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  1. #241
    Quote Originally Posted by Firefly33 View Post
    Really, when I played dps, I have no issue with tanks being above me. I just do not see the issue. Tank dps =/= dpsers dps. I do not compare myself with tanks if I play DPS, and couldnt care less if tanks do twice my dps. Current system makes tank dps relevant any makes which buttons a tank push other than his survival buttons matter, further differenting a bad tank from a good tank making a tanks player skill more important. I see no reason why to change this just so the dps that butthurt over tanks being above them on some fights.

    Another question is, why should tanks be below dpsers on dps? Not saying they should do more really, but tanks should do enough for it to matter in the raid group, and really see no benefit of tanks doing trivial dps as they have been doing in previous expansions.
    You do remember my first message? It is ok with tanks competing against dd. It is actually nice, every bit of damage helps a lot. It is no good when tanks compete with healers, because it is not very much fun when you min/max your gear all the time and perfect your playing as a healer, and you still have some tank doing as much healing as you do with his god damn passive abilities. Is it so hard to understand? Passive. Abilities. Still no clue? He just hits the boss, AND heal the raid as much as you do. Just while hitting the boss. It is absurd. Would you like me playing as a healer, healing my raid while tanking/surviving boss hits and doing #1 on dps? Or maybe you'd like me playing rogue, doing top healing with passive offhand poison procs and tanking the boss with passive mainhand poison procs? I seriously doubt it, because it is absurd. Then why do you defend the same absurd on tanks (actually, one tank, pink one) here?
    It is not about topping dps meters. It is about topping dps AND healing meters both.

  2. #242
    Quote Originally Posted by Firefly33 View Post
    Really, when I played dps, I have no issue with tanks being above me. I just do not see the issue. Tank dps =/= dpsers dps. I do not compare myself with tanks if I play DPS, and couldnt care less if tanks do twice my dps. Current system makes tank dps relevant any makes which buttons a tank push other than his survival buttons matter, further differenting a bad tank from a good tank making a tanks player skill more important. I see no reason why to change this just so the dps that butthurt over tanks being above them on some fights.

    Another question is, why should tanks be below dpsers on dps? Not saying they should do more really, but tanks should do enough for it to matter in the raid group, and really see no benefit of tanks doing trivial dps as they have been doing in previous expansions.
    This is my argument against it, it's a matter of relative importance. To a degree meters don't matter, but to a degree they really do. For instance, let's pretend you are a one-man loot council for your guild in charge of allocating gear to where it will serve the raid the best (obviously, we're going to take drama, favoritism, and recruit and veteran status out of the equation for now) - for instance a tier token. (Yes I understand that there's more to raid than loot, but this is my "litmus test" for how important a player is to the raid group - how much you want to stack loot on him over others). So here goes the general line of logic:

    Give it to the tank: You get more tank stability
    Give it to the healer: You get more raid stability
    Give it to the DPS: You get more DPS.

    Now, what if the tank is doing at minimum about what a DPS does, and at maximum, like 2-3x a DPS. Now he's become 2-3x more important since you get more tank stability, more raid stability (due to some group healing), AND your raid's DPS actually scales almost 2-3x as much as if you gave the gear to the DPS!

    Basically, even before tanks did 2-3x the DPS of a DPS player, a tank was already a very important member of a group, I'm sure you and I can't deny that fact, nor am I saying that a tank shouldn't be an important member of the group. But now he's basically just grown relatively in importance, 1-2 people out of 25, even more than he already was. Considering at the end of the day the tank, just like the other group members, is a person playing a character, I don't find that a good thing.

  3. #243
    Quote Originally Posted by clampy View Post
    Not sure why that matters. It just means that they only had to heal him 30% of the time (a lot of which was probably accidental smart heals and not direct heals) and focus on everyone else in the raid.

    Actually it matters, cause
    A) most people thing BH is the reason they have so high hps number
    B) it really doenst mean the only had to heal him for 30% of the time.
    C) A paladin, takes the dmg which is either absorbed(which is their main heal in the logs) or he hast to heal it back up.
    D) Just cause Tanks A heals more than Tank B doenst mean Tank A didnt take more dmg then TankB he just healed more.
    E) Paladins have no AM or spell that increases their dodge/parry. SotR is a pure DMG reduction, with about 40-50% uptime, on a NH geared Paladin, with about 45% dmg reduction. So 50% of the fight they have to absorb the dmg or heal it back up. Dont know about the rest but, passive mitigation is 10% higher on druids or warriors than on a Paladin.

    So if you take that selfheal or nerf it slightly palas will get destroyed.

    @DPS, on how many fights are tanks above dps?
    -On jinrokh dps should be ahead,
    -horridon dps are ahead(btw this is the only fight where BH is really op and heals alot).
    -council normally dps and tanks are almost the same, depends on how you do it. Warrior really high dps on that fight if you tank all three together.
    -Tortos. Tanks win here.
    -Megaera: I dont really see a point in bringing only one tank(bringing one tank only should make the fight alot easier which is not the case on that boss) so dps always ahead.
    - Jikun; DPS
    -Durumu: Two tanking, dps ahead. 1 tank almost the same except if you HoP at high lvls to get extra Vengeance but will mostlikely have to take a third
    -primordious, dps ahead.
    -ironqon: tank if only one tank.
    -twins: dps

    Only taking one tank doenst always mean dps increase, Two tanks on durumu with two healers will do almost the same dps as having 1 tank and 1 extra dps, even if you still only need two healers. the other tanks dps will not doubled, and me as a druid taking the boss with incarnation, than letting the other tank taunt again. specing HotW. The dmg you gain in NH is minor.

    On NH atleast the tank beeing nr1 alot will change once dps get that good gear

    Quote Originally Posted by voidspark View Post

    Now, what if the tank is doing at minimum about what a DPS does, and at maximum, like 2-3x a DPS. Now he's become 2-3x more important since you get more tank stability, more raid stability (due to some group healing), AND your raid's DPS actually scales almost 2-3x as much as if you gave the gear to the DPS!
    No tank does 2-3x the dmg a dps does, not on any current fight.

    And giving the tank gear, will not raise his dps as much as if it would have gone to a dps. Infact due to Vengeance mechanics, haven better gear lets you take less dmg gives you less vengeance (yeah its minor i know).
    For paladins AM ist dps. they dont need to use their main ressources to get extra dmg and loose AM for that. Monks and druids do more dps than palas. All three of them are very strong at dps. Still mainly cause the have are hit/expcapped, and have hast/crit as stats. Still a protpala doess 70-80%of his dmg through vengeance where druids and monks only 50-60%. Giving them gear will not raise their dps (you will not even notice it compared to dps) just the survivability. Also the healing scales with vengeance also, still healers will get more hps out of new items than tanks.
    Last edited by Viromand; 2013-05-03 at 11:52 AM.

  4. #244
    Quote Originally Posted by Viromand View Post
    Actually it matters, cause
    A) most people thing BH is the reason they have so high hps number
    B) it really doenst mean the only had to heal him for 30% of the time.
    C) A paladin, takes the dmg which is either absorbed(which is their main heal in the logs) or he hast to heal it back up.
    D) Just cause Tanks A heals more than Tank B doenst mean Tank A didnt take more dmg then TankB he just healed more.
    E) Paladins have no AM or spell that increases their dodge/parry. SotR is a pure DMG reduction, with about 40-50% uptime, on a NH geared Paladin, with about 45% dmg reduction. So 50% of the fight they have to absorb the dmg or heal it back up. Dont know about the rest but, passive mitigation is 10% higher on druids or warriors than on a Paladin.

    So if you take that selfheal or nerf it slightly palas will get destroyed.

    @DPS, on how many fights are tanks above dps?
    -On jinrokh dps should be ahead,
    -horridon dps are ahead(btw this is the only fight where BH is really op and heals alot).
    -council normally dps and tanks are almost the same, depends on how you do it. Warrior really high dps on that fight if you tank all three together.
    -Tortos. Tanks win here.
    -Megaera: I dont really see a point in bringing only one tank(bringing one tank only should make the fight alot easier which is not the case on that boss) so dps always ahead.
    - Jikun; DPS
    -Durumu: Two tanking, dps ahead. 1 tank almost the same except if you HoP at high lvls to get extra Vengeance but will mostlikely have to take a third
    -primordious, dps ahead.
    -ironqon: tank if only one tank.
    -twins: dps

    Only taking one tank doenst always mean dps increase, Two tanks on durumu with two healers will do almost the same dps as having 1 tank and 1 extra dps, even if you still only need two healers. the other tanks dps will not doubled, and me as a druid taking the boss with incarnation, than letting the other tank taunt again. specing HotW. The dmg you gain in NH is minor.

    On NH atleast the tank beeing nr1 alot will change once dps get that good gear
    the main benefit of 1 tank is that you trade 2 tanks for 2 DPS basically: you exchange 1 tank for 1 DPS and the tank that remains has so much vengeance he easily does an extra DPS worth of DPS while surviving. add to that the bonus raidhealing from BH and you got a single tank that brings along room for an extra DPS quite abit of healing.

  5. #245
    Quote Originally Posted by Firefly33 View Post
    Which is funny because I have 6 classes at 90 (warrior, hunter, paladin, warlock, priest, DK), and paladin is the only one that actually needs 5 action bars for me. I can mention 20 keybinds for you on paladins just on the top of my head.

    CS, HotR, AS, HW, HoW, Cons, J, SotR, WoG, SS, T6 talent, SoI, SoT, SoR, Reckoning, Rebuke, BoM, BoK, fist of justice, RF cast/cancel.
    Ohh, should i list warrior spellbook to make a point aswell ? half of that is just bloat, i mean, really ?
    I'm sure you keybind your food even, and havent heard of focus/mod/mouseover macros either.. ?

  6. #246
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrooge McDuck View Post
    the main benefit of 1 tank is that you trade 2 tanks for 2 DPS basically: you exchange 1 tank for 1 DPS and the tank that remains has so much vengeance he easily does an extra DPS worth of DPS while surviving. add to that the bonus raidhealing from BH and you got a single tank that brings along room for an extra DPS quite abit of healing.
    If and only if you can still use the same amount of healer.

    We tryd it, with pala druid, on durumu nh. the dps increase was 50k, normally as druid i would still let the palatank tank most of the fight and reset stacks, but im taunting using berserk incarnation let him HoP, and he taunts back. Now we use BL on start i put on my intweapon pop HotW and do 200k dps while BL and HotW is active for around 40sec, than i taunt after prot gets 5 stacks, use incarnation. for 30 seconds he taunst tanks for the rest of the fight. except if he is getting low or spiked healers having a bit trouble in the lightphase, taunt use berserk, and cooldowns. exchanging me with another dps, is a dps increase of 50k. Now on that boss our rdps is between 850k and 1000k dps, so it depends on what class you take, take a class that does not do as much dmg while running. and the increase will be even lower. And our healers said it was much smoother with two tanks.

  7. #247
    Quote Originally Posted by santa666 View Post
    Ohh, should i list warrior spellbook to make a point aswell ? half of that is just bloat, i mean, really ?
    I'm sure you keybind your food even, and havent heard of focus/mod/mouseover macros either.. ?
    I didn't say warriors didn't have a lot of spells too. Just said that paladins got far more than 20. And what part was bloat? You dont use taunt or what?

  8. #248
    Quote Originally Posted by berrylicious View Post
    Lets look at numbers, below taken from the current highest ranked tanks on 10H Iron Qon on WoL. All 5 logs were 1 tanked, so HoP is not a factor here.

    Unfortunately, WoL only gives ranking based on DPS, so this might be skewing the numbers as tanks put on more dps gear and less survival gear for higher dps/hps numbers.

    TL : DR
    ** Disclaimer: this is looking at one log from each class only. There is a good chance some of these numbers can be skewed due to unconventional gear setup by the player. **

    Damage Taken:
    Bear, DK, Monk, Pally are all at around the same number on damage taken. The difference is 13k DTPS from highest to lowest. Monks are taking a lot more damage.

    Damage Output:
    Monk are high, this may be due to monks dropping survival gear for DPS gear to push out dps. Warriors are low, Skull Banner will bridge this gap a bit from improved raid DPS though (esp 25s).

    Monk a lot of raid heal is an absorb from statue, very effective at helping raid survival.
    Pally bring significant raid heal and Devotion Aura, nice strong balance
    Warrior do not heal, but have strong raid CDs in banners and Rallying Cry
    Druid Stampeding roar is very helpful on fight when movement is required, rebirth/tranq can be useful sometimes.
    DKs Grips are nice but situational. AMZ is the same, not always useful

    DKs will need a buff to bring them up on par in most areas. Pally should have either their healing or raid CD toned down (already done with nerf on the Battle Healer Glyph?). Not sure what you can do with monks though, their scaling on damage intake (and hence healing/dps/damage taken) are all skewed on the few logs I've looked at.
    Thing is, for skull banner to bridge the damage gap between warriors and monks (140k dps) in that particular example, with skullbanner being a roughly 1% raid dmg increase if used on every cd, your average DPS would be needing to do 623k dps in a 25man raid. Banner is nice and it's quite handy for burst situations, but it's not a huge raid dps cooldown, in fact the AP shout is significantly more powerful as far as raid "cooldowns" go.
    Last edited by mmoc62471eea71; 2013-05-03 at 12:54 PM.

  9. #249
    Quote Originally Posted by Adudu View Post
    Thing is, for skull banner to bridge the damage gap between warriors and monks (140k dps) in that particular example, with skullbanner being a roughly 1% raid dmg increase if used on every cd, your average DPS would be needing to do 623k dps in a 25man raid. Banner is nice and it's quite handy for burst situations, but it's not a huge raid dps cooldown, in fact the AP shout is significantly more powerful as far as raid "cooldowns" go.
    AP shout is a buff not a cooldown. maybe a personal one, but not a raidcooldown.
    In 25m the warrior banner plus shatter would raise his dps by 70-100k. in 10m it would be around 25-40k. Which is more than HotW gives a druid as dps improvement, not counting that you need to be casting for 45sec and have a good intweapon, to get close to that. And that not beeing a raidcooldown, just a personal one.
    And unlike AP buff, skullbanner are unique to warriors. It doenst make warrior equal with druid or monks in terms of dps but closes the gap alot.

  10. #250
    Death Knights seem far stronger and more common than Paladin tanks at the moment. Then you have the fact that Paladin tank DPS is some of the lowest also.

  11. #251
    Immortal TEHPALLYTANK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by underdogba View Post
    Going back to the main point of this thread to begin with:

    I can answer why Prot paladins have not been nerfed.

    It's because Warrior Defensive stance is getting buffed.

    And also because the Blizz systems developers understand at least a little bit more than moutbreathers getting fired up misinterpreting what numbers in Recount/Skada or WoL parses actually mean in the context of overall survivability.
    Not exactly, defensive stance is getting a nerf reverted. It was a change made strictly for arms and fury, they rolled the 10% they took off defensive stance into prot spec and they are now changing it back.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbamboozal View Post
    Intelligence is like four wheel drive, it's not going to make you unstoppable, it just sort of tends to get you stuck in more remote places.
    Quote Originally Posted by MerinPally View Post
    If you want to be disgusted, next time you kiss someone remember you've got your mouth on the end of a tube which has shit at the other end, held back by a couple of valves.

  12. #252
    Quote Originally Posted by Viromand View Post
    Actually it matters, cause
    A) most people thing BH is the reason they have so high hps number
    B) it really doenst mean the only had to heal him for 30% of the time.
    C) A paladin, takes the dmg which is either absorbed(which is their main heal in the logs) or he hast to heal it back up.
    D) Just cause Tanks A heals more than Tank B doenst mean Tank A didnt take more dmg then TankB he just healed more.
    E) Paladins have no AM or spell that increases their dodge/parry. SotR is a pure DMG reduction, with about 40-50% uptime, on a NH geared Paladin, with about 45% dmg reduction. So 50% of the fight they have to absorb the dmg or heal it back up. Dont know about the rest but, passive mitigation is 10% higher on druids or warriors than on a Paladin.
    A) No its not just about BH, its the fact that they absorb as much as any other tank and ONTOP of that heal for 50% extra via BH and SoI.

    B) yes it does. If a tank is healing himself then less healing needs to be directed to the tank. If a tank is doing 65k HPS the need for an extra healer is highly reduced as you can drop a healer or fistweave etc. The point is, paladins being so strong means they can drop healers to gain a lot more DPS, no other tank can do that.

    C) This is just not true, logs can prove this quite easily. Paladins are very much on the high end in terms of reduction and cooldowns (ignoring the healing).

    D) How about a tank that takes around the same damage but then also heals 30k HPS on-top of the absorbs?

    E) Warriors don't either. That's by design - a 45% chance to dodge for 100% reduction is the same as a 100% chance to block for average 45% (30%->60% Critical)

  13. #253
    Quote Originally Posted by Glorious Leader View Post
    He is a phenomenal monk. He just gets smacked on that fight and his paladin doesn't. I don't care or need to have my guild reviewed by players on forums who don't know what the fuck they are talking about. The paladin was easier to heal. In fact we found the opposite from your experience. Not only did the paladin take less dmg, he took less spike dmg (even in his shitty ilvl) he also self healed for alot more and healing him was much easier. The paladin in almost 20 item level less killed the fucking boss. .[COLOR="red"]
    Yeah, no. I play a Monk and I don't get smacked around on that fight at all. I never come near death, and my HP is never a concern. Your "phenomenal" monk is bad, sorry to break this to you. You are either lying or in some serious denial about the skill level of one of your players.

    I'd love to see the log of that Monk that is getting killed. I'm guessing no use of Fort Brew/Guard/Dampen/Purify Brew, and/or non-100% shuffle uptime. The difference between a good monk and a bad monk is pretty huge.

  14. #254
    Quote Originally Posted by Halifax View Post
    I'd love to see the log of that Monk that is getting killed. I'm guessing no use of Fort Brew/Guard/Dampen/Purify Brew, and/or non-100% shuffle uptime. The difference between a good monk and a bad monk is pretty huge.
    Monks really aren't as hard as people go on about, at least not harder than any other tank.

  15. #255
    Quote Originally Posted by clampy View Post
    A) No its not just about BH, its the fact that they absorb as much as any other tank and ONTOP of that heal for 50% extra via BH and SoI.

    B) yes it does. If a tank is healing himself then less healing needs to be directed to the tank. If a tank is doing 65k HPS the need for an extra healer is highly reduced as you can drop a healer or fistweave etc. The point is, paladins being so strong means they can drop healers to gain a lot more DPS, no other tank can do that.

    C) This is just not true, logs can prove this quite easily. Paladins are very much on the high end in terms of reduction and cooldowns (ignoring the healing).

    D) How about a tank that takes around the same damage but then also heals 30k HPS on-top of the absorbs?

    E) Warriors don't either. That's by design - a 45% chance to dodge for 100% reduction is the same as a 100% chance to block for average 45% (30%->60% Critical)
    A Paladin that takes the same amount of dmg as any other tank is because of his shield absorb. If you look at logs paladins take more dmg but also absorb alot of it,(100k absorb every 5 seconds with normal vengeance). And paladins heal with really high hps the shield ist most of the healing done. Logs show dmg taken even if the dmg is absorbed it will show up as absorb from heal. But for healers or infight you dont care if you take dont take it cause you block or dodge, or not take it cause you absorbed it. They could make the Shield passiv but than every bad pala with shield uptime lower than 50% will be as good as any pala with good uptimes. The actuall selfheal is not so much more than other classes can heal themselves.

    When a pala takes a hit it will show up fully as dmg taken, but the absorbeddmf will make it even with with other tank classes that have high passiv mititation or something else.

    Give or take 1 or 2 special abilities, the amount of dmg taken considering selfheal and everything else is almost identical. Some bosses favour certain types of tanks, most palas or monk.
    Its everything combined what makes palas strong mostly their utility which wins this tier. Cause not only can they use it on themselves but, give it to your tankpartners aswell. Divine shield for example. LOH, all the hands, paladins are the best tanks for tankswapping even with lower vengeance they just give the other tank the hand that let you loose aggro for 10seconds, and after thats he has no problems.

    And please dont compare random ranked tanks again, I am not talking about some palas with DS uptime lower than 60%, monks using guard 2-3 times or elusive brew 5times. Protwarriors that almost never use Sbar, and still have low sblock uptimes. DKs that use both deathrunes for heartstrike instead of DS. Druids with SD uptimes lower than 40%, not using T&C or FR.
    Cause if you do you need to put playerskill into that equation, and than you can never say which tank is better, cause there will mostlikely be a Tank from another class that takes less dmg and does more dps than you will playing a pala.

    Comparing Tanks with good uptimes, or even theoretical. not tankclass A seems easier to heal than tankclassB.

    So comparing them then:
    A) they all take roughly the same amounts of dmg. Like I said some Specialabilities favor classes it will never change, and has not since BC.
    B) Paladin Druid Monk do more dps than the other two single target. While Warrior brings banner, for extra dmg. DK not so much.
    AoE/mutlitarget its different. DK do more dps and aoe grip lets dps do more dmg to them too. Warrior strong on aoe fights.
    C) Raidhealing, All have some but Paladins hammer is real strong, monk is really strong too, so are druids hotw and warriors. DK lacks a bit.
    (again not looking at the encounter just the healing they do, some have positionalrestrictions some need to be casts/channeled. Some raise EH, some heal)
    D) Personalcooldowns. Monk clear winner, even more considering the glyphs they have, than paladins right after that druid and warrior and
    (With symbiosis druids gets alot of good stuff, so do the other tanks, maybe not very strong on all tanks but still its a small cooldown so a small plus to druids)
    E) Active Mitigation. Paladins and monks are strong on abilities that cannot be blocked/dodged/parried/absorbed. Tho monks are a bit better having so many and
    different ones. Pala strong as I said. Druids warriors are good aswell, DK also quite strong with DS.
    F) UtilityCounting stuff that make fights easier, help the raid in any way possible, only comparing tanks) Hands down paladin with HoP, ToTs best ultility.
    They have some other good stuff, all the hands, plus beeing able to use some twice. Monks lot of utility, high movement, RoP, glyphed Firebreath. Druids roar(also aoe slow
    dispel), symbiosis, add control. Warrior,taunt banner, high mobility, aoe silence /slow. DK Aoe frezze, aoe grip, singletarget grip. good range aggro(like monk)
    G) Magicdmg, Alot of AMs only help against physical dmg so do masteries. you could argue the increase healing from SotR plus mastery help a bit. But on
    big magic hits almost all classes need some sort of cooldown. Some have better not really a huge difference here. The ones that have better Cooldowns,
    have less passive magic mitigation.

    All in All i would say 1. Pala 2. Monk 3. Warrior Druid DK.

    !!This is just comparing the tanks!! No raidcomp/setup, another pala, any specific encounters just tot as a whole raid. No playerskill taken into account here. Just pure simple facts on tanks.

    Now palas are the best nerfing them will be hard cause they would have to nerf all pala speccs or change raidencounters.

    Tanks are fine the way they are. you are not killing a boss, if you have to replace the tank the reason is he sucks, if not then its not the fault of the tankclass in almost every case.

    All top20 guilds no matter 25 or 10m, i would say they have about the same playerskill give or take. Now almost every possible Tankcomp is represented their.

    A good DK will always be better as a good Pala, same goes for monks and druids, warriors and pala.

    If you have a Monk with ilvl 514 he dies on primordious nh goes from 100-0 in 2 seconds, and you kill it with the monk logging onto his alt 493 pala, and you kill the boss.
    In 99.9% times a monk gets killed like that its the player fault not the class.

    Quote Originally Posted by clampy View Post
    Monks really aren't as hard as people go on about, at least not harder than any other tank.
    No but like all tanks if you dont use your stuff you will die. so a bad monk is still bad and a good one still good. no matter how hard they are to play. Using Sblock and SD isnt really hard. Still I see logs where both have uptimes on kills where you say, how the hell did they managed to kill that boss.
    Last edited by Viromand; 2013-05-03 at 03:33 PM.

  16. #256
    Quote Originally Posted by Viromand View Post
    A Paladin that takes the same amount of dmg as any other tank is because of his shield absorb. If you look at logs paladins take more dmg but also absorb alot of it,(100k absorb every 5 seconds with normal vengeance). And paladins heal with really high hps the shield ist most of the healing done. Logs show dmg taken even if the dmg is absorbed it will show up as absorb from heal.
    This is completely incorrect. If something strikes you for 100k and you absorb 60k you will get 60k healing and 40k damage taken.

  17. #257
    Quote Originally Posted by clampy View Post
    This is completely incorrect. If something strikes you for 100k and you absorb 60k you will get 60k healing and 40k damage taken.
    are you 100% sure this is the way its listed in log, cause than paladin take the most dmg by far compared to all other tanks

  18. #258
    Quote Originally Posted by Viromand View Post
    are you 100% sure this is the way its listed in log, cause than paladin take the most dmg by far compared to all other tanks
    Logically you don't take the damage that you absorb. Also, WoL splits absorbed damage into blocks and absorbs, I am pretty sure the damage taken doesn't show you damage you absorbed via a block.

  19. #259
    The Insane Glorious Leader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deja Thoris View Post
    . Call people on the forums assholes, thats fine , but you're the one who stubbornly refused to take onboard any advice whether it be tactic or class related. Anyway, enough about your inability to listen and penchance to lash out at anyone who disagrees with you.
    Actually I still refuse to take your advice and so did my raid. Guess what? We one shot every boss up to primordius now. Ignoring the advice of people on forums who don't know what their talking about because their bads and incompotents is a wining strategy, just as taking the prot paladin is. The evidence suggest you don't know what you're talking about (which I knew all along anyway) and that prot paladins are over powered.
    The hammer comes down:
    Quote Originally Posted by Osmeric View Post
    Normal should be reduced in difficulty. Heroic should be reduced in difficulty.
    And the tiny fraction for whom heroic raids are currently well tuned? Too bad,so sad! With the arterial bleed of subs the fastest it's ever been, the vanity development that gives you guys your own content is no longer supportable.

  20. #260
    Quote Originally Posted by Glorious Leader View Post
    Actually I still refuse to take your advice and so did my raid. Guess what? We one shot every boss up to primordius now. Ignoring the advice of people on forums who don't know what their talking about because their bads and incompotents is a wining strategy, just as taking the prot paladin is. The evidence suggest you don't know what you're talking about (which I knew all along anyway) and that prot paladins are over powered.
    What evidence? the only evidence you have that you pala plays his pala better than his monk.

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