1. #1

    DBM pull timer with prepot warning

    Hello people. My question is fairly simple. Is it possible to add customized message to dbm pull timer? Let's say I make a 7 seconds pull timer for boss and when there is 2 seconds left I want it to say "Prepot" instead of "2". I wasn't able to find any information related to this, nor an addon. Helps would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    I don't see how useful this would be. Players should already know when to prepot themselves, and I doubt those that don't do it would start doing it or even notice that it said "Prepot" instead of "2" if it's possible.

    You could just make two timers, one for pulling(7 sec) and one for prepot(5 sec) and put them in a macro.

  3. #3
    What tellytop said... but, if you don't know how to make custom timers...:

    /dbm pull 7
    /dbm broadcast timer 0:05 Pre-pot

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