1. #1

    15 mins of work and boredom

    I was looking at random folklore creatures and mythology from around the world and I find this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yara-ma-yha-who. This gave me an idea for a champion and as I can't queue for another 15 minutes I decided to start and design it myself. So here it is.. a placeholder name, with flaws, mostly random values and a kit that hasn't been completely polished:


    Yaramayhawho, the something of something

    Passive: Hunt the weakened: Yaramayhawho's blood suckers cause his autoattacks to drain the target's blood, applying Weakness and reducing its highest resistance by 5 (+ 1% AD). In addition, Yaramayhawho is healed for 5 (+ 10% AD) for every attack. Stacks up to 5 times.

    Q. CD: 16/14/12/10/8. Convert the weak: Yaramayhawho swallows the weakened target and then regurgitates it, converting it into his ally. The minion will attack random enemies (champions are prioritised), applying weakness, constantly looking for new targets. Yaramayhawho can have up to 3 minions.
    ***Minions receive 5% of Yaramayhawho's AD for every stack of Weakness on the target when it is converted.

    W. CD: 30/30/30/30/30. Stalk: Yaramayhawho jumps on a nearby tree, awaiting an unsuspecting victim. His next attack will be a leap on its target, dealing damage 20/30/40/50/60 (+ 80% AD) and stunning it for 1 second. Cannot be used in combat.
    *** Yaramayhawho can stay in a tree for up to 3/4/5/6/7 seconds before falling.

    E. CD: 10/9/8/7/6. Bloodthirst: Yaramayhawho leaps to his target, dealing 50/65/80/95/110 (+ 60% AD) damage and slowing it by 30% for 3 seconds.

    R. CD: 180/160/120. Feast on the weak: Yaramayhawho swallows a target affected by Weakness whole making it invulnerable and unable to act for 1/2/3 seconds. Yaramayhawho is unable to attack or move during the feast. The effect can be cancelled at any time. After being regurgitated, the target is shorter and severely weakened, having its armor and magic resistance reduced by 40% for 2/2.5/3 seconds.


    Now that I read it again it actually looks like crap, but whatever if I spent the last 15 mins shitting this I might as well share it. As you can probably tell from his kit (or not), he is a jungler. His abilities have no cost (maybe they should cost health). I tried to make his W a tool for invading or unique ganking. You can, for example, jump on some trees from the jungle and then leap on the other side right in the lane. This is basically a fucked up mix between Rengar's passive and Zac's E. His main damage comes from AA and partially minions (but their main purpose is to spread Weakness). He is some kind of off tank - assassin (at least I think he is).

    As for a model, this is the best thing I could find:

    My queue is up again, so let me know if I should apply for a job at Riot or not. If you have your own champion ideas feel free to post them.

  2. #2
    You'd need trees in lane, unless he summons them, I don't think jumping into purely cosmetic tress outside of the lane is a good design idea. :P

    Other than that, it has some interesting abilities. I like the idea of controlling minions; it seems Yorickesque, only more permanent.

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