1. #1

    Fix the Bloat! Auction House add-on idea

    Hi all!

    So, I have an idea for an add-on but unfortunately I have no programming skill. I’m posting here to see if anyone would be willing to write an add-on or modify an existing add-on to include this functionality.

    Basically, the idea is that I want to be able to add items that I won’t use to an auto AH pricing and selling when I show up at the AH. For instance, when I’m running my new panda, who is an inscriptor and herbalist, I have items drop from random mobs such as low/mid level gems, herbs, cloths, ore, or even some enchanting mats from LFD disenchanting. There are even low level green or blue items that might be nice to others but not for me. I have every other profession and class max level so I have no need for any of these items but others might while they are trying to level.

    What I want to be able to do is look at the sell price that I would receive from just outright selling to a vendor and double (or whatever modifier I want to use) that price and create an auction when I visit the AH. I have no desire to try and work the AH to gain the most profit from each item, I have plenty of gold. I have noticed that the AH items for these low level items are so bloated that there is no chance of new characters being able to afford anything. For instance, when I am leveling my inscription, I create the glyphs that put up on the AH. I can see that the current auctions are around 100g and I still post mine about 10g with a 15g buyout for primary glyphs and 6g and 9g buyouts for minor glyphs.

    I was thinking about this when I went to put up a few aquamarine and the current auctions were about 12g per gem. I posted my 3 for 1g and a 1g50s buyout. I was thinking that there is probably some low level engineer, jewelcrafter, tailor, or blacksmith (if BSs use those gems… I don’t remember right now) that visited the AH and was probably very grateful that he/she could find 3 gems that were pretty affordable. The only ones able to afford the current outrageous prices are those that are switching professions that are max level and have plenty of gold to throw around.

    I believe that there this could help low level toons, give me a little incentive to post low level items and mats, and destroy some of the bloat in the AH now. Again, I know that there are those that work the AH for max profit and that’s fine, but that isn’t what I want to do. I don’t believe that I would steal any profit from others because I’m not overly farming mats and but it could be pretty useful as an addon.

    I’m thinking of the auto trash mods that automatically sell grey items and you can even add certain common items if you want. Is this a viable option? I know that Blizzard doesn’t want too much automation and I don’t want to violate the EULA but I would like a way to automate as much as I can. I’ll even press the ‘Create Auction’ button if I can have an auto price set.

    What do you think? Am I just being lazy? Is this a decent idea? I can’t imagine that this would be that difficult to do, I just don’t have the skill set to do it.

    Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

  2. #2
    AuctionLite, you can fiddle with sell settings to set it to have undercut current price by % or by flat amount. I have set mine that it always undercut lowest price by 1c. When you put item, it scans, set price and all you have to do is to press create (Blizzard does not allow to automate that anymore)

    Quote Originally Posted by Lich King
    "You speak of justice? Of cowardice? I will show you the justice of the grave... and the true meaning of fear."

  3. #3
    Yea, I've looked at that add-on before and I think it would be great if I was trying to get big profits. I'm not really interested in that. I only want to set a static price above the vendor that doesn't fluctuate with the current crazy prices. I look at the prices of items such as a stack of copper ore that sells on my AH currently for about 4g per stack. Really? 4g? Ridiculous! Especially as a new player that may need to buy some.

    I can sell those ore to a vendor for about 5c a piece or 1 silver a stack. I want to be able to walk into the AH and post my 10 or 12 or whatever I've gained for about 2 or three silver for my stack. Minimal profit for me, but affordable for players new. Think about some of the profession leveling that need leather such as tailoring and BSing. A stack of medium leather is selling on my AH for about 12g. How can I level my profession as a new player when I can't even afford to buy the mats that I don't generate? Hope for drops from mobs? Wait until I earn enough to purchase them and grow another 20 levels so that my professions are so far behind my level as to make the items created worthless? How many of us ever really crafted items that we used while leveling?

    Anymore the leveling is so fast that we can get to level 58 and head to BC while our crafting is hanging around in the 100s.

    Perhaps its not a problem. It was just a thought that I had. Especially when you look for some mats and there is nothing because low level items aren't being sold anymore.

  4. #4
    Ah, ok. I understand what you mean. Auctionlite does have X times vendor price if there are no items found at AH. I think it would be quite easy to override its current behavior and force it to always use x times vendor price no matter if items are found or not. I will take a look into code when I'm back home.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lich King
    "You speak of justice? Of cowardice? I will show you the justice of the grave... and the true meaning of fear."

  5. #5
    You're the best! Thank you in advance!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Azmordis View Post
    You're the best! Thank you in advance!
    Sorry that it took me so long but I wasn't able to use my own pc
    Anyway here it is:
    Open up WoW Folder > Interface > Addons > AuctionLite
    Find SellFrame.lua

    Replace code that starts at line 480
      if result ~= nil and result.price > 0 then
        itemValue = result.price;
        if result.priceIsMine then
          allowUndercut = false;
        if self.db.profile.printPriceData then
          self:ShowPriceData(link, itemValue, SellSize:GetNumber());
        self:SetStatus(L["|cff00ff00Scanned %d listings.|r"]:
        local hist = self:GetHistoricalPrice(link);
        if hist ~= nil and hist.price > 0 then
          itemValue = hist.price;
          self:SetStatus(L["|cffffd000Using historical data.|r"]);
          local _, _, count, _, _, vendor = GetAuctionSellItemInfo();
          local mult = self.db.profile.vendorMultiplier;
          itemValue = mult * vendor / count;
          self:SetStatus(L["|cffff0000Using %.3gx vendor price.|r"]:
        allowUndercut = false;

      local useOnlyVendor = true;
      if useOnlyVendor then
          self:Print(L["Warning! Using only X times vendor prices."]);
      if not useOnlyVendor and result ~= nil and result.price > 0 then
        itemValue = result.price;
        if result.priceIsMine then
          allowUndercut = false;
        if self.db.profile.printPriceData then
          self:ShowPriceData(link, itemValue, SellSize:GetNumber());
        self:SetStatus(L["|cff00ff00Scanned %d listings.|r"]:
        local hist = self:GetHistoricalPrice(link);
        if not useOnlyVendor and hist ~= nil and hist.price > 0 then
          itemValue = hist.price;
          self:SetStatus(L["|cffffd000Using historical data.|r"]);
          local _, _, count, _, _, vendor = GetAuctionSellItemInfo();
          local mult = self.db.profile.vendorMultiplier;
          itemValue = mult * vendor / count;
          self:SetStatus(L["|cffff0000Using %.3gx vendor price.|r"]:
        allowUndercut = false;
    I have added local variable there called useOnlyVendor where you can toggle true/false, if you need to use auctionlite normally. I hope it suits your needs

    Quote Originally Posted by Lich King
    "You speak of justice? Of cowardice? I will show you the justice of the grave... and the true meaning of fear."

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