1. #1

    Kgpanels bugging!

    Hello there people, i've been using kgpanels for a while now, and today i was going to make a new layout for my ui, so i made the frames for it, it worked like always. But when i reload the ui, the panels dissapear.

    I've tryed to reinstall the addon and deleted the saved variables, and it still doesn't work. So i don't know what else to do.

    Hope you guys have a solution!

    Kind regards, Nezuc.

  2. #2
    Can't think of anything else besides parenting the frames to something that wasn't there after the reload.
    Damage meter,raid frames etc.
    Or that you didn't save the panels after you made them.
    Tho if you don't manage to fix it soon,i would suggest to give http://www.wowinterface.com/download...itePanels.html a try.
    You won't struggle with pixel or blurred borders if so.
    This is one simple example i am using(Saved as: Layout.lua):
    lpanels:CreateLayout("UfBar", {
    -- Your original black bar panel
    {    name = "Bar", anchor_to = "BOTTOM", y_off = 11,
            bg_alpha = 0.1, width = 520, height = 71,
            border = "SOLID", border_color = "0 0 0",
    {    name = "StatsLeft", anchor_to = "BOTTOM", y_off = 28, x_off = -358,
            bg_alpha = 0.1, width = 198, height = 29,
            border = "SOLID", border_color = "0 0 0",
    {    name = "StatsRight", anchor_to = "BOTTOM", y_off = 28, x_off = 358,
            bg_alpha = 0.1, width = 198, height = 29,
            border = "SOLID", border_color = "0 0 0",
    {    name = "Chat", anchor_to = "BOTTOM", y_off = 28, x_off = -680,
            bg_alpha = 0.1, width = 375, height = 230,
            border = "SOLID", border_color = "0 0 0",
    {	name = "ChatRight", anchor_to = "BOTTOM", y_off = 28, x_off = 680,
            bg_alpha = 0.1, width = 375, height = 230,
            border = "SOLID", border_color = "0 0 0",
    {    name = "Raid", parent = "CompactRaidGroupHeaderSubGroup1", anchor_to = "TOPLEFT", y_off = 11, x_off = -11,
            bg_alpha = 0.1, width = 190, height = 280,
            border = "SOLID", border_color = "0 0 0",
    {    name = "HoH", parent = "HoH_Frame", anchor_to = "CENTER", y_off = 0, x_off = 0,
            bg_alpha = 0.1, width = 181, height = 66,
            border = "SOLID", border_color = "0 0 0",
    {    name = "Bar", parent = "CastingBarFrame", anchor_to = "CENTER", y_off = -1, x_off = 0,
            bg_alpha = 0.1, width = 519, height = 28,
            border = "SOLID", border_color = "0 0 0",
    }); lpanels:ApplyLayout(nil, "UfBar")
    ALso some more(Not mine):
    lpanels:CreateLayout("UfBar", {
        -- Left mid-section of the box
        {   name = "BoxL",
            anchor_to = "BOTTOM",
            width = 500,        height = 60,
            x_off = -500/2,        y_off = 20,
            gradient = "H",
            bg_color = "0 0 0",    gradient_color = "0 0 0",
            bg_alpha = 0,        gradient_alpha = 0.2,
        -- Right mid-section
        {   name = "BoxR",
            anchor_to = "BOTTOM",
            width = 500,        height = 60,
            x_off = 500/2,        y_off = 20,
            gradient = "H",
            bg_color = "0 0 0",    gradient_color = "0 0 0",
            bg_alpha = 0.2,        gradient_alpha = 0.0,
        -- Top Left gradient line
        {   name = "LineTL",
            parent = "BoxL",    anchor_to = "TOP",
            width = "100%",        height = 1,
            gradient = "H",
            bg_color = "0 0 0",    gradient_color = "0 0 0",
            bg_alpha = 0,        gradient_alpha = 0.8,
        -- Top right line
        {   name = "LineTR",
            parent = "BoxR",    anchor_to = "TOP",
            width = "100%",        height = 1,
            gradient = "H",
            bg_color = "0 0 0",    gradient_color = "0 0 0",
            bg_alpha = 0.8,        gradient_alpha = 0,
        -- Bottom Left gradient line
        {   name = "LineBL",
            parent = "BoxL",    anchor_to = "BOTTOM",
            width = "100%",        height = 1,
            gradient = "H",
            bg_color = "0 0 0",    gradient_color = "0 0 0",
            bg_alpha = 0,        gradient_alpha = 0.8,
        -- Bottom right line
        {   name = "LineBR",
            parent = "BoxR",    anchor_to = "BOTTOM",
            width = "100%",        height = 1,
            gradient = "H",
            bg_color = "0 0 0",    gradient_color = "0 0 0",
            bg_alpha = 0.8,        gradient_alpha = 0,
       -- FPS
        {   name = "FPS", parent = "BoxL",
            anchor_to="TOP", anchor_from="Left",
            y_off = -28, x_off = 60,
              -- fps
              local fps = floor(GetFramerate())
              return fps.."|cffffd700FPS|r"
             end, update = 1,
             size=12, shadow=2, font = "Interface\\AddOns\\LitePanels\\media\\FRIZQT__.ttf",
       -- Latency
        {   name = "LATENCY", parent = "BoxL",
            anchor_to="TOP", anchor_from="Right",
            y_off = -28, x_off = 0,
              -- latency
              local latency = select(3,GetNetStats())
              return latency.."|cffffd700MS|r"
             end, update = 1,
             size=12, shadow=2, font = "Interface\\AddOns\\LitePanels\\media\\FRIZQT__.ttf",
       -- durability
        {   name = "durability", parent = "BoxR",
            anchor_to="TOP", anchor_from="Right",
            y_off = -28, x_off = -60,
              -- durability
              local durability = 100
              for i = 1, 11 do
              if GetInventoryItemDurability(i) ~= nil then
              local dur, max = GetInventoryItemDurability(i)
              local perc = dur / max * 100
              if perc < durability then durability = floor(perc) end
              return durability.."|cffffd700%|r"
             end, update = 1,
             size=12, shadow=2, font = "Interface\\AddOns\\LitePanels\\Media\\FRIZQT__.ttf",
    }); lpanels:ApplyLayout(nil, "UfBar")
    lpanels:CreateLayout("UfBar", {
    -- Your original black bar panel
    {    name = "Bar", anchor_to = "BOTTOM", y_off = 11,
            bg_alpha = 0.1, width = 520, height = 71,
            border = "SOLID", border_color = "0 0 0",
    {    name = "StatsLeft", anchor_to = "BOTTOM", y_off = 28, x_off = -358,
            bg_alpha = 0.1, width = 198, height = 29,
            border = "SOLID", border_color = "0 0 0",
    {    name = "StatsRight", anchor_to = "BOTTOM", y_off = 28, x_off = 358,
            bg_alpha = 0.1, width = 198, height = 29,
            border = "SOLID", border_color = "0 0 0",
    {    name = "Chat", anchor_to = "BOTTOM", y_off = 28, x_off = -680,
            bg_alpha = 0.1, width = 375, height = 230,
            border = "SOLID", border_color = "0 0 0",
    {	name = "ChatRight", anchor_to = "BOTTOM", y_off = 28, x_off = 680,
            bg_alpha = 0.1, width = 375, height = 230,
            border = "SOLID", border_color = "0 0 0",
    {    name = "Raid", parent = "CompactRaidGroupHeaderSubGroup1", anchor_to = "TOPLEFT", y_off = 11, x_off = -11,
            bg_alpha = 0.1, width = 190, height = 280,
            border = "SOLID", border_color = "0 0 0",
    {    name = "HoH", parent = "HoH_Frame", anchor_to = "CENTER", y_off = 0, x_off = 0,
            bg_alpha = 0.1, width = 200, height = 64,
            border = "SOLID", border_color = "0 0 0",
    {    name = "Bar", parent = "CastingBarFrame", anchor_to = "CENTER", y_off = -1, x_off = 0,
            bg_alpha = 0.1, width = 519, height = 28,
            border = "SOLID", border_color = "0 0 0",
     -- FPS
    {   name = "FPS", parent = "StatsLeft",
            anchor_to="Bottom", anchor_from="Left",
            y_off = -8, x_off = 40,
              -- fps
              local fps = floor(GetFramerate())
              return fps.."|cffffd700FPS|r"
             end, update = 1,
             size=12, outline=0, font = "Interface\\AddOns\\LitePanels\\media\\FRIZQT__.ttf",
    	-- Latency
    {   name = "LATENCY", parent = "StatsLeft",
            anchor_to="Bottom", anchor_from="Left",
            y_off = -8, x_off = 130,
              -- latency
              local latency = select(3,GetNetStats())
              return latency.."|cffffd700MS|r"
             end, update = 1,
             size=12, outline=0, font = "Interface\\AddOns\\LitePanels\\media\\FRIZQT__.ttf",
    	 -- durability
    {   name = "durability", parent = "StatsRight",
            anchor_to="Bottom", anchor_from="Right",
            y_off = -8, x_off = -40,
              -- durability
              local durability = 100
              for i = 1, 11 do
              if GetInventoryItemDurability(i) ~= nil then
              local dur, max = GetInventoryItemDurability(i)
              local perc = dur / max * 100
              if perc < durability then durability = floor(perc) end
              return durability.."|cffffd700%|r"
             end, update = 1,
             size=12, outline=0, font = "Interface\\AddOns\\LitePanels\\Media\\FRIZQT__.ttf",
    	 -- Memory
    {   name = "Membory", parent = "StatsRight",
            anchor_to="Bottom", anchor_from="RIGHT",
            y_off = -8, x_off = -130,
              -- memory
              local memory = 0
              for i = 1, GetNumAddOns() do
              if IsAddOnLoaded(i) then
              memory = memory + GetAddOnMemoryUsage(i)
              local memory = format("%.1f", memory/1024)
              return memory.."|cffffd700MB|r"
             end, update = 1,
             size=12, outline=0, font = "Interface\\AddOns\\LitePanels\\media\\FRIZQT__.ttf",
    }); lpanels:ApplyLayout(nil, "UfBar")

  3. #3
    I've been messing around with it since last night, and i finally got it to work! But thanks alot for the reply Louna!

    Gonna try your code anyways =)

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