1. #1

    [US] Politicians vote against bill then claim they voted for it


    Rep Bachman, Rep Tim Griffin, Rep Steve King, Rep Vicky Hartzler, and Rep Tim Walberg (Probably no relation to Marky-Mark.) all voted against the renewing the Violence Against Women Act. They have now released statements claiming they voted for the act and are pleased that it passed with their support.

    Shouldn't there be some sort of repercussion for straight up lying about how you voted?

    Here is the actual voting record, btw -> http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2013/roll055.xml

  2. #2
    I wish there are repercussions, but it's hard to see how there would be any...

    Also I don't know about the others but isn't Steve King pretty much a compulsive liar?

  3. #3
    Isn't "compulsive liar" a synonym for "politician" nowadays?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Butler Log View Post
    Isn't "compulsive liar" a synonym for "politician" nowadays?
    Silly, they're only liars when they don't have your views. It doesn't matter that they all lie compulsively, what matters is if their lies support your ideology or not.

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