I seem to have forgotten the name of a few movies and it is really bothering me. I haven't seen this movies for lets say ten years.
The first one is about a woman who is wandering in tall grass and gets bitten by a snake. The second was about two kids who fall into a hole in there backyard and no one can find them but when they are found it's all about how they are rescued. The third is about a family and I think it was a man who has two kids and gets remarried and the lady and him have a child together. When the child is born the lady won't let the other two children near it and comes to the point where she pulls a gun out and either gets shot by the husband or kills the baby. And the last one is a boy falls off a jungle gym and hits his head. When they turn him over he has a light coming from his head. I think also in this movie an older woman chases a child across a busy street but gets hit by a car. I know these aren't very detailed but if you know any of them a response would be lovely (: