1. #1

    Question for you democrats that support how Obamacare was passed into law...

    For you democrats who support how Obamacare was passed into law...using the NUCLEAR option of reconciliation to pass Obamacare in the senate by a simple majority instead of the full 60 votes...you DO realize that the NEXT time the GOP has both the White House and both the House and Senate, they are free to use the nuclear option too, right?

    I just want to make sure you understand the consequences of Obama's loony actions. He's basically handed the GOP an amazing power. The GOP can, for example:

    1. Privatize social security.
    2. Major school voucher legislation.
    3. Prayer in schools.
    4. Privatize medicare and medicaid.
    5. All kind of other stuff.

    ...using the nuclear option now.

    I just want to make sure, before you guys gloat too much about the legislation that foolish Obama passed, you understand that HOW he did it will ultimately cost you MAJOR planks of your agenda.

    You know this right?

    They better be right that the GOP is going to "wander in the desert for 40 years", because if NOT, if they get back in.....oh boy.

    Obama has effectively created an activist government, and that activism now works BOTH ways, but just in the democrat's direction...

  2. #2
    We have an ACA/Obamacare megathread.
    Please try to keep all conversation there.


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