1. #1

    Boomkin Macro Help Pls

    I am hoping someone can help me make a macro, google searching has let me down.

    What I am hoping for is a macro that will shift me to cat form if I am in moonkin/astral form, but in all other forms (including boomkin and caster form) it will shift (powershift) me to boomkin. If someone can help me, that'd be awesome!

  2. #2
    To be honest I don't actually understand what you want, because first you want to shift to cat form when in moonkin form but also powershift when in moonkin form. It's like you would say you are on a crossroad and want to go right and left at the same time. So this would be simply impossible you have to chose what you want. You could do this with a modifier so whenever you use the modifier for instance Alt you will shift to cat form otherwise powershift to moonkin form.

    I give you two options, if none of these is what you expected please specify clearly what you did.
    1. Shift to cat form if in Moonkin form otherwise shift to moonkin form (the ! makes you unable to cancel the form, not really necessary here, makes it safe if you spam it)
    /cast [stance:5] !Cat Form; !Moonkin Form
    2. Shift to cat form if modifier Alt used AND in moonkin form, else powershift to moonkin form (the ! in front of moonkin form is needed, if you are in moonkin form it won't cancel it but powershift to it.)
    /cast [mod:Alt, stance:5] !Cat Form; !Moonkin Form
    PS. IF you use the treant glyph (for whatever reason) you have to change the stance:5 to stance:6 (because treant is the fifth stance/form and moonkin form becomes sixth)

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