1. #5021
    Keyboard Turner
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Harstad. Norway
    I want this mount, so I`m replying to the post
    if I don`t win the mount, I`ll be sader than most

  2. #5022
    Priest Changes look promising. Hope Shadowword Insanity will geht totally redesigned, not just adjusments.
    And I'like the Windsteed Good Luck everyone!

  3. #5023
    Good luck everybody

  4. #5024
    Give teh Mount

  5. #5025
    Posting for the giveaway.

  6. #5026
    woot another giveaway event!

  7. #5027
    I want a cloud goat for my space goat pretty please ^^

  8. #5028
    Armored OP Goat? Yes, please!

  9. #5029
    a mount would be nice

  10. #5030
    Sweet mother...

    Flying goat


  11. #5031
    I have to admit that I don't know where I stand on the amount of Dailies / time factor. I have had very limited time to play this expansion so it is nice to be able to come online and always have something to work towards. I do have to admit that I felt a little overwhelmed when I first hit 90 and had no idea which faction dailies I should start to work on but now I just pick a faction and work on them until they are exalted, afterwards just moving on to the next.

    PS - My Entry for the give away.

  12. #5032
    Replying in the abysmal chance that I am chosen to win the cloud goat.

  13. #5033
    Mount please!

  14. #5034
    I could use Swift Windsteed Mount in my collection.

  15. #5035
    wouldn't mind a goat

  16. #5036
    I'd like a mount please.

  17. #5037
    1 / 5000 chances im preety sure ashes will drop sooner than ill win something on curse

  18. #5038
    its ugly but i want it

  19. #5039
    Could use a new mount to satisfy my collection desires

  20. #5040
    I'd like to win the Wingsteed looks really cool

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