Thread: Tips for Brand

  1. #1

    Tips for Brand


    I just started playing with a friend and tried out Brand and had a lot of fun with him (partner is a melee). anyway i was wondering what items i should be getting first and how i should be playing with him. furthermore what is a good melee champion to lane partner with. We had some good success with garen and wurwick. I noticed the main problem was getting ganked from behind or teams with ranged cc. please avoid terminology as i don't know too much yet.

  2. #2
    you play mid or maybe top with brand never on a duo lane.
    Last edited by mmocb78b025c1c; 2013-07-16 at 04:29 PM.

  3. #3
    Not true. You can play Brand anywhere you want, as long as you can make him work for you and your team. He's not conventional champ to lane with, but if you're good at landing his stuns, coupled with his high damage output, you can probably wreck lanes. Do you play a more traditional support role, or does your friend do that? Do you share CS, or does one of you farm exclusively?

    I can see Brand working well with a melee with some hard CC, which will make it much easier for you to land your stuns. Perhaps a Sion or Renekton would be a good partnership?

  4. #4
    You will very seldom see Annie/Brand bot lane because the stun and dot damage can be really difficult to deal with for some adc/support players. Once you've experienced it, it's easier to deal with.

    Brand is more traditionally a mid champion.

  5. #5
    Brand + Sion = pain.

    ne porvivajo nur mortigi tempo

  6. #6

    I have been playing duo lanes with him since i am not very good in mid. It seems whenever i try to poke minions the enemy champ just runs over and kills me outright even though i try to run away. Especialy against fiz or volibear (op imo). Also i am used to play more of support role but have leaned torwards champs with more damage as i don't seem to do much as support.

    what should my strategy be late game when most of the turrets are down? It seems the games tend to turn into gank wars.

  7. #7
    Brand has a great auto attack range, try to stay as far away from the creeps as possible and only get the last hit on them with AA's, if you're really struggling you can use your spells to clear creeps. Against a Volibear or Fizz bottom lane (becomes increasingly rare as you level up) just have a ward in your near side bush. As soon as you see Voli charge towards you/Fizz leap to you, just run back and try to lane your stun on 'em (W/E followed by Q).

    ne porvivajo nur mortigi tempo

  8. #8

    I would highly recommend for you to play Brand mid/top. Your mine goal as a Brand is being high dmg high treath champion, who will shine in team fights due to his massive aoe dmg. Thats why you want solo lane where you can get as much farm as you can. In lane you want to be very carefull; place wards where you think enemy will gank, since you have no escapes. As you said for example volibear will gank you easily if you dont have your wards placed.
    So in lane pretty much all you want to do is farm and try to harash enemy with your W at range. After you hit 6 you can try to burst enemy with your full combo, since your dmg output is very high.
    As you progress to the mid game, you should be pretty farmed(have items like ie. Liandrys,rylais,rabadons,sorc shoes), you want to gather up with your team and go for objects and teamfights. In team fights you want to stay back since you have no escapes and you are easily killed by bruisers and use your spells for huge aoe dmg.

    If you want to play bot lane you should try more support oriented champions who dont need as much gold as brand to be effective.
    There is champions who can be played as support and still do decent dmg like Zyra.

  9. #9
    Your goal is to use the pillar (W iirc) to farm and put dots on your opp. If you have an opening to use the skillshot Q on your opp while they burn, do it.

    One thing I love to do in mid game is to find two enemies, W and/or Q one of them then spread the burning to the other with Ethen drop his ult on them. It'll bounce back and forth, probably doing close to 2/3 total health to each if they aren't a tank and lacking on MR.

  10. #10
    Watch some youtube videos about Brand. This is just my 2 cents.

    Helped for me, i play mostly ADC (plat 3)

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