1. #1

    Next Gen Consoles

    Firstly I haven't been a console gamer since 2005 (various reasons why, none by choice) so I never experienced the PS3/XBOX 360 hands on, however I am aware of the various games etc. Anyway on to the topic:

    I started my gaming years on the SNES/Megadrive. Naturally when the PSX/N64 came out I was blown away by the 3D transaction. Eventually PS2/Gamecube/Xbox came out. Again I was blown away by the graphics and sounds! Gameplay looked like the CGI animations from PSX/N64 games and more! Then came PS3/XBOX 360. Yes I noticed a significant improvement in graphics but honestly nothing as impressive as the feeling I had with previous next gen. Now it's PS4/XBOX ONE and again I aren't wowed... I actually find it difficult seeing a difference between 360 and One.

    Now I know graphics don't make a console, games do! I am sure there will be lots of innovative games eventually... but visually I haven't gone WOW

    Am I alone in this?

  2. #2
    The new consoles aren't a giant leap forward, unfortunately. They were both made on the cheap, relatively speaking.

    Which is highly disappointment to say the least. At least they seem to function smoothly, but compared to a semi decent PC they are nothing special at all. Maybe second or third wave game releases will be more impressive (i.e. use the systems to their full potential - you can get pretty gorgeous graphics even on an aging PC, after all, if the art design is just right).

    Heck, let's even take a console like the N64. Compare the launch titles to some of the later games. Compare Mario 64 to Conker's Bad Fur Day. Huge difference!

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