<Open Vaults> is a laid back guild, for people who enjoy all aspects of the game. We're not clueless, we're not hardcore...somewhere in the middle. Anyone of any level, class, or spec, is welcome to join our easygoing atmosphere. Guild dungeon runs? We do that. Wanna go stab some alliance? We do that sometimes...some more than others. Want to try and get every Achievement in the game? Not a bad activity during downtime. It can be fun. Want to catch all the battle pets and be the very best like there never was? Well...to each their own.

As soon as we get enough people up to 90, we will begin tackling the Pandaria raid scene.

Basically, we play the game to have fun. This is not a second (or first) job to us, it is a hobby. Something we enjoy doing. It's a game, treat it as such.

We are willing to help you. Be it with group quests, that one specific item that would go GREAT with your transmog set, getting the few final pieces to bump your item level up so you are eligible for raid finder...whatever the case may be. That being said...we are NOT here to do all the work for you. While we are willing to help, everything has its limits. If you have questions regarding gearing choices, reforging options, what enchants are best for your given spec/talent, ask away! Many of us have been playing for quite a while, and have experimented with all class and spec combinations. We're even pretty good at some of them! So if you want to know something about your character and/or how to play it, just ask!

With respects to the guild bank and permissions. It's simple really. The more you contribute to the guild bank, the more you will be allowed to withdraw from the guild bank. Everyone is allowed to use guild bank funds to repair. For the lower ranked "Newbies" in the guild, if you would like something out of the guild bank to help level a profession (of a character that is in the guild), simply ask one of the higher ranked members to pull it out for you. They will do so as they see fit.

We're also looking forward to doing low level raiding!!!!