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  1. #381
    Herald of the Titans Dristereau's Avatar
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    First time jumping into Arena tonight since the change. Wanted to slit my wrists, and never had so much rage ever for PVP before. Been playing Arms Warrior, MW Monk, friend trying out MW instead of the usual WW/Arms Combo. He had two pieces of Gear, and out of the 16 Games we had, he died three times. Then swapped to try out Disc Priest/BM Hunter, where he has PVP 476 Weapon and that's it. Generally could have been worse, but most of the games were going for around 10 Minutes before someone went OoM, so the usual Conquest Cap took around four times as long. Ended up going around 10-11 on that comp, times where my healing just seemed like shit, remember my 200k Spirit Shell dropping within Four Seconds to a Hunter Warrior Combo, he was dead in five seconds after that, I was dead before the Shockwave which hit me after his Deter faded. Also saw losses after a 14 Minute Game vs a Destro Lock/Disc Priest, got the Priest OoM, Destro then preceded to take my Hunter from 120k to dead before Penance finished.

    But the worst BS I thought was Warrior/Monk vs Blood DK and Ret Paladin. Ret stayed mounted behind a pillar the entire Game, coming out when Wings was up. DK never let me get around the pillar, and even when I did the Paladin would run with the talent and freedom, trinket Shockwave, Bubble and HoP stopping any damage I actually managed to do to him. Ended up with my Monk friend going OoM and dying around 15 Mins on the Third GoAK Attack. End of that match and the DD was top damage, I couldn't do nothing to it, couldn't get away, and it absorbed everything. Double grip whenever I leaped and charged. Chains of Ice always on me. Never have I sworn so much at Arena. I sincerely wished I could punch those players in the face. I was that angry, and even in 5.2 in quick deaths I never got angry, because I could clearly see how and why I died. This patch with the Damage Reduction and Blood DKs, pretty much every 2's Comp being DPS/Healer or something that could eat you in 10 Seconds or Keep you CC'd for 25.

    Did I enjoy tonight's arena? Did I ****. Probably my most hated experience I've ever had. It wasn't fun, it took longer to Cap two Teams than it does our usual four. Hoping to see some sort changes soon, because me and my friend both agree that it was much less fun, and ultimately annoying.

    On the bright side, my friend is now planning to level a DK, so he can ditch his Warrior once and for all. I already have two on the way May add some more stuff tomorrow, attempting to cap Rogue/Lock, Paladin/Mage, Rogue/Paladin and Mage/Warrior. Expect venting of a serious nature.
    Dristereau - Axxolentus - Infernus - Sequentia - Nulo - Desterrar

    - Shadowsong/Aszune - Tarren-Mill/Dentarg (SL Mage Tower: 29/36

  2. #382
    The Lightbringer Ultima's Avatar
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    So you lost because you were unable to adjust to the changes? If you're an Arms Warriors playing with a MW Monk, there should be some damage flying around. Disc/ BM is still great. Fantastic CC chain.

    You clearly play a lot of classes, that should help in understanding them and countering.

    Although, can you blame your healer for ooming with gear like: ?

  3. #383
    Herald of the Titans Dristereau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ultima View Post
    So you lost because you were unable to adjust to the changes? If you're an Arms Warriors playing with a MW Monk, there should be some damage flying around. Disc/ BM is still great. Fantastic CC chain.

    You clearly play a lot of classes, that should help in understanding them and countering.

    Although, can you blame your healer for ooming with gear like: ?
    In any case where it ended up being a Mana war he didn't go out out Mana first. I'm not sure what you suggest doing against a Blood DK/Ret Paladin Combo as an Arms Warrior? My intention was to kill the Paladin, given that the DK is half impossible due to Blood Shield, and that any thing I actually could do to the DK (Hello 30k Mortal Strikes) the Paladin would just Flash of Light. Paladin pillar humped until cooldowns were up. Any time I got on him he had something to escape or the DK said nope and pulled me back. Used Paralysis, Shockwave, and Charge/Heroic Leap combo and still had nothing. Also enjoyed the charge pathing bug meaning I was pulled away from Ret mid charge despite the DK being originally LoS. Let me know any suggestions you have on that one. Arena was Tiger's Peak. It was one of those cases were I hoped to god we could destroy pillars, because it was just infuriating, or a stacking debuff reducing healer, increasing damage and slowing movement speed would occur.

    In terms of Disc/BM that was our first time trying Arena on these. Both have some gear, around 476 Average PVP for me and Malevolent Weapon/PVE Gear for him. Swapped to Dominate Mind after running into a Mirror. The main problem atm is I don't have a headset for two weeks (Hello Razer), so our communication is generally at the start. Most painful two DPS things I ran into was UH DK and Feral Druid. Couldn't even top myself on situations with these. Shackled the UH DK's pet, used everything in my arsenal, attempting to peel the DK, but no dice. Ripped me to shreds no matter what I did. Same with the Ferals.

    Generally I consider my knowledge of classes pretty decent. The only one I don't really know amazingly is Druids, but that may just be because I hate Heart of the Wild and Symbiosis with a passion. Same with Cyclone, spent too much time in that. From my Sig you can tell the classes I know well or pretty well (Bit iffy on some specs, but reasonable). Also don't underestimate Shamans in the slightest, my friend has a Monk and Hunter (and we spent the entirety of our Caps in 5.1 against teams of a Hunter/DPS or Hunter/Hunter). I have a strong knowledge in my opinion, and use it to the best of my ability.
    Dristereau - Axxolentus - Infernus - Sequentia - Nulo - Desterrar

    - Shadowsong/Aszune - Tarren-Mill/Dentarg (SL Mage Tower: 29/36

  4. #384
    To me if felt like the same ole crap. Probably the only thing I can say is that you see a little less burst but that is filled in with an equal portion of more CC. CC and AOE CC is just total bullshit and again I will have no part of PvP this round.

  5. #385
    Elemental Lord TJ's Avatar
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    That's why if I'm not doing serious arena (which I never do) I play double DPS, since it's quicker games and you can get the cap quicker at lower rating. It's not as good a comp but I'd rather play it than have 20+ minute games which are wasted in the end because we lose.

  6. #386
    Quote Originally Posted by Revik View Post
    To me if felt like the same ole crap. Probably the only thing I can say is that you see a little less burst but that is filled in with an equal portion of more CC. CC and AOE CC is just total bullshit and again I will have no part of PvP this round.
    I thought we were talking about 5.3 here, and to my knowledge they didn't add any new cc in game specifically in 5.3 So I guess you wouldn't take part in anything since 5.0 and nothing changes than. How long is aoe cc in the game? Since Vanilla?

  7. #387
    Quote Originally Posted by Nalfeinn View Post
    The first few days I found pvp to be way more fun, much less getting owned in 2 seconds if you have more than one person on you, then by the weekend BGs and arenas were stuffed with people in ToT half normal half HC or mostly HC beating 7 kinds of crap out of fully PVP geared players, I remember blizz stating that "how often do you see heroic geared players in PVP", the answer is lots, A frost DK with a HC thunderforged 2H weapon can ruin many many peoples day and this really really should not be the case when blizz have gone to such lengths to seperate the gear
    But when they said that, they were referring to world PvP. A HC Thunderforged 2H will be capped at 496 item level in bgs/arena.

  8. #388
    I tried some 2s with my friend, we always cap together, and I gotta say I'm not enjoying this patch at all. Neither is he.

  9. #389
    People are actually buying gems with +160 sta. Who'd have thought it?

    ---------- Post added 2013-05-28 at 06:04 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinndra View Post
    putting something in bold doesnt make it true. unbudgetted pvp power is still better then primary stats in instanced pvp.
    I don't believe this is the case, for gemming.

    ---------- Post added 2013-05-28 at 06:58 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Ethidia View Post
    Might be wrong here but.. The LFR gear should not match conquest gear, it should match honor gear. And if you compare LFR gear with Honor gear, the PvE player has the advantage.
    No, the honor gear will be inferior, at least a bit, to LFR gear. But this is ok, since getting full Malevolent is much easier and quicker than getting full LFR gear.

    Even if you're in PvE gear, it probably makes sense to use a few Malevolent items. For casters, for example, the offhand has oodles of PvP power.
    Last edited by Osmeric; 2013-05-28 at 06:05 PM.
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