1. #1

    Explain to me FPS, Consoles and Keyboards

    Like I don't know shit about fuck because I actually don't: I recently bought and Xbox and my previous console was a ( no kidding) Sega Megadrive.

    I see that you can't use Kb+mouse in BF2042 and although you can use in CoD:MW2 I read many opinions ( right or wrong) that controller is better because there's this thing called Aim Assist ( that I don't exactly know what it is but I guess it's what literally says) that makes it better.

    Is kb+mouse not supported in some FPS because is unfair advantage or something?
    Should I use controller or keyboard?
    What do good players use?
    Is it just a matter of what makes you feel more comfortable?

  2. #2
    Use whatever you want and is supported
    My nickname is "LDEV", not "idev". (both font clarification and ez bait)

    yall im smh @ ur simplified english

  3. #3
    I'm not the biggest FPS player admittedly so grain of salt, but I'm pretty confident in saying that mouse and keyboard is going to result in a higher skill ceiling. Personally I prefer it, but if controller is all the game allows, then it is what it is.

    I think most games tend to add aim assist to help controller users against mouse and keyboard because the reaction/accuracy difference between the two, although I'll say the first game I played and actually felt the difference was Overwatch 2, the aim nearly snaps onto a character if you're close enough. That's probably just due to how much I've played Overwatch though in the first place.

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