics imo.
    Cataclysm: RBGs were a good addition to the game. Not too many good things to say about Cata though lol
    MoP: Questing was very impressive. In no other expansion do I think I was genuinely paying attention to what I was doing while questing.

  8. #228
    The Patient Goochy's Avatar
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    TBC: Flying mounts, otherwise it is my least favorite of the expansions.
    WOTLK: The environment (the zones were incredible and visually gorgeous, and to this day I can loop Grizzly Hills music and not get sick of it)
    Cata: Streamlining 10s and 25s so they gave equal level loot. I always loved 40 mans from vanilla, but 25s were bleh. Evening the playing field for 10s meant I could play in a raid solely of close and real life friends.
    MOP: Most enjoyable questing experience to date. Unlike in all of the other expansions, I actually had a great time leveling in Pandaria.

  9. #229
    Herald of the Titans BHD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pachycrocuta View Post
    Nope. Not the only one. I actually enjoyed those quests MUCH more than the shit that happened to the old world when Cataclysm happened. And I really really wish that there could be a switch that lets you choose between classic and cata 1-60. I would choose classic every time.
    I'd love to be able to quest through 1-60 vanilla-style. The new questing is just "meh".
    Cave Cave Deus Videt

  10. #230
    Elemental Lord sam86's Avatar
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    Just one thing?
    BC: Isle of Quel'Danas (pvp and pve-wise)
    Wrath : Story (I wish Arthas won in end even if it means our end)
    Cata: Single-play quests (sadly almost only good thing too...)
    MoP: Account wide achievements
    The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn
    Thrall 7:20+ "Alliance remaining super power", clearly blizz favor horde too much, that they made alliance the super power

  11. #231
    TBC - The raiding taken to a new level, especially Kara, SSC, TK and SWP.
    WotLK - Ulduar before the nerf hammer.
    Cataclysm - Reforge and LFR.
    MoP - So far I like the difficulty on the raids. It's not as easy as it has been in WoTLK and Cataclysm imo.

  12. #232
    Classic: 40 man raids
    TBC: world pvp and summoning stone
    Wotlk: naxx 25 jk... ICC
    Cata: old continent refresh
    MoP: GW2

  13. #233
    Quote Originally Posted by Zoneseek View Post
    Rose colored glasses.

    World pvp was poorly done in TBC, attempted but poorly done. There was a lot of downtime in TBC the first week, moreso then wotlk/cat/mop. Daily quests were introduced, tons of people would consider that a step backwards. A whole patch was basically dedicated to in-game voice communication. What a waste of development effort and time, did anyone ever use it? Is it even still in the game? I honestly don't know. Jumping in and out of portals for 45 minutes just to spawn an instance and 30+ minute 2v2 queue times later in the expansion we're not fun and actually drove a few of my friends to quit who have never come back to the game.

    Yes it was arguably the most innovative and best expansion in wow's history but no not everything was awesome, lol.
    Almost everything then, dailies do suck but I didn't mind back then cause I only had one toon and was very adamant I didn't want more, now that I have multiple 85+ toons I hate dailies more than anything even if it is easy money, the voicechat worked fine for small groups wich is all anyone every used it for so it's ok but sure not necessary at all, can't remember any downtime whatsoever but then again I had a completely diffrent schedule then and didn't play nearly as much as I do now so I probably was just lucky and missed it, mostly did 3v3 arenas and can't recall any overly long ques there so again lucky perhaps, and fighting over halaa was great I just loved that the others not so much but halaa was a highpoint for me.

    That's just the things you commented on but if you want to make a list of the good things it would cover the entire page.

  14. #234
    TBC: Nothing
    WotLK: Achievements
    Cata: The Cataclysm, lets face it, Vanilla sucked
    MoP: Pet Battles

    Honorable Mentions: Transmog, Farmville, Flying Mounts (though some could argue that it is detrimental to the game), Ulduar Lore, Pandaren, Worgen, and Goblin Glider (possibly the single coolest thing in the entire game!)

  15. #235
    Quote Originally Posted by Anoregon View Post
    You're missing the point. Those things you mentioned (transmog, etc) were included during a specific expansion, so they are counted as part of that expansion. The fact that the functionality extends beyond that expansion doesn't somehow invalidate that fact.
    The fact that at no point it required you to pay for the expansion should :x

  16. #236
    BC: Heroics, flying
    WotLK: LFD, WG
    Cata: LFR, transmog
    MoP: Too early to say

  17. #237
    Vanilla: Naxx
    BC: Sunwell and SSC
    Wotlk: Phasing, which was the stepping stone for more theatrical questing experiences
    Cata: 1-60 re-vamp
    MoP: Account-wide stuff

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