LFR is obsolete for me, due to my gear. Flex is viable, but PUGing it is inefficient - lately it seems to be full of cowards who leave after one wipe, and those who don't know proper strategy.

I'm a 549 Survival Hunter. As a DPS, I know what to do in the SoO fights (and also what NOT to do, ie. not attack Naz during Def Stance). I know the Hunter class and Survival spec very well, and I can output very significant DPS.

The Xmas holidays are still in effect, so my attendance can be almost any time.

To any prospective guild, let us help each other. If you can assure me a spot on your raiding team, I can give you a team member who knows what to do.

Currently on Barthilas. Server change is doable, but only if I have an assured spot (else it'd be a waste of money).