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  1. #101
    The Lightbringer
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    I dunno I like to PVP because it's fun to kill people. World PVP is still my favourite, just going up to people minding their own business and killing them. Any time, any place, any situation, any numbers. That's the best and most true form of PVP to me. I don't get any reward out of it. I don't get a title or a cool mount or gold or better enchants or some other stupid nonsense. I get the joy of killing people. I only even do Arenas (and RBGs) because I have to get gear to PVP in. If it didn't exist, I'd do nothing but play random BGs and world PVP all day. Forget your fair and balanced gameplay (HA, as if it exists lol), forget your chain CC rotations and unkillable healers that run around corners for 20 minutes. Forget all the boring stuff hailed as 'skillful' and just go out there and kill people. Everyone you see. Dude doing dailies? Dead. Group summoning for a raid? Dead. Guy buying stuff at a vendor? Dead. When PVP starts being about something other than the joy of killing people then you're probably doing it for the wrong reasons.

    TL;DR killing everyone you see is reward enough from PVP
    Paladin Bash has spoken.

  2. #102
    i dont know why people are comparing pve gear progression to pvp gear progression. they are 2 totally unrelated concepts, basically separate games all together.

  3. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by resonance7982 View Post
    ..titles, prestige, adding special tabards, cloaks, gear, etc for high ratings. Most people don't pvp for a gear grind. they pvp to pvp and gain the prestige that comes with being good at it. It's all for looks. They want pvp to be on an even field, as it should be. gear should not win fights for you.
    That being said they really need to put a lot more vanity rewards into the pvp system, particularly arena, every thing from pets, mounts, xmogg sets, tabbards, additional titles

    one concept i've tried pushing was a seasonal title for cross types of playing, so Tyrannical battlemaster would be awarded if you reached (say) 2k in 3s and rbgs in the same season.

  4. #104
    People PvP to you know, play against other people and beat them. Gear was never the factor. The only sad part is, Blizzard believe that by addressing the gear issue, they've solved the issue of why people hate PvP in MoP. Instead of looking at the stupid imbalance between classes with way too much CC, on top of having excellent burst/or healing. I personally get frustrated at certain comps i play in arena, simply because the other team either have a much easier time at laying down their CCs (say, instant cast or really short cd) or way too many CCs. Not fun to be chain feared, cycloned, stunned ect ect. Or how about healers that you end up feeling its worthless putting a root or snare on, because it doesn't matter to them anyway (e.g has no effectiveness or can be ignore)?

    5.3 might get more players to try PvP again initially, but the gear again, was never the hook point. The awful balance that MoP introduced will put people straight off again.
    Last edited by Xucuroz; 2013-05-17 at 12:24 AM.
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  5. #105
    Pandaren Monk meathead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Botter View Post
    Holy run on sentence with terrible punctuation Batman.
    holy shit-i dont give a rats ass-if i did i would type up mu post on a word processor and edit the dam thing.

    but nice try - you got nothing counter my post-right?why not answer what i asked?

    ---------- Post added 2013-05-16 at 08:34 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Canderous1 View Post
    i dont know why people are comparing pve gear progression to pvp gear progression. they are 2 totally unrelated concepts, basically separate games all together.
    no pvp and pve are the same-blizz refuses to separate the two "half the problem".tell me why is it ok for pve to have gear progression but bad for pvp?

    ---------- Post added 2013-05-16 at 08:37 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Xucuroz View Post
    People PvP to you know, play against other people and beat them. Gear was never the factor. The only sad part is, Blizzard believe that by addressing the gear issue, they've solved the issue of why people hate PvP in MoP. Instead of looking at the stupid imbalance between classes with way too much CC, on top of having excellent burst/or healing. I personally get frustrated at certain comps i play in arena, simply because the other team either have a much easier time at laying down their CCs (say, instant cast or really short cd) or way too many CCs. Not fun to be chain feared, cycloned, stunned ect ect. Or how about healers that you end up feeling its worthless putting a root or snare on, because it doesn't matter to them anyway (e.g has no effectiveness or can be ignore)?

    5.3 might get more players to try PvP again initially, but the gear again, was never the hook point. The awful balance that MoP introduced will put people straight off again.

    this is what i have been saying all along.gear scaling is nothing more then smoke and mirrors,its a cop out.its a cheap and easy fix so blizz "try to" can hide the real problems in pvp,op talents,classes,to much cc,to much healing ect.

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by meathead View Post

    this is what i have been saying all along.gear scaling is nothing more then smoke and mirrors,its a cop out.its a cheap and easy fix so blizz "try to" can hide the real problems in pvp,op talents,classes,to much cc,to much healing ect.
    Yeah for sure. I mean, i'm a long time PvPer - I certainly agree that gearing up an alt/or new character for PvP this late in a season is a nightmare. The crafted stuff is garbage and it can take a long time to get honor gear, simply because losing a bg, equals to your time completely wasted with almost no honor gain.

    This is a minor fix to what isn't even what turns most people off PvP. You've got classes with stupidly high burst that can down someone with high % of resilience in a few spells. You've got classes that can constantly apply CC (with little to no skill involved in its applying, fear being one of the good examples) and then theres healers, which i'm sure is a topic in itself thats been beated to death since Cata/MoP.
    We are warriors, born from the light
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  7. #107
    basically, cosmetic stuff, titles, bragging rights in general. do you really need that extra 5 ilvl to show how 1337 you are?

  8. #108
    Titles and mounts are enough imo. expecially when the RBGs ruined the good old pvp-system. Thou PvP ratings could have similar transmog set as challenge modes but that should not be obtainable through RBG.

  9. #109
    Field Marshal Azureqt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmowin View Post
    Been playing this game since wrath. Back then every piece of gear had a rating requirement. Slowly blizzard started removing rating requirements from gear and now have completely gutted the pvp system so that their is absolutely no progression anymore. Unlike raiding where there is always progression the first weeks and months the raid opens and even after that their are still hard modes that give even better gear. I have always been a decent pvper. Nothing special never gotten glad but have always been above 2200-2300ish. So my question is whats the point in pushing high ratings anymore since you get absolutely NO reward for it other than just too play?
    I agree with you. I can't find anything worth progressing for in either PvP or PvE.

    The game is ruined. It's awful. It's pathetic. The skill cap in general has been lowered from what it once was. The homogenization between the classes creates imbalances that won't ever be fixed (unless they revert classes back to the way in Wrath).

    Homogenization may be great for PvE, but it completely broke PvP.

  10. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by Lulbalance View Post
    you wrote a lot of garbage just to say - 'i want cute gear and if i dont get it i'll take my ball and go home..'

    so take off.

    you get glad you get something meaningful to you, a title.. there you go if you care about things like that. if you can't make glad then wtf do you want? a cloak for 1750? *clap. why would you care about that? or a beefy weapon so you can flex your epeen about hitting 2200 when it really means jack sh*t. if you like pvp'ing than you like pvp'ing..thats it.

    entitlement is feeling you should be rewarded for accomplishing nothing..that is nothing.
    Man what are you, 12? I'm by now convinced you're not even able to understand what people are on about. I like how you bring up 1750 when nobody ever talked about ratings that low!

    The problem is and stays that below gladiator rating, which by now can only achieve one team in many realm pools due to low participation (something you don't seem able to comprehend) there aren't any kind of rewards, non. Compared to PvE where you get stuff thrown at you for doing pretty much nothing and just being around. Right now multi season gladiators are struggling to even have a shot at gladiator titles.

    And the whole "accomplished nothing", yeah because obviously 2,3-2,4k rating, Hero of the Horde in RBG and similar titles are absolutely nothing. Yet there are NO rewards whatsoever for that. People are treated the exact same as someone who caps with some random group/person once a week and that is plain wrong. It takes away any kind of motivation to better yourself or actually improve since you're not rewarded for doing so.

  11. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by Taoforums View Post
    I just can't resist not to comment. Are you seriously saying that it's their fault that they are outgeared? Don't throw the problem somewhere else that doesn't need to be.
    Who's fault is it then? Mine for actually gearing up?

  12. #112
    Here we go. Ppl complaining about the casuals or baddies getting the name gear as they are.

    We all pay 15 bucks a month to play this game. Whether or not your a loser with no job, a kid in school, or someone who likes to spend their free time. So therefore everyone is entitled to the same benefits of the game. You are not cooler, better, or more important as a gladiator, raid leader, or casual.

    PvP gear progression is faulty. Let's give ppl who play more often, or who can dedicate more time to play the game to grind rating more of an advantage over the regular player base. What Zionist mentality do you ppl have. You deserve NOTHING. The fact that you are a better player should be enough. No one deserves an advantage. Saying that the game is lacking a carrot on a stick, then you are not really interested in the game very much at all or you are the type of person who is never satisfied.

    I hope all the crybabies , elitists, and freeloaders stop playing PvP after 5.3. The game will probably be more fun.

  13. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by Pizza the Hutt View Post
    You all need to get over your hopes and dreams of balance. With 11 classes and 30+ specs, balance will never happen. Players like to use "my class sucks" as an excuse all the time, but more often than not, the better player still wins regardless of class. Thing is, players seem to have a lot of difficulty admitting when they're not the better player.
    AMEN brother

  14. #114
    hey guys look at this:

    the point is not GC's answer, the point is how stupid casuals are

    "why even have gear in pvp?" osifjhsauhfdaf his twitter is flooded with stupid questions

    ---------- Post added 2013-05-17 at 03:33 PM ----------

    i want to punch that guy in the face

    his twitter is full of raiding pictures and videos

    pve hero wanting to remove pvp gear from the game. no wonder this game is slowly dying, a game developer replying to something as stupid as that, a question that should be disregarded as soon as you read it
    you get brainwashed when there are people throwing extremely stupid ideas at you all the time for years, I don't blame GC at all
    Last edited by Birkhoff; 2013-05-17 at 03:38 PM.

  15. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by Birkhoff View Post
    hey guys look at this:

    the point is not GC's answer, the point is how stupid casuals are

    "why even have gear in pvp?" osifjhsauhfdaf his twitter is flooded with stupid questions

    ---------- Post added 2013-05-17 at 03:33 PM ----------

    i want to punch that guy in the face

    his twitter is full of raiding pictures and videos

    pve hero wanting to remove pvp gear from the game. no wonder this game is slowly dying, a game developer replying to something as stupid as that, a question that should be disregarded as soon as you read it
    you get brainwashed when there are people throwing extremely stupid ideas at you all the time for years, I don't blame GC at all
    There are no stupid questions, only stupid people/answers.
    Quote Originally Posted by kbarh View Post
    may i suggest you check out wowwiki or any similar site, it's Grom that orders the murder of Cairne

  16. #116
    If playing is the reward remove the titles and the mount off the ladders; Put them on rating like 2k or something.
    Would those same people still be saying it's for fun then?
    Probably not. They'd probably whine about casuals and bads and stuff instead of pushing rating for pushing rating.

    Besides; The whole point of an MMORPG is character progression and getting stuff;
    There is none for arenas anymore unless you're a Gladiator.

    There is no hook to PvP anymore;
    The extreme imbalances between classes, FoTM re-rolling, Ladder corruption, lack of reward and cliqueish and childish behavior are enough to drive anybody away from even bothering or trying.
    An MMORPG will never be balanced; Which is why a ladder system still being used with such low participation is absurd.
    It worked in BC and WoTLK when there were enough spots that skilled players always squeezed through no problem; But with as few as 3 Gladiator spots left on certain US battlegroups now in 3's...
    Yeah. It's crap.

    Something needed to be done about gearing but I feel they approached it wrong. Something also needs to be done to get people to want to play.
    2200 gear for vanity was an excellent idea - Even with deflation. I'm overjoyed that's coming back but it's not even close to enough to breathe life back into the ladders at all ratings.
    The 2500 cloak/tabard is going to do nothing as the people they need to reel in aren't even going to bother with a hurdle that high.
    Gladiator is pointless when multi-glads are struggling to obtain it and they're having to re-roll to have a shot at it. (Reckful's warrior is stuck at 2k for instance.)

    The gearing system outside the stupid gear gap between T1 and T2 last season felt fine to me minus gear upgrades (Which was a bad idea overall in my opinion);
    Let there be period of time where there's a "max" level of gear so those who are about a month behind can catch up during the final push and be on that level.
    If the deflation is fixed T2 /could/ be a minor upgrade but I'd rather see it purely cosmetic.

    Up the amount of Gladiator spots overall - Advertise the top few teams in game via plaques or an NPC yell outside the gear area. Gives them some e-peen and makes it meaningful in game.
    Put some pets in for participation so there's more people playing - Put a mount on 2k - Challenge Mode style armor for T2 for an /expansion/ for an arena only T2 - Faster seasons overall.

    Rewards for all skill levels; Rewards for top players; Stuff that people feel they can accomplish.
    Arenas are dead right now and balance doesn't have much to do with it overall; It's the fact there's no reason in a game entirely based around character progression.

    Anybody saying otherwise is thinking only for themselves and not for the vast majority or intent.

  17. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by Schwert View Post
    They're fixing cross-realm arena+merge arena all arena battlegroups. Should help increase participation and gladiator spots
    Quote Originally Posted by kbarh View Post
    may i suggest you check out wowwiki or any similar site, it's Grom that orders the murder of Cairne

  18. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by Baracuda View Post
    cross-realm arena+merge arena all arena battlegroups
    My brain just exploded.

  19. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by Baracuda View Post
    There are no stupid questions, only stupid people/answers.
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  20. #120
    Warchief Lulbalance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deleth View Post
    Man what are you, 12? I'm by now convinced you're not even able to understand what people are on about. I like how you bring up 1750 when nobody ever talked about ratings that low!

    The problem is and stays that below gladiator rating, which by now can only achieve one team in many realm pools due to low participation (something you don't seem able to comprehend) there aren't any kind of rewards, non. Compared to PvE where you get stuff thrown at you for doing pretty much nothing and just being around. Right now multi season gladiators are struggling to even have a shot at gladiator titles.

    And the whole "accomplished nothing", yeah because obviously 2,3-2,4k rating, Hero of the Horde in RBG and similar titles are absolutely nothing. Yet there are NO rewards whatsoever for that. People are treated the exact same as someone who caps with some random group/person once a week and that is plain wrong. It takes away any kind of motivation to better yourself or actually improve since you're not rewarded for doing so.
    MAN WHAT ARE YOU, 12? HUR HUR. i thought that ^ was the motivation.

    Another post full of garbage saying essentially; 'i want to be rewarded for mediocrity, and i dont wanna play unless i'm lavished with gifts for achieving things that ultimately are just time > skill.'

    If you think rewards alone will fix participation without the game itself being fixed, you're on drugs. there are several reasons ahead of rewards for why participation is low.

    This whole thing is getting old. It's one thing to care about mechanics and different classes affecting the game but if you don't see how whack it is to care that much about different pixels and numbers or letters over your name then i dunno man.

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