1. #1

    KuiNameplates help!

    Hey, i just downloaded the recent version of KuiNameplates and in this version the author have changed the position of the name and hp percent text so it is in the middle of the bar which looks like crap with the size of my bars.
    So, does anyone know how to change the position of this in the lua?
    I have looked in all of them without success

  2. #2
    maybe take a look at layout.lua
    lines 337-351

    --SetFontSize(f.name, 'small')

    f.name:SetPoint('BOTTOM', f.health, 'TOP', 0, -3)

    f.bg.fill:SetSize(kn.sizes.twidth, kn.sizes.theight)
    f.health:SetSize(kn.sizes.twidth-2, kn.sizes.theight-2)
    f.targetGlow:SetSize(kn.texSizes.ttargetGlowW, kn.texSizes.targetGlowH)

    f.health:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', x+1, y+1)

    f.bg.fill:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', x, y)

    f.bg:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', x-(kn.sizes.bgOffset-2), y-(kn.sizes.bgOffset-2))
    f.bg:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', f, 'BOTTOMLEFT', x+kn.sizes.twidth+(kn.sizes.bgOffset-2), y+kn.sizes.theight+(kn.sizes.bgOffset-2))

    didn't test it myself, but I think this is what you're looking for.

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