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  1. #101
    MoP has the most enjoyable questing experience to date. I would sometimes refuse to queue for dungeons while leveling and finish all the quests in one zone before moving onto the next.
    The new talent system is probably the smartest thing to come out of this game.
    Player housing is a waste of resources. Guild housing is a bit more viable.
    We should have magic, metal constructs (don't wanna say robots) as a playable race, as well as dragon-men. Preferably in the same expansion.
    Lord Rhyolith is the coolest-looking boss in the game so far.

  2. #102
    Not a big fan of Pandaria's chinese influence it doesnt feel like Warcraft
    Always hated Org and not a big fan of new SW
    CRZ is great and one of Blizzards best ideas in MoP
    None of the Faction Leaders are interesting to me
    Undead starting zone, the first time you play it is a heavenly experience and the only good one
    I only care about warlocks, dont care in the slightest about others classes
    Horde is infinitely more interesting than Alliance
    MoP other than the style of pandaria is the best WoW expansion has ever been
    Despise outland, best continent by far is Northrend
    Lich King was the best character in the history of WoW
    PvP should be prioritized as much as PvE

  3. #103
    Herald of the Titans Orangetai420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kilperch View Post
    Chris Metzen is terrible at his job.
    I thought this was a popular opinion.

    An unpopular opinion would be: I wish Jay Wilson would take GC's spot :P (I don't actually wish this!)

    CRZ is awesome.
    Flying mounts suck.
    Getting ganked is a good thing, wpvp is a good thing - the world should be dangerous and scary at all levels. care bears ruin the game.
    KZ should never, ever, ever be rehashed. (it is perfect as is! if anything give us KZ part 2 - the underside)
    Last edited by Orangetai420; 2013-02-25 at 03:26 PM.
    MMO-C, home of the worst community on the internet.

  4. #104
    After doing the quests again in Kun Lai I have another one...

    Lei Shen is more interesting than the Lich King.

  5. #105
    I hate Troll, Troll Lore, Troll Raid, Troll dungeons
    when a patch about a Troll raid is coming out, it's gonna be a bad day

  6. #106
    Rogues and Mages need PvP buffs.

  7. #107
    Legendary! Lord Pebbleton's Avatar
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    -Illidan sucks and i cannot see why everyone loves him.
    -I wish they brought Arthas back.
    -Dread Wastes is a terrible zone.
    -Mulgore is the best place in the entire game, even better than Algalon's room and the Maelstrom.
    -Cairne had my vote to be the new Warchief after Garrosh. Still cannot see why they HAD to kill him.
    -I find Sylvanas to be uninteresting and useless. I also believe most players like her just because she has boobs and Garrosh hasn't.
    -They should leave everything they're doing and continue Bronzebeards' lore.
    -I'll never make a pandaren because i don't think they belong to the Warcraft universe, along with the asian themed buildings. However, i enjoy MoP and i do not feel forced to make a thread about how i dislike them.
    -World PvP is atrocious.
    -Flying mounts are awesome. If you want to explore the world, get on your 60% speed mount without buying any more skill and go around SLOOOOOOOWLY.
    -Cross Realm Zones are a pain in the ass. I'll never find a Scourged Hatchling, yay.

  8. #108
    World PVP is the most fun thing you can do ingame.

    Prince Malchezaar's Random infernals were real fun XD (Karazan's last boss)
    Ghostlands is the best zone ingame.

    Silvermoon is the bes the city of all time. (well it was for me during TBC when you didnt had mail boxes, acution houses, etc in every corner back than it was my favorite because from the mage portal to the Batlemasters to queue for arena or BGs to the AH to the BS or eng trainers to the mail to the class trainer it was the best city to do that )

    I wish LFG and LFR were never born :X

    I wish there were no epics out side of raiding or crafted with raid mats or PVP.

    I wish PVE gear was banned from Rated PVP (maybe this one is that that unpopular)

  9. #109
    PvE is a test of patience with others, not your own skill. Boooooring.

  10. #110
    Mages will always be OP.

  11. #111
    Titan Maxilian's Avatar
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    Are you guys being sarcastic or not?

  12. #112
    - Classic's community sucked and consisted of a bunch of elitist jerks.
    - Outland was/is the most horrible, ugly place ever, except for Nagrand.
    - Draenei females have broken backs and are not sexy.
    - Karazhan was fun, the first 3 times. Then it was just boring and too long.
    - Auctionator is the best addon ever.

  13. #113
    Bloodsail Admiral Seregon's Avatar
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    Wrath of the Lich King was a great expansion!
    I don't like the "you need to gear up through all the tiers to see current content"-model.
    I hate that 5.2 LFR gear has higher itemlevel than 5.1 normal mode gear.
    I wish mount meta achievements didn't require heroic modes.

    Also I'd like to add a short digression; why do people assume all characters in WoW lore are straight? When people ask for a gay character I don't understand that request, because for all I know there are loads of characters that might be gay. The straight characters don't seem to have a need to explicitly state their sexual preference, so I don't see why gay characters would need to either.

  14. #114
    I enjoyed T5 and T11 a lot.

  15. #115
    I like garrosh, and while i don't agree with his direction, i stand by him. I hate that they're turning him into a villain just because of pansies not wanting war. he leveled a city? so what? It's a fucking game, it's not atrocious, i would never kill a cat IRL and the very first quest as a belf is to kill a bunch of them.

    I think TBC was boring, too hard, too inaccessible and i hate almost all of outland

    While i don't necessarily like doing dailies (everyday), i do like that they're a part of the game.

    Lore'themar rules

    I love CRZ

    I think it's ok for PVPers to have to do some PVE and viceversa

    If you take nostalgia away from the equation, the game is at its best: content and gameplay wise
    Last edited by Qly; 2013-02-25 at 04:18 PM.

  16. #116
    Herald of the Titans Orangetai420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gingerlemon View Post
    PvE is a test of patience with others, not your own skill. Boooooring.
    This is so very true. Scripted fights are hard amirite?
    MMO-C, home of the worst community on the internet.

  17. #117
    Confession bear druid time,

    I miss Vanilla, TBC, and to an extent WotLK days, but it's really just because I was way better geared than the majority around me back then.
    I think heroic raid modes are horrible design, especially now that people can "see the content" in LFR.
    I kind of legitimately like male blood elves, including their fighting animations, but I don't play them.
    The idea of fourth speccs becoming a thing now is really dimwitted and awful.
    Race/class restrictions are awesome regardless of lore.
    I just hate CRZ and think that merging servers is an amazingly better idea.
    I think it's plain stupid to play on a PvP server unless you seriously want to just world PvP all the time.
    I miss when people would talk in party literally all the time about stupid shit.
    I liked pre-LFD when people in groups would argue but not want to quit because it wasn't trivial to find groups. So they had to hang out in a group pissed off at someone but they wouldn't want to leave or have the party leader kick them. It was more interesting.
    And my biggest confession, I think Thrall is really awesome and should take his place back as Warchief, and everyone would just be chill with that and they'd high five. I don't care that it's horrible story. Sometimes things happen in real life that have a horrible story. Not everything has to have an awesome plot.

  18. #118
    There is no point to leveling in this game. Doing quests does not teach people how to do endgame dungeons or pvp.

    We complain that there isn't enough to do, but really the game is built to artificially devalue content. Content which will then be delivered to us again at the new level cap for no significant reason. There is zero difference between running a dungeon now and running a dungeon in the past. I will still do it for hours on end.

  19. #119
    Zul'Aman was one of the worst raid ever made.
    Goblin starting zone sucks.
    Howling Fjord and Grizzly Hills are very boring. Pre-Cata Desolace was better (however they have beautiful music)
    I like the idea of CRZ.
    I hate troll raids / zones / dungeons, it's always the same "voodoo shit".
    Boss tactics in ToC were actually very interesting !
    I can't stand hozen, and their music drives me nuts.

  20. #120
    There isn't a thread on a wow fansite about hipsters making generalizations about wow.

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