1. #1

    Class Balancing and You!

    Blizzard has a hard job. A lot of multiplayer games have very linear combatants, Halo for example: Red Team and Blue Team. When Blue Team loses they cannot blame it on the colour of their armour. Each player has an semi-equal chance to get ahead in the combat by getting power ups or advanced munitions. This is definitively not the case with World of Warcraft, as i'm assured all of you know, and i'm beating a dead horse:

    Class balance is hard because of very simple reasons: a) Classes need to be diverse in order to convey a sense of variety and choice within the game.
    b) In order for classes to remain diverse they cannot have cut and paste abilities that all classes retain, but with a different name and ability picture stapled to them.
    c) Since classes retain incongruent abilities in order to appease a) and b) class balancification cannot be perfect.

    The point of this tirade (minus the angry-ness) is that classes are sometimes Over Powered, and that is a good, natural occurrence within a game that is always progressing, or evolving I should say. I guess what I really want to get out is this: YOU need to die sometimes within the game. Without you dying there is no class balance, the game would not be fun because no one is winning, because, in order to win, someone has to die, and that someone is you!

    When we play WoW we are one in a crowd, there are no shining stars (well there is, but you probably aren't one), no matter how much the stupid quests tell you: "Oh Palyplayer the Slayer, you amaze me with [insert Strength/Agility/Intellect], you have obviously been the victor of many great battles!," you are one of the millions that get told that. Oh, and to people that read this, you should also read the tl;dr (I hate those) because I wrote things in there that weren't in the above body of text.

    tl;dr: In order for games like this to be fun, someone needs to die (in the game). Instead of wining about it, learn to keep to yourself a little more and realize you need to learn greater skill, the players that beat you have probably done so.

  2. #2
    I think that the game lost 2 things that made it unbalanced and these are ( as i mentioned to another post) 1) the old time classic rotation about pvp (agility can beat intelect, intelect can beat plate, plate can beat agility) we saw DK a totally counter-caster class we saw mages beating rogues, the most complete rogue style class in all mmos atm its wow rogues and they cant kill a caster now but the used to kill plate users?(envenom...) yes it should give a chance to fight for every class vs class but atm we are really far from that, warriors have interupt silence cc warriors should hit hard and u should feel the pain but there is a difference btw a caster that is feared to cast freely cause of a rogue and is totally different for a caster to fear to cast freely cause of a warrior ( for me even writing this down its wierd by itself).I wont continue to this 1st reason cause i think most ppl will understand what i want to say. 2) I see that blizzard had a tough job, making all classes interesting lets face it they cant.Blizzard tryed to merged all same casters abilities with a trully good purpose, they didnt want to see (im talking most for pvp) 1 plate user class 1 agility user class 1 healer and 1 cloth class that they are the best in pvp thats why they wanted to merged the skill and spells from all classes so in wow pvp community there will be more that 1 class-spec even race. this 2nd reason lead us to my 1st when u give some new spells "copied" from other classes to a class that already has its spells and mechanics then u are playing with fire.Imagine a warlock having blink a mage having instant polly but polly wouldnt heal the target, or now in reallity see what warriors can do with their cc mechanics( ignore dmg im talking about other core abilities) rogues that atm they are complaining about their pvp style ( yes i unterstand them, everyclass has def mechanics instant heals-spells,cc etc EVERY SINGLE ONE). I hope (since my English are bad ) that i was quite understandable and i hope that blizzard will consider this 2 reason in order to make us all smile on our class again
    Last edited by akon; 2012-10-30 at 06:52 AM.

  3. #3
    So what is it you are saying exactly? That people shouldn't whine about overpowered classes/abilities or that they shouldn't whine about dying? Because if it's the latter you're arguing, then you're just creating a strawman for the sake of making this thread, since I don't see anyone whining about dying per se and if it's the former, well, clearly Blizzard themselves disagree with you judging by the latest patch notes.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Ripley6174 View Post
    So what is it you are saying exactly? That people shouldn't whine about overpowered classes/abilities or that they shouldn't whine about dying? Because if it's the latter you're arguing, then you're just creating a strawman for the sake of making this thread, since I don't see anyone whining about dying per se and if it's the former, well, clearly Blizzard themselves disagree with you judging by the latest patch notes.
    People that whine and whine about classes being OP, are whining because they are dying.
    I loss a lot in PvP, I don't post threads about how a class need to be nerfed though.

  5. #5
    i dont get it at all! What are you even trying to say, that we shouldnt post on a forum to cry? Ok? The game is FAR from balanced, it is a rather bad balance. Atleast betweeen alot of specs. Warrior, hunter is way over the top for example. And elemental is almost at the bottom if not on the bottom. Its a big big big BIG leap between these things.
    That is just one thing out of many which is really bad for the game, for the fun, for the balance. I dont get your point, its hard to balance a game, so overall blizzard is doing a good job? I think personally they are doing bad atm with mop release, lets see what 5.1 brings and personally again, i have hope but if we look at the past, the patch will not be very good

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