Hey Windwalkers I have a few design ideas that i believe can make this spec allot more fun and interesting.
I believe that windwalkers should have abilities that revolve around their currently equipped mainhand weapon.

First Change

-Replace Fists of fury with an ability with a 25s cooldown and changes depending on your Mainhand weapon.

Combo: this ability has 3 parts each ability has a gcd of 1 and can only be used within 3 seconds of eachother. It does not require a target.

costs 1 chi: First part is a low damage attack

costs 1 chi: Second part is a moderate damage aoe attack (using momentum of the first attack to look like a combo think any Kratos from God of War or Riven from LoL)

costs 1 chi:Third part is short hop/dash followed by a strike that deals massive damage and also has a secondary effect depending on your main hand weapon.

Staff: short hop followed by slamming your staff on the ground dealing massive damage and (think MoP cinematic when the pandaren clears the fog of pandaria) knocks back targets that are slightly ahead of where your landed.

Polearm: short dash followed by an impale that flips the player over your head dealing massive damage

1h Sword: dash forward spinning your blades dealing massive damage

Fists: dash and uppercut knocking the enemy up into the air dealing massive damage

Can't think of how the rest would work.

Fists of fury is a stupid ability that just doesn't work well and it isn't fun at all, I believe that this change is allot better than Fists of fury.

Second Change:

Replace Tiger Palm with Smash/Slash

If you're wielding a blunt weapon in your main hand this ability becomes Smash (staff, mace, fists)

Smash: Strike your target dealing Moderate damage causing them to take 30% more damage for 2 seconds.

If you're wielding a Sharp weapon in your mainhand this ability becomes slash (axe/polearm/sword)

Slash: Strike your target dealing moderate damage and apply a bleed for 6s.

The overall Dps ability of both abilities would be the same.

I rushed this post so if something is hard to understand tell em and i will try to make it easier to understand.