1. #1

    when to use the FREE MY ASS trinket properly..............

    having read lots about the amount of cc in game now and reading every fukker, including myself, moan like a miserable moany cunt about cc.. can someone please list when the best time to use the trinket is pls????
    lately ive decided not to use the trinket cos as soon I use it im back in cc lol so id rather have a better stats trink to boost heals before I get cc slammed....

    I want to get serious into arena, ive never had the time in the passed to do arena as much as id like as I used to raid a lot. I quit raiding at end of firelands and kinda quit the game but came back couple months ago and would like to go serious (ish) arena now.. I have a healy priest (disc and holy spec) and a lock I like to pvp on.. (im currently sat on 1600-1700 rating on both, and that's just from oQueue 3s groups cos my realm sucks and no fukker wants to arena).. im losing most matches now from being Cc chained for poking my head out to heal lol...

    any list of abilities to trink out of or a few examples of when to use trink properly would be most appreciated or ill forever be a shithead player who moans about cc lol... cheers

    or is it really not worth using the trink?? ty

  2. #2
    Trinket is really important. Generally:

    > Make sure both you and your partners don't trinket at the same time unless absolutely necessary (to score a kill, to not die)
    > Trinket a long CC or one that you think will get followed up. Do so a brief moment into it such that your opponent is switched to something else in his head, if he's capable of re CCing you.
    > Hold off on trinket, generally. Your opponents will try to get a kill once trinkets are gone. It's a powerful resource, but one to be expended when there's no other choice.
    > If an enemy is going HAM, that can be a good chance. Remember to qualify, he's not blowing 30 second cools, but real ones.

  3. #3
    Dodging CC is a big part of it. While not as easy on a lock, you can, for example, use SW: Death on your priest to escape polymorph, blind, scatter shot, etc. The close range stuff is fairly obvious, e.g., if a priest starts running over to you or drops spectral guise while running toward you, it's not hard to figure out that one should throw up a fear ward or at least, move away from him. It's preemptive behavior and it will take some practice. Your partners can assist you by not overextending or tunneling if you do have to come into a less appealing position.

    For a lock, make good use of those ports. Hopefully someone else can offer some lock tips (aside from filching their gate, I haven't PvP'd on one for years).

    Tell your partners when they need to use defensive CDs (because you're CC'd and can't help) or when you have them covered/have your own defensives ready and trinketing isn't necessary. In the meantime, you might want to install an addon like GladiatorLoSSA if you find yourself eating a lot of hard-cast CCs. It calls out impending CC and all major enemy CDs.

  4. #4
    When there are no other options you use the trinket. In arena though, the game moves fast and you gotta make decisions quickly. At first you trinket unnecessary things but you will get used to it.

    You are the healer sitting in a cc, one partner is on the other end of the map while the other is about to get hammered with all CDs. He doesn't have any defensive cds up. Now is a good time to trinket or he is most likely dead.

    However they might also be expecting you to trinket and follow right up with another cc.

    The game seriously sucks right now its all about cc chaining and blowing up someone. Not really fun tbh.

  5. #5
    no not fun at all ;p I don't pay to do stuff then end up being "loss of control" for 90% of the time im playing lol..
    I understand how arena works like,, its just really annoying to get caught in a couple of ccs only to trink to save myself/mates and end up in even more cc for longer with nowt i can do lol....

    i just leave arena now if i see a warrior or more than 1 melee ;p

  6. #6
    I usually hope my RBG group has a DK and I can throw my SYM on his first, so I use his IBF for the stuns and my trinket for the fear bomb etc
    Quote Originally Posted by THE Bigzoman View Post
    Meant Wetback. That's what the guy from Home Depot called it anyway.
    If you say pls because it is shorter than please,
    I'll say no because it is shorter than yes.

  7. #7
    Generally, there is not really a rule of thumb as in when to use the trinket. You just have to make the best of it. You are siting in a full time cc, but there is no chance they are going to kill you with it? Save it. Surprise them with an offensive use maybe or to get momentum and force theirs. The best thing to happen for you though is them burning it away with your offensive cooldowns still ready.

    Basically you have to try to counter as many cooldowns of theirs as possible with one button press.

  8. #8
    Basically save it for a moment that it's mandatory for you to use it or you or your partner dies.

  9. #9
    I see where your coming from cheers... just seems lately that as soon as I feel I have to use it, i.e when im Cc'd and theyre going for the burst kill I use my trink to try save them or myself and boom more often than not im back in cc for longer and its game over ;p
    ive tried waiting a few seconds so theyre attention isn't on me, ive tried using it instantly etc,, sometimes it works, most times it doesn't. especially now im at 1700 rating in 3s the enemies are smarter lol.. smarter than me anyways.... just feels like a useless gear item now with too long a cooldown.

    whether its bad luck on my part or not I dunno but I seem to get loads n loads of Cc heavy comps against us ;p

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by TomGreen View Post

    The game seriously sucks right now its all about cc chaining and blowing up someone. Not really fun tbh.
    The game has always been about cc chains and blowing up someone unless you are really missing those mana drain times in TBC

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Hegemonia View Post
    The game has always been about cc chains and blowing up someone unless you are really missing those mana drain times in TBC
    I'd wayyyyyyy prefer that rather than the system / meta that is in place now. Chaining CCs for kills is downright annoying for both the person CC'ing and the person getting CC'ed.

  12. #12
    I really preferred the more strategic mana attacks of BC. There were CC chains then too- it just wasn't the only way to win, and some classes simply couldn't chain CC at all because they didn't have much. I also liked the strong mortal effects back then- wound poison and mortal strike made a palpable difference on healer mana.

    The steady reduction of these didn't immediately eliminate it, but after not very long it became absurd, as they were effectively totally deleted from the game- leaving unstoppable burst and stupendously coordinated CC chains as the only valid kills.

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