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  1. #1

    I enjoy playing World of Warcraft. Am I in the minority?

    I'm not a big forum poster, but I am on here daily, reading the hot topics of the day. While I have no idea what portion of the community posts or reads, I do feel at times I must be in the minority based on comments I see, like people wanting to get rid of LFR and flying and how easy it is to make gold and raid etc etc. I'm posting here today to give my 2 cents, from a normally non-vocal player.

    I have been playing since BC and have never stopped my subscription. I remember the awe I felt when first logging in to the game knowing the other characters running around were real people somewhere out there in the world. During my time in BC, I met many very friendly people, joined a guild based solely on me helping one of them out one day, went through some trial runs with them and eventually made the raiding team. There were always plenty of people in guild chat and one only had to mention needing help once before receiving plenty of offers from other guildies to assist. It was my first MMO and I was thrilled.

    Fast forward to today and many of the people I once played with have left the game. I rarely run into anyone who is friendly or helpful. The guild is mostly dead and I haven't been in any of the raids this expansion. The game I once loved and still do for the most part is suffering and it is mostly due to the attitudes of the players. While many people are not happy with the direction the game is going, it is their reaction and toxic attitude that is the real downfall.

    I do LFR, because I don't have enough guildies to run a full raid. I don't like to pug, because where once it was a great way to meet people and form a team, it is now just an exasperated drama filled group of unfriendly people with very little teamwork. It has become a place to complain when there is a wipe or when someone didn't get their drop or about how someone else made a mistake. Because I don't pug, I'm left with LFR. So do I enjoy LFR? Yes, I like the fights, I like when I get a drop I can use, I like learning how to better my character by watching others of my same class and it helps pass the time while I wait for friends to log on. What I don't like are the players who endlessly complain throughout the entire run or who purposely want to grief others. Would I care if they took LFR away? No, it's not my game and I don't really care what decision Blizzard makes with their game as long as I have something to do. If I don't and I'm bored, I'll move on to something else. For instance, I dislike dailies, so I don't do them, unless I really want some reward being offered from doing them. I never once felt pressured to do them. It is just a game after all.

    I really like flying. In fact, when I can't fly in a zone, it drives me a little crazy and I can't wait to get out of that zone. I enjoy the scenery just fine without needing to be grounded. It makes sense to me to not fly through a brand new zone while leveling, like the whole of Mists, but only on 1 character. Once I have a character at max and learn to fly in that area, all of my alts should be able to fly as well (for a fee of course). I don't need for them all to be grounded. It is a time waster and is not enjoyable. But do I jump to the forums and blast Blizzard for their decision? No, I make due and move on.

    I don't want the game so hard that I spend my time frustrated never achieving anything, but I don't want it so easy that I don't feel like I accomplished anything either. I felt like BC and Lich King had a nice balance. I had to work towards getting that raid spot. We had to progress through the content by working together week after week knowing full well it would take time and we were ok with that. I looked forward to logging in, chatting with my guild mates and doing what we could to enhance our characters in preparation for raid night.

    I miss have group will travel, it was very handy. I think most items that are soul bound should be account bound, like spirits. What does it matter what character I earned them on? I still earned them, by myself and I should be able to pass items I've earned to other characters. I can pass gold between characters I've earned, what's the difference? I miss being able to farm trash in a raid. It was another way to pass time and possibly earn gold or win that rare drop. It was also a great way to meet fellow people on your realm. Sometimes when the group was good enough, we would end up doing the raid and not just farm the trash. It was a fun way to test your skills, it was fun to earn materials or gold or every now and then a piece of gear. I miss being able to earn reputation while doing dungeons, by wearing tabards. I thought that system worked well. I miss their being some sort of accountability and responsibility as a fellow gamer and human being instead of the anonymous asshats who now plague the game getting away without repercussions.

    For me, in the end, the game is just a game, a way to pass time while having fun. I miss the days when people's idea of fun was playing the content instead of bashing one another. I'm bored a lot, but not because there is nothing to do, but because I'm doing it alone. I have the most fun playing with friends and doing even the simplest of things, like hunting down rares, or doing achievements in older content, or trying for mounts and pets. I don't care if I have the latest and greatest of anything in the game. In fact, I don't understand the point of having seen, done and acquired everything. I mean, once you have it all, then what do you do? I like that there is always something else out there to try for.

    I may be in the minority on these forums, but I like the game and will continue to play as long as I am having fun and have friends to play with. I may question some of Blizzard's decisions at times, however my right to complain is equaled to their right to ignore my complaints. I do not want a small minority of very vocal players to determine the direction of the game and I have faith that the tools at Blizzard's disposal to analyze game play are being utilized. I say this because I disagree with the posters on this site the majority of the time and believe I would no longer enjoy the game if they had their say (like doing away with flying, like huh are you bat **** crazy? lol). I can only hope there are many many others out there that feel as I do and are just not normally vocal about it, like me.

  2. #2
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    Woah, rather long post for a "Not big forum poster" ^^.

    Was quite some read. No, I wouldn't count you as a minority. Really. I enjoy it too, it's a lovely setup. But, I sure hope there's more than just us who enjoys the content in one way or the other. And remember, MMO-Champion itself, doesn't even cover all the WoW-players. But, I think you're higher up than a minority.

    And love your explaining of what you enjoy, and what even drives you a little crazy.. Yes... I still take myself trying to jump in a no flying zone, trying to get away. Hehe.
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  3. #3
    Woah, rather long post for a "Not big forum poster" ^^.
    Yes, I did not intend for it to be so long, I guess I got on a roll.

  4. #4
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jassinia View Post
    Yes, I did not intend for it to be so long, I guess I got on a roll.
    Oh, it's good. it is better than starting a thread with only 1 line, I've seen those around before. And it's always lovely to read peoples experiences.
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  5. #5
    You and 8 million+ agree with you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Princess Kenny View Post
    Avocado is a tropical fruit , south seas expansion confirmed.

  6. #6
    Vanilla player here, and you're certainly not in the minority. The game has changed significantly these last few years, but only for the better in my opinion.

    I've raided hardcore from vanilla up until LKHC in WOTLK and I can only say that part of the game has improved more and more for me. I really liked the switch from 40 to 25 people. Still though, I can't say anything about raiding post-WOTLK, as I've merely done some LFR's whenever I felt like it.

    Nowadays I enjoy to play as much characters as possible. Where I mained a mage during vanilla/tbc & my DK from wotlk up until MoP, I now switch chars more often than Paris Hilton switches boyfriends. I don't have as much time as I used to have back then, but the addition of LFR fits the ''hole'' that quitting raiding left behind perfectly. I can hop in and do a quick run, and still get some epics (whenever the loot gods bless me). To a casual player like I am nowadays this is a nice way to still score some epics and not feel like a weakling.

    Furthermore I enjoy the little things. I'm an avid mount collector, and the account wide feature really made the game much more enjoyable for me. Not being tied down to one character anymore, simply wonderful for someone like me, a person that really likes changes and variation.

    I'm not a big poster on these forums either, but I do tend to read a lot. The negativity really bothers me, especially since I don't understand why so many people are whining. It's obvious this game is Blizzards cash cow, and additions like the vanity helms to the cash shop are only obvious from their PoV. Why whine about it? It won't affect your gameplay, you don't have to buy them etc.

    Ah well, in the end this game still enjoys me. Some days more than others, but I never regret extending my playtime with another month. Theres always something to do

  7. #7
    Scarab Lord Lime's Avatar
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    Minority? No lol.

    Most people enjoy the game quite a bit. The minority are the people who complain about almost every change to the game.

    Personally, I think the game is better now than ever.

  8. #8
    However much forums may make you feel like you're the minority, you're not. You said yourself you don't post much, and that's likely for the same reason you see so many negative posts compared to positive. The unhappy get on forums to whine about what they don't like, and the happy are too busy enjoying the game to bother with forums.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Jassinia View Post
    For me, in the end, the game is just a game, a way to pass time while having fun. I miss the days when people's idea of fun was playing the content instead of bashing one another. I'm bored a lot, but not because there is nothing to do, but because I'm doing it alone. I have the most fun playing with friends and doing even the simplest of things, like hunting down rares, or doing achievements in older content, or trying for mounts and pets. I don't care if I have the latest and greatest of anything in the game. In fact, I don't understand the point of having seen, done and acquired everything. I mean, once you have it all, then what do you do? I like that there is always something else out there to try for.
    Yes. That's the point. When you forget that you play a game for fun, of course you get angry, bored, entitled, blahblahblah.
    I do basically what you do, have a small but nice group of buddies, some for raiding, some for all the other more "pointless" things and I'm still not bored after whatevermany years. And if I'm bored indeed, i take a little break and all's good.
    We only just (nearly^^) cleared normal Throne, but seriously, who cares. We had lots of fun and drama and excitement on our way there, I'm pretty content with that.

  10. #10
    Immortal SL1200's Avatar
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    I love wow too, but I'm not very likely to come to the forums to post about all the things that I like about wow. There's just not a lot of room for a discussion to be had about how much people are enjoying whatever things they enjoy.

  11. #11
    I hate pugging in this game so much. LFR is a trollfest. 5 mans are full of people who blatantly have no respect for one another. My tank Monk had a tank trinket taken by a Ret Pally last night. I asked him why he Needed on it. He told me so he could vendor it. When I /sighed at him he mocked me for having the nerve to want an item that was an upgrade for me rather than know it was getting destroyed.

    I legitimately feel bad for people who are stuck pugging. If my endgame consisted purely of LFR and people screaming at each other over how many tanks are required for Oondasta I'd probably up and quit. It really bums me out when I see people post things like "My guild is falling apart" because I can't imagine having fun in game without mine.

    Currently playing Borderlands 1 remaster. Amped for Borderlands 3.
    Add me on the PSN for jolly-cooperation @ PuppetShoJustice

  12. #12
    Best game on the market atm, not just as an MMO.

    The market atm is clinically dead. Unless, ofc, you have crappy taste and are also easily amused, then any of the f2p garbage on market right now is probably going to satisfy you just as much as wow but cheaper.

  13. #13
    I've been playing since mid/late BC. I've had to stop on several occasions for school, but I keep coming back. I still enjoy the content, especially if and when I get to play with my friends or family. Before I was just learning how to play it, but...after the first 5 years (yes I'm slow) I've got the hang of most of it, so now I get to enjoy it from different alts and changes in the world. The lore has been reigning me in for the past several years, so that helps a lot too. There's lots to enjoy in the game, so I doubt the number of people 'enjoying' the game will ever be a minority. If it became a minority...then Blizz would lose their MMO lol.

  14. #14
    Another vanilla player here as well. Yes I enjoyed the times I was in a raiding guild but as you've said the general attitude of the some of the player base made me into a casual player. Would I love to get back into raiding? In a heart beat. Right now my schedule doesn't fit it well so LFR is my option that works well because /2 pugs seem to be too much drama.

    Will I keep playing this game for the time being? Again another yes. It's a game I know well and when I get tired of PvP/PvE I swap to the other option. It keeps things fresh.
    ...Made it through 9 years of wow...

  15. #15
    Warchief Felarion's Avatar
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    I like play as well, but i like to post on forums about things that i don't like in my favorite game

  16. #16
    I am so thrilled at the responses. I was so afraid posting would bring out a lot of negativity and people bashing me for liking this game. I really just wanted to know that not all forum posters hate the game. I mean, I know that isn't really true, but day after day of finding a good topic to read only to be followed by a rash of negative comments was taking it's toll on me. I thank you all for chiming in with your experiences and enjoyment.

  17. #17
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    People say you're not in the minority .. I certainly feel like I am. My boyfriend plays lots of games on the side, and he finds it weird that I only play WoW. I just don't see the point in spending money on other games when WoW keeps me entertained. I wish others felt this way.. sucks logging in on non-raid nights and rarely seeing anyone on.

    My bf & I were fortunate enough to snag Blizzcon tickets this year. Hopefully in November I will finally feel like I'm not in the minority.
    I am a filthy casual!

  18. #18
    Minority when up against the ENTIRE human population? Yesh :3.

    Minority when up against people playing games? Far from it. It's a common misconception that forumgoers and loudmouth posters represent the playerbase, but they don't. They're disgruntled about stuff and as such, they vent. The silent masses enjoy the game and play as always.

    This game is amazing, I've not been unsubbed since I started 5 years ago and I won't unsub anytime soon.

  19. #19
    For every 100 people that like WoW, there's one person that dislikes WoW and will voice his opinion so strongly and frequently that people will assume that he is the majority.

  20. #20
    The devs have a phrase.. it is called ´ the echo chamber ´.. What it means is that once something is heard on in a thread, it is easy for others to jump in and say they dislike that also... and the more it is repeated, the more it echos. But the reality is that the game has many minorly annoying aspects.. there are always things we don´t like.. but for most people, they are overlooked easily because of all the great features. The problem with the echo chamber is that it highlights, focuses and then just builds on itself all of this small annoyances in the game that are otherwise unimportant.

    The other problem with forums is they are generally skewed towards hardcore players. If you are posting or even reading on forums, then you take the game pretty seriously. This is the reason things like LFR and daily quests get bashed so much on the forums. For casual players, daily quests, herioc dungeons and maybe LFR is the meat of your gameplay. For hardcore players, they are annoying hoops you have to jump through to get to hardcore raiding. LFR is just the perfect example of this (and the players here never listen to the devs). The devs have repeatedly said that the majority of people doing LFR would not, and never have, raided. The number of people who do LFR dwarfs the number of people doing real raiding.. but because most posters on fansites are hardcore, you would think it is the other way around.. and the echo chamber on this site gets to the point where you hear things like ´everyone in this thread hates LFR, why is it not removed´.. and it is followed by 99% of the posters agreeing LFR should be removed.


    1. It is easy to read something you don´t like and respond that you also don´t like it. But very few people are going to start a thread and say ´I really like dropping bears onto a trampoline´ and get any type of response.

    2. Forum posters, especially on fansites, are much more hardcore and elitist than the average player. They want different things than the average player and are more vocal about it. Casual players just want to play the game and have fun, hardcore players want to have better gear and more prestige than everyone else. Which is more likely to be on forums complaining about the activities of the other?

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