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  1. #21
    The Patient
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    I would take all the mechanics from Lich King, Rag and Garrosh and put them into 1 single boss with an extreme tight enrage timer.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by churchy View Post
    Introducing: Guild co-op !

    I'd love to have an encounter against one of the warcraft main baddies, like sargeras.
    To make this fight feel as epic as it should and make Sargeras as powerful as he is,
    you would have to work together with another guild on your server to take him down.

    2x25-man raids in the same instance
    I thought we'd fight The Lich King (had this idea that we would in vanilla) in cooperation with a horde guild.

    Thankfully this never happened. Can you imagine the lagfest some people would have? Still it is a nice fantasy.

  3. #23
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    I would design the first boss of a raid (so, the easy one). It would obviously be expansion themed, so let's say the expansion is Emerald Dream and this boss is a demented green dragon named Mylera, but due to its construction, would be called The Professor Dragon.

    The room would be a massive square, with a special cage in each of the four corners and a gate in the center of the four sides, dividing the room up rather like a tic-tac-toe board.

    Mylera would use the following abilities, all of which would be on a strict, predicable timer (so people would say things like "Nightmare Warp in 10")
    -- Claw Flurry: massive swing speed timer boost
    -- Dragon Breath: the usual. Probably nature damage.
    -- Tail Slap: damage and knockback.
    -- Nightmare Warp: Mylera draws 15-yard diameter green circle centered on a random player. In two seconds, the circle fills with a high nature-damage void zone, punishing those who stand within it.
    ** when Mylera drops below 75% health, Mylera takes half damage from anyone standing in a Nightmare Warp.
    ** when Mylera drops below 50% health, players standing in Nightmare Warp can't be healed. This ability is 100% mandatory in LFR difficulty: it's the most important part of the fight.
    ** When Mylera drops below 25% health, Nightmare Warps spread 3 yards in radius for each damage tick that hits at least one player (but not pets or minions, of course), with no maximum radius. This ability might be suppressed in LFR difficulty.
    Mylera prefers non-tank targets. Nightmare Warps last a long time but eventually clear.
    -- Howling Terror: A magical debuff placed on a random player. When it is applied, the player takes nature damage equal to 75% of their maximum health. While affected, this player radiates a raid-wide pulsing shriek that does moderate physical damage to all players. Howling Terror can only be removed if the victim is over 90% health: even effects like Iceblock do not remove it otherwise. Mylera prefers non-tank targets.
    -- Nightmare Bolt Volley is not interruptable, but has a four-second cast timer. Shadow damage to all players, divided by the number of targets (so, if half the raid is dead, this becomes much more dangerous).

    Mylera also summons adds which come randomly out of the gates. Three types exist:
    -- Nightmare Warriors are dragonkin that have a melee cleave and stacking Mortal Wound effect.
    -- Nightmare Whelps have a nature breath frontal attack, and also cast Venom Bolts at random raid members that leave a stacking DoT. Both are interruptable.
    -- and Nightmare Phantoms are undead that have a 10-second lifespan. If alive at the end of this time, they detonate, causing shadow damage to all those around them and silencing them all for 10 seconds.
    All have standard threat tables. In LFR they can be crowd controlled. In Flex, only the Phantoms can. In normal, nothing can, but all can be stunned. In heroic, they are also immune to stuns.
    Mylera has a permanent aura on called Strength of the Nightmare. All adds (but not herself) get +50% haste and damage while within 20 yards of Mylera, and they heal 5% of their maximum health every second. Grouping up the adds on Mylera is discouraged.

    Mylera's big ability are the Emerald Orbs. When Mylera reaches 75% health (and then again at 50% and 25%) there is an obvious raid warning and one or two(depending on party size) of the cages at random opens up. The cage remains open for 15 seconds, or until three players enter, after which it seals back up, fills with mist, and an emerald orb appears. The orb has a pile of hit points but no attacks and cannot dodge, parry, or be missed. The sealed cage blocks line of sight to anyone outside of the cage (including Mylera), and the cage fills with green gas that causes 5% max health nature damage/second that bypasses absorb shields and blocks all healing, so players have 20 seconds to kill the orb. When the orb is destroyed, the gas vanishes, and all players in the cage get a damage, haste, and movement speed buff for 30 seconds, during which time they are also immune to the damage of Nightmare Bolt Volley (but they still help divide the damage done to everyone else). However, if any orb is still alive when its 20-second timer runs out, the orb vanishes, Mylera heals 20%/number of orbs spawned, and the cage remains locked, eventually killing anyone still inside. The orbs have maximum health based on 3 DPS doing a raid-difficulty-adequate-job for 20 seconds with no distractions. 20% of Mylera's health is way more than the health of an Emerald Orb, making ignoring the orbs suicidal even with strong DPS.

    While in a cage, Mylera's abilities do not hit you and will not target you. This increases the work the players that stay outside have to deal with. For example, it increases the damage of Nightmare Bolt Volley, but if only 3 DPS go in per orb, the increase is manageable. The cages are also slightly higher than the ground, so Nightmare Warps don't affect those inside (but the gas is doing more than enough). It should also be noted that taking Howling Terror into the cage will prevent it from damaging most of the raid...but you'll murder the other 2 people in the cage, and therefore fail the DPS check and die shortly after.

    So what does the Professor Dragon teach?
    -- the job of the MT is all about handling the alternating physical and magical damage, rotating mitigation and cooldowns when necessary. Turning the boss away from the raid, and the OT who is running all over the place, is also part of the deal.
    -- the OT needs mobility (or Death Grip) and interrupts. Their job is to get the adds picked up quickly and away from the dragon. Of particular note are the Nightmare Phantoms, which could otherwise silence a healer and get people killed. Misdirect is also highly useful here.
    -- the DPS learn not to stand in front of, or behind, a dragon. They also learn about switching to the adds without pulling threat on them. And they have a DPS check in the form of the Emerald Orbs. Those that fail that check penalize the entire party, because (a) Mylera is healed and (b) when they die, everyone else takes more damage from Nightmare Bolt Volley and (c) the next Emerald Orb phase becomes even uglier.
    -- healers learn about dealing with predictable tank and raid damage from Claw Flurry, Dragon Breath and Nightmare Bolt Volley. They also learn about burst healing from Howling Terror, which is effectively a HPS check.
    -- and everyone learns to get out of the fire. Let's be clear: I loved the idea of Defile in the LK fight. It was a clear indicator between raids that had 10 people who wanted to win, and those who didn't. Nightmare Warps are my variant: a little bit more warning time before they hit, but destroy the target, and the raid, if they don't move. The "can't be healed" is my favorite part. I would add that JUST SO when people say "where are my heals" the healers can link the ability and say "it's your own fault, dumbass." It is there purely to shame bad players.

    Perform your role, and the fight is easy. Bad players will be relentlessly murdered.

    Heroic Mode:
    -- more health, more damage, yadda yadda yadda
    -- Mylera gets a permanent stacking 10% damage boost for each player that dies in Nightmare Warp or debuffed by the Howling Terror.
    -- Dragon Breath leaves a debuff that increases the damage of the next Dragon Breath, forcing a tank swap, so both tanks have to be able to do both jobs. Dragon Breath and the adds coming out of the gates don't happen at the same time, allowing for a smooth transition.
    -- a fourth add, Nightmare Stalkers, enter the arena stealthed and targetting a random non-tank player. If they make it to that player without taking damage (and, therefore, resetting their aggro table), they backstab the crap out of them. Tanks and DPS are advised to figure out which gate spawned a Nightmare Stalker by which gate summoned the fewest visible adds, or by blanketing the area with AoE and/or hunter flares.
    -- the damage/haste buff for killing an Emerald Orb is removed. They remain immune to the damage of Nightmare Bolt Volley (that immunity is mostly there so DPS with 10% health aren't instantly killed by unlucky timing).
    -- Howling Terror initial damage on the target can no longer be absorbed, and the damage done to the raid now increases to all targets within 20 yards of the victim.
    -- since one would assume Heroic raiders would find Nightmare Warps trivial to handle, they start slowly moving towards their original target for their duration. If that target enters an Emerald Orb cage, that Nightmare Warp vanishes early.

  4. #24
    Scarab Lord Tyrgannus's Avatar
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    I've always thought a multi-story boss would be EPIC. What do I mean by multi-story? I mean LITERALLY 2 floors!

    Think of a stationary boss like Kologarn or Magmaw. Give it a mechanics where if no is in melee range the boss wipes the raid so that you can't easily cheese it. Sounds a lot like those encounters, right? Here's where it's going to sound a lot like Halion. There are 2 floors, one at the head of the boss, and one at the torso. This boss has a mechanic that spawns an add for everyone alive in the raid similar to the Occu'thar encounter or Sha of Doubt encounter where everyone has an add tied to them though everyone can target everyone's add. Here's the catch, when an add dies it blows up and does raid damage to everyone ON THE FLOOR OF THE KILLED ADD. Put all 10 or 25 on one floor and it's a wipe due to far too much raid damage. The main mechanics then is to split your raid into 2 squadrons so that it's healable, and both the torso and the head need to be tanked in order to avoid a raid wide wipe mechanic, so now we know what the healers and boss are up to. Here's the final catch, periodically throughout the encounter, one of the boss segments (head or torso) becomes more vulnerable. DPS MUST switch to that segment in order to down the boss effectively and switch back and forth between vulnerable segments. When adds come up, dps must prioritize spreading into split squadron formation, down the adds, heal up, and then go back to the vulnerable segment otherwise the raid will wipe if all the dps are at one segment when the adds die. Through in a few easy to dodge void zones, occasional dispellable debuff, and a strong hit against the tank that needs to be either tank cool downed or heal cool downed through and BAM! You got an encounter.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by soulstaz View Post
    if fans ran world of warcraft by wowcrendor

    (with fire and explosions everywhere)
    Last edited by mmoc33659a5ac3; 2013-10-08 at 03:15 PM.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaelorian View Post
    I thought we'd fight The Lich King (had this idea that we would in vanilla) in cooperation with a horde guild.

    Thankfully this never happened. Can you imagine the lagfest some people would have? Still it is a nice fantasy.
    For ages in vanilla I thought there would be a mechanic where horde shamans or alliance paladins would be sent to another factions raid. (alliance friends whining to me about windfury totem being OP as shit XD)

    For me my boss design!

    None other than Kael riding anubarak as a chariot with Nefarion and Onyxia as the "horses pulling it" The main tank and off tank at the start of the fight along with 2 healers are allowed to ride on the chariot to fight the boss (he melees as well as casting pyroblasts ever 6 seconds)

    Phase 1)

    Kael rides around the room casting pyro blast while phoenix eggs hatch around the room and many whelps spawn which the raid has to deal with. If anyone gets in front of the chariot which does a figure of 8 around the room they die and the boss gets stronger. Onyxia sometimes does a deep breath. The cariot does not move too fast so players can hit it!

    Phase 2) 85% hp
    Nefarion begins doing class calls random 4 classes at random on 25man 2 on 10man. Class calls last 20 seconds and have a 20 second cool down before the next one
    Mages - Sheep random players and then cast ice block on them selves and wastes evocation for good measure.
    Warlocks - makes new warlock portals in random locations and summons infernals that have to be killed
    Shaman - summons new totems that must be destroyed and all spells are now frost shock.
    Rogues - are given ranged weapons and can only right click "shoot" once every 1.5 seconds for 20seconds.
    Hunters - are given daggers and have to back stab the boss
    Monks - no idea on them sorry! =[
    DK - they death grib random players to their location If the DK is a main tank then that player gets a free ride for a bit and then teleported to the middle of the room.
    Warriors - tanking warriors are stuck in zerker stances dps warriors automatically go to defensive stance and can only spam heroic leap.
    Priests - DPS priests direct damage heals the boss but dots don't their healing is increased by 100% and costs 25% of their original spell cost. Healing priests heals hurt their targets but any damage spell does 500% damage to the boss lasts 20 seconds before they revert back.
    Druids - resto druids stuck in cat form but their damage heals the raid. Balance druids turn into mages and feral druids turn into warlocks, if the other class has a class call the druids new forms are also affected.

    phase 3 25)
    By fire be dirged! Kael calls upon his most powerful servant RAGNAROS! Who is now summoned as a flying creature. Ragnaros throws down his hammer at random locations that cause aoe damage. The only way to kill ragnaros is with a sulfuron hammer (legendary or firelands version) the wielder of such weapon gets a chain to fly up to him and damage ragnaros. Upon ragnaros death Kael who was immune during this can now be damaged again. (adds and class calls continue to happen during this phase)

    Phase 4 1%)

    Kaels chariot horses and flying creature all are dead. Kael then gains 50% HP and continues to cast pyro blasts and now gains molten shield poly morph and firestorm.
    none of which can be interrupted.

    Firestorm creates fire tornados at a players location the player has to move out of the tornado before it triggers or they get sucked up and take damage. Tornados last until the end of the fight and are cast every 15 seconds. Class calls now stop phoenix still spawn but whelps no longer spawn.

    Molten shield requires the raid to use spell casters to break it before melee/hunters can do damage (otherwise they take 100% damage back) Once the shield is down the boss takes 10% more damage from melee/hunters for 15seconds. He will recast molten shield 25 seconds after the previous one was destroyed.

    This continues until the fight has ended.

  7. #27
    Warchief sizzlinsauce's Avatar
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    we did this once on mmochamp. remember deathwing spine encounter? we asked for that months before cata even came out.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Blueobelisk View Post

    My dream boss encounter is like. Actually having a choice to make. Like everything is tuned so you could do things either wayan d have to experiment which one is better.

    It'd be something like you have mini-bosses/adds that you have to take out as you work your way up to the real boss. So one tank, one group of DPS, and some healers stick to one mini boss while the other half of the raid starts on another, and they keep alternating mini bosses. Oh and the raids are separated physically so there's none of this "everyone stack" bullshit, the tanks have to keep mini bosses apart from each other.

    Then uhhhh something with the main boss having to do with the way you handle him and/or the mini boss that creates a choice.
    Sounds like adapting the boss in Ulduar, 'In the mountains' I forget his name

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Vilvaldi View Post
    Sounds like adapting the boss in Ulduar, 'In the mountains' I forget his name
    I remember you..... in the mountains.....


  10. #30
    Essence of the Emerald Nightmare

    Overview - The fight takes place in the Twilight Grove in Duskwood. A strange shadowy pool sits at the base of the path. A player that stands in it has their max HP reduced by 50%. upon exiting the pool, their max HP is restored, but current HP is not. When the boss is pulled is pulled, the pool vanishes. The fight then becomes a test of balance, in which players cannot hit 100% or 0% HP.

    Stage One: The Nightmare Begins- Nightmares pour out of the Emerald Portal, and must be dealt with.

    (!) Consuming Nightmare- Consuming nightmare will focus the player with the lowest HP. It deals massive damage and must be kited. The longer it focuses a player, the faster it moves. Movement speed is reset upon acquiring a new target. It must be killed within 10 seconds of Twisted Nightmare's Death, or it will revive at 50% HP.

    (!) Twisted Nightmare- Twisted Nightmare remains stationary and focuses on the player with the highest HP, continually healing it for 1% of its life every second. this effect stacks. If a player reaches 100% HP, it rushes to that player and devours their essence, killing them instantly. It must be killed within 10 seconds of Consuming Nightmare's Death, or it will revive at 50% HP.

    (!) Haunting Nightmare- Haunting Nightmares possess a target for 30 seconds, making them hostile to raid members, friendly to fellow possessed players, and causing them to deal and receive 50% less damage from all players. At the end of 30 seconds, Haunting Nightmares will select a new host. Players can still be the target of Consuming Nightmares and Twisted Nightmares if possessed.

    Stage Two: Night Terror- Once the Consuming Nightmare and Twisted Nightmare are defeated, Night Terror will spawn, signaling the beginning of the second phase. Haunting Nightmares will continue throughout this phase.

    Night Terror-
    **(Healer) Frustration- If a player dies, Night Terror will become frustrated with finding such weak prey, and gain 20% damage and healing. This effect stacks.
    **(DEADLY) Consumption- If a player reaches 100% HP, Night Terror will rush to that player and drain their essence, killing them instantly. Consumption grants Night Terror 20% damage and healing. This effect stacks.
    **(Tank) The Unknown- Night Terror will cast either a 40% heal or a 40% damaging ability on its current target. This ability is unaffected by Frustration and Consumption.
    **(!)Enticing Illusions- pools appear on the ground, healing all targets within for -X- per second.
    **(!)Unimaginable Horrors- pools appear on the ground, dealing -X- damage per second.

    Stage Three: The Nightmare Passes- At 50%, Night Terror absorbs all Haunting Nightmares, and gains new abilities. Night Terror continues to use abilities from Stage Two.

    Night Terror-
    **(!) Suffocating Fear- Night Terror gains a damaging aura that deals -X- Damage to all players within 1000 yards every 3 seconds.
    **(DEADLY) Resilient Awakening- Night Terror channels for 8 seconds, then releases a massive 50% heal on all players.
    **(VICTORY) But A Passing Dream- at 20% HP, Night Terror concludes that the players are neither worth the effort to kill, nor strong enough to bother draining, and retreats.

  11. #31
    I'd like to fight a boss who actually uses his brains.

    ''Hey wait a minute, why am I hitting the guy with a large shield? I should go for their healers first!''

    ''Why am I fighting these guys alone? I'll call out all the other guards in this place to assist me!''

    ''I'm fighting against a gnome and I'm 100x bigger than him.... why don't I just stomp him into a coin with my boot?''

    ''Hey.... instead of using my abilities one by one after each short time.... why don't I just use them all at once?!''

    ''Its very annoying to see those damage dealers behind my back all the time, poking me. I should keep turning around!''

    ''Oh no I'm at 2% health! I SHOULD GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!''

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by McNeil View Post
    ''Oh no I'm at 2% health! I SHOULD GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!''
    and all the sudden you're fighting a paladin boss and you need to split your raid and leave a few dudes at wherever the guy sets his hearthstone to to finish the job.

    or just pickpocket his hearthstone.

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by seije View Post
    Essence of the Emerald Nightmare

    Overview - The fight takes place in the Twilight Grove in Duskwood. A strange shadowy pool sits at the base of the path. A player that stands in it has their max HP reduced by 50%. upon exiting the pool, their max HP is restored, but current HP is not. When the boss is pulled is pulled, the pool vanishes. The fight then becomes a test of balance, in which players cannot hit 100% or 0% HP.

    Stage One: The Nightmare Begins- Nightmares pour out of the Emerald Portal, and must be dealt with.

    (!) Consuming Nightmare- Consuming nightmare will focus the player with the lowest HP. It deals massive damage and must be kited. The longer it focuses a player, the faster it moves. Movement speed is reset upon acquiring a new target. It must be killed within 10 seconds of Twisted Nightmare's Death, or it will revive at 50% HP.

    (!) Twisted Nightmare- Twisted Nightmare remains stationary and focuses on the player with the highest HP, continually healing it for 1% of its life every second. this effect stacks. If a player reaches 100% HP, it rushes to that player and devours their essence, killing them instantly. It must be killed within 10 seconds of Consuming Nightmare's Death, or it will revive at 50% HP.

    (!) Haunting Nightmare- Haunting Nightmares possess a target for 30 seconds, making them hostile to raid members, friendly to fellow possessed players, and causing them to deal and receive 50% less damage from all players. At the end of 30 seconds, Haunting Nightmares will select a new host. Players can still be the target of Consuming Nightmares and Twisted Nightmares if possessed.

    Stage Two: Night Terror- Once the Consuming Nightmare and Twisted Nightmare are defeated, Night Terror will spawn, signaling the beginning of the second phase. Haunting Nightmares will continue throughout this phase.

    Night Terror-
    **(Healer) Frustration- If a player dies, Night Terror will become frustrated with finding such weak prey, and gain 20% damage and healing. This effect stacks.
    **(DEADLY) Consumption- If a player reaches 100% HP, Night Terror will rush to that player and drain their essence, killing them instantly. Consumption grants Night Terror 20% damage and healing. This effect stacks.
    **(Tank) The Unknown- Night Terror will cast either a 40% heal or a 40% damaging ability on its current target. This ability is unaffected by Frustration and Consumption.
    **(!)Enticing Illusions- pools appear on the ground, healing all targets within for -X- per second.
    **(!)Unimaginable Horrors- pools appear on the ground, dealing -X- damage per second.

    Stage Three: The Nightmare Passes- At 50%, Night Terror absorbs all Haunting Nightmares, and gains new abilities. Night Terror continues to use abilities from Stage Two.

    Night Terror-
    **(!) Suffocating Fear- Night Terror gains a damaging aura that deals -X- Damage to all players within 1000 yards every 3 seconds.
    **(DEADLY) Resilient Awakening- Night Terror channels for 8 seconds, then releases a massive 50% heal on all players.
    **(VICTORY) But A Passing Dream- at 20% HP, Night Terror concludes that the players are neither worth the effort to kill, nor strong enough to bother draining, and retreats.
    this sounds like a fun fight

  14. #34
    Herald of the Titans Marston's Avatar
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    Culuthas <The Grim Reaper>

    This boss fight consists of three phases. You battle Culuthas in a room with two levels. Think of it like Noth's or Gothik's room, but with several balconies. You enter the room from one side and on the three other sides there is a Balcony at the upper level. This is important for phase 2.

    Phase 1

    You fight Culuthas in the lower level. He has the following abilities:

    Grim Grasp
    Grasps all players towards him. Afterwards, immediatly starts to cast Shadow Nova.

    Shadow Nova
    He channels this spell for a few seconds and then unleashes a shadow nova, dealing damage to everyone within the radius. (The damage should be enough to oneshot everyone except tanks.)

    Withering Death
    Culuthas will cast this DoT on every player each XXX seconds (30? 45? 50? 60? - Timer depens on the difficulty, the harder it is the faster the casts come) that deals damage each second. This DoT can't be removed and lasts for the whole fight, it doesn't deal much damage but stacks.

    Steal Life Essence
    Culuthas will channel this spell on a random player. This is a normal life stealing effect that will deal damage each second but heal Culuthas for 10 time the damage he does. To stop the channel the target must either die or you have to deal enough damage.

    Phase 2

    This phase starts when Culuthas reaches 50% health. He will teleport to the platform of the other side of the entrance (if the entrance is east, he would port to the western platform). He would talk a few lines and then start this phase. He is immune to all sources of damage in this phase.

    Summon Skeletal Minions
    Culuthas will summon skeletal minions during phase 2. He will spawn 1 Skeletal Behemoth and various Skeletal Warriors and Skeletal Mages. The Behemoth must be tanked, the other adds must be burned down by the DPS. The small skeletons will spawn until the Behemoth is killed.

    Skeletal Behemoth
    Giant skeletons with an extremely high health pool. There is no way you could kill them by normal means.

    Shield Slam
    Deals damage and stuns his target for a few seconds.

    Colossal Smash
    The Skeletal Behemoth starts a colossal smash on his target! Avoid it! (Think of Ozruk's shockwave)

    Skeletal Warrior
    Small melee skeletons that attack any player. These have to be killed by the DPS.

    Increases the Skeletal Warrior's attackspeed by 50%. He uses this ability when he reaches 50% health.

    Skeletal Mage
    Small caster skeletons that attack any player. These have to be killed by the DPS.

    Hurls a frozen bolt at a random target, dealing damage and slowing the targets movement- and attackspeed by 33% for 5 seconds.

    Cast on a random target. Burns some of the targets mana and deals damage equal to three times mana burned.

    Culuthas uses this to teleport on one of the three platforms. It is random to which he will teleport and he can even teleport to the platform he is standing on. He uses this ability at various points in phase 2:
    - Directly after his speech when entering phase 2.
    - After he completly channeled Death and Decay.
    - After he completly channeled Waves of Demise.
    - After he has summoned a Skeletal Behemoth.

    Death and Decay
    Culuthas channels this ability from one of the three platform to an area somewhere in front of the platform on the lower level. Anyone standing in it takes 3% of his maximum life as damage each second (anyone means, players and enemies - so the tank has to tank the Skeletal Behemoth in this spell to kill it). He channels this spell for 20 seconds. After the third Death and Decay he will cast Waves of Demise.

    Waves of Demise
    Culuthas will summon shadow orbs that will flow down upon his enemies. The direction in which they go depends on his position (this ability should work like the stampede skill of the WC3 Beastmaster. Or more recently, Blade Lord Ta'yak's P2 stom, but without the wind, just the tornados you have to avoid. They won't kill you, but you should try to avoid as much as possible. When Culuthas stands on the northern platform, they will move from north to south. If he stands on the western platform, they will move from west to east, etc.). After he has finished channeling this ability he will summon new skeletons.

    Phase 3

    Phase 3 will start after he used Waves of Demise for the third time (the wave after the third Skeletal Behemoth). Culuthas will teleport himself to the lower level and can be attacked again. He retains some of his phase 1 abilities but also gains some new ones.

    Grim Grasp
    Grasps all players towards him. Afterwards, immediatly starts to cast Shadow Nova.

    Shadow Nova
    He channels this spell for a few seconds and then unleashes a shadow nova, dealing damage to everyone within the radius. (The damage should be enough to oneshot everyone except the tank. If the tank would have 1500 HP and everyone something between 600 and 900, the damage should be around 1000)

    Blessing of Culuthas
    This replaces Withering death, but has a similar effect. This spell will only affect a single player and not all like Withering Death did. Increases the targets attack speed, attackpower and spellpower by 100%, but also deals damage each second and burns mana each second. This DoT can't be removed for the rest of the fight, but it also can't stack.

    Skeletal Sniper
    These start to spawn during phase 3. They will spawn on the upper level and can only be attacked by range or with range skills, but have low HP, so that even a single healer spell could kill them. They have an extremly high range and can shoot from one end of the room to the other. The longer phase 3 lasts the more and/or faster these spawn.

    Multi Shot
    Shoots arrows at all players in the room.

    Hail of Arrows
    Shoots arrows at a location where a player stands, dealing damage each second to everyone who stands in it.

    Elite Mode

    To activate Elite mode, the third Skeletal Behemoth must survive until phase 3 starts. Culuthas will then absorb the Skeletal Behemoth and heal for his remaining life. Therefore, you still have to bring the behemoth down to nearly zero HP. Also, small skeletal adds will spawn until phase 3 starts, even through the Wave of Demise.

    Phase 3 will then change dramatically.

    Death and Decay
    This will replace Shadow Nova in Phase 3. Instead of channeling Shadow Nova he will immediatly use Death and Decay and channel that for 12 seconds. This version of the spell deals 10% of the targets maximum life as damage each second, but only affects players, no enemies.

    Colossal Wave of Demise
    Culuthas will port to one of the three platform on the upper level and channel this spell. The shadow orbs are now much bigger and will deal much more damage to anyone who gets hit by them.

    Meat Wagon
    These will spawn every XXX seconds (really slow, one for every 5% - 10% of Culuthas life), one at a time, on the upper level platforms. They will hurl balls of flesh at the players on the lower level, dealing AoE damage. They have more health as the archers and have to be killed as soon as possible.

    Disease Cloud
    Each attack of the Meat Wagon will leave behind a disease cloud that deals damage to everyone who stands in them. They won't last forever, but really long (thinking of 60-120 seconds).

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by churchy View Post
    Introducing: Guild co-op !

    I'd love to have an encounter against one of the warcraft main baddies, like sargeras.
    To make this fight feel as epic as it should and make Sargeras as powerful as he is,
    you would have to work together with another guild on your server to take him down.

    2x25-man raids in the same instance
    to make that more interesting a horde and alliance guild in the same raid instance would make for a challenging encounter fighting together to rid the world of these dark creatures.

    Then maybe at the end of the raid instance a raid vs raid battle for a extra piece of loot which instill a fun aspect to the end of a raid.

  16. #36
    I want my boss fights to be less about spreadsheets and more about having fun.

    Ok, so the boss is the size of a mountain (literally he is), and you fight him in multiple parts. First of all, the boss can only be hurt by attacking his heart, but the heart can only be attacked by our Iuring him to on of the the three towers in the map and attacking his heart from there. Unfortunately, you cannot climb the tower yourself, you must first scale the boss and then "pilot" the boss to the tower, jump off onto it, and then attack his heart from there.

    The boss fight starts off with you a league away, you and your party must run to the boss who lost avoiding his massive slam attacks which will install death anyone who suffers a direct hit. Once near the bosses feet, the boss needs to be kitted to a nearby plate in the ground, and then tricked into stomping on the player, on the plate (once the boss has started to raise his foot, he cannot adjust his aim, and so the tank flees before being stomped on). The sheer force of the impact causes the armor on the giant bosses leg to shatter, allowing the party to attack the mammoth bosses foot. This causes the boss to fall onto his knee, making it possible for the raid party to jump onto his leg and start climbing up onto the bosses back. The raid begins DPSing the back, while warding off incredible amounts of parasitic trash mobs. After having hurt enough of the bosses back, he reaches out one of his hands to cover is bleeding wound. The raid party jumps on to his hand, which the boss pulls out in front of him to examine he what exactly has climbed on. The ranged members of the party begin attacking the bosses other arms elbow (while everyone else fights off the bosses clenching fingers and hang on so that they do not fall off). Having done enough damage to the opposite elbow, the hand the party is on moves to cover the bleeding on the elbow, allowing the party to jump to the other arm and begin running up towards the head (the first arm was covered in a cauldron armor, preventing access to the head). On the way up the second arm, the players must avoid being electrocuted by the titans electric arm (raid must carefully time their advance in between electric shocks). Once the party has climbed up onto the head, they must "steer" the boss to one of the three towers (steering is accomplished by attacking a crystal on his head in the desired direction), while avoiding being swooped off by flying monsters (ie, dragons) and being dropped to their doom, dying from fall damage. Having reached the tower, the players repel off the bosses head and onto the tower platform, which is level with the bosses heart. The boss then reaches up and leans onto the tower, exposing his heart. The final stage of the fight requires the raid to kill the bosses heart while avoid being I inhaled by the boss head.

    This could serve as a titan fight, such as against Sageras.

    Your thoughts?
    Last edited by Val the Moofia Boss; 2013-10-09 at 08:48 AM.

  17. #37
    I always thought that a cool mechanic would me a class swap kinda thing where you swap for like 30 seconds with another player and get all their skills and stuff. For example me as a hunter swaps with the warrior tank and now I have to tank the boss for 30 seconds using all the warrior skills on the bars the same way the warrior has theirs. Would have to be a heroic only boss or something like that because it would be pretty damn hard to do with lfr players. This would mean you would have to learn every class because you wouldn't know who you was swapping with and learn your guild mates bars too. Maybe a bit too much to do but I would love to see it.

  18. #38
    I'd love to have a boss where, in order to defeat it, the raid would have to do 10 (7 LFR, 15 heroic) specific daily quests for 22 days (17 LFR, 28 heroic) consecutive days. All fans of Blood Legion should want and end boss like this too since it'd be the only way they could beat the euros.

  19. #39
    Brewmaster ThatCanadianGuy's Avatar
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    "Insert Awesome Boss Name Here"

    Phase 1: Initial pull is pretty simple. Tank and spank with ads. This goes for about 10% of bosses health

    Phase 2: Boss casts a small AoE that instantly "kills" players. The AoE is used by players to kill themselves and enter the spirit world, where they fight along side the spirit of the boss they are currently fighting, and killing MUCH stronger versions of the ads once they are killed by the people in the living world. The ads are untankable, and do high damage. CC would be required for this. While in the spirit world, healing is disabled. Instead, killing ads heals the raid.

    Phase 3: Same as phase 2, but the spirit of the boss becomes corrupted, and the players in the spirit world must fight it as well. At the end of phase 3, in transition to phase 4, some players must be sacrificed (by another small AoE) to be unkillable MCd ads in phase 4. If there are not enough sacrifices, the boss gets a VERY large damage buff, and picks random members of the raid as sacrifices anyway, but not losing the damage buff. That would be considered an achievement if you let this happen, and still kill the boss. The rest in the spirit world are brought back to the living world.

    Phase 4: The body and spirit merge, now totally corrupted. The boss has increased damage, still spawns ads, and the players that were sacrificed are unkillable ads. CC would need to be used on the MCd players because their damage is increased.

    Final Phase: After the bosses body is dead, all players are killed,including MCd players, and sent to the spirit realm, where they fight the spirit of the boss one final time. As this is happening, there are moving AoEs that, if they hit you, resurrect you instantly. If this happens, you cannot get back into the fight with the boss. You must wait for the kill or a wipe. This phase has healing disabled in the spirit world as well. Healing is again given from killing the ads.

  20. #40
    Epic! Buxton McGraff's Avatar
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    Lightning centered boss.
    The boss stands in the middle of the room in an empty pool.
    In the four corners of the room there are shielded Water Elementals standing in more empty pools, randomly attacking players in the room. The pools are connected to the main pool under the boss with small aqueducts.

    The Elementals shield can only be broken by taking damage from the bosses Chain Lightning, so the goal is to stack the group up in a line from the boss so the chain lightning jumps from person to person until it hits the Elemental. The Chain Lightning does X damage, that gets split between each player in the chain, and does less damage after each jump. So the tank takes the hardest hit, while the player at the end of the line takes the least damage.

    However the Chain Lightning can only hit 4 people (8 in 25m), so the 4th jump HAS to hit the Elemental. On top of this, the attack leaves a debuff on the players it hits, causing them to take 100% more damage from the attack. If one player takes the Chain Lightning twice in a row, it will one shot them.

    So two groups have to rotate the Chain Lightning to break the shield around one of the Elementals, and then the DPS burn it down as fast as they can before the next Chain Lightning. If Chain Lightning hits an unshielded Elemental, it will explode and wipe the raid.

    Each Elemental that dies gives the remaining elementals a 50% damage buff, so the damage they do is less severe and more spread out at the beginning. At the end the final Elemental is doing 150% damage, which puts pressure on the healers to keep people up, especially people who are about to take a Chain Lightning hit.

    As well as buffing the remaining Elementals, after one dies it melts into the pool and fills it up. The water flows through the small aqueducts and into the large pool under the boss, filling it up a little and increasing the bosses damage taken by 25%.

    When the 4th Elemental is dead, phase 2 begins. The boss stops casting Chain Lightning, and goes berserk dealing 50% more damage and taking 100% more, on top of the 100% from the full pool for a total of 200% damage increase. The boss has a huge health pool which makes it unrealistic to burn him down and ignore the Elementals.

    At this point it's all about burning the boss down before the Enrage timer. If after 10 minutes the boss isn't dead, he will cast Overload and wipe the raid.
    Last edited by Buxton McGraff; 2013-10-09 at 09:30 AM.

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