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  1. #21
    Herald of the Titans Achaman's Avatar
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    pfft as if you care..
    Quote Originally Posted by Isrozzis View Post
    Easily Caitlyn. She is a lane bully, her AA range is enormous, she scales well into the late game, she has some mobility, and some cc (though the traps are unreliable for cc, but they can zone). She is also really easy to play and doesn't take much time to learn.

    I would also mention ezreal and vayne. Ezreal has arcane shift to get him out of nearly any situation and his Q poke is good. He also has a wide variety of build options that he can go for.

    Vayne is easily the hardest of the 3, but a well played vayne can absolutely destroy a game. Imo, no other AD has the same play making ability that vayne has.

    I'd still go with Caitlyn though, since she's so safe.
    ezreal would make sense i guess sicne the last two matches ive played after a year+ break i ended up doing bot with him :/

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    Wouldn't recommend Caitlyn. Wouldn't recommend a whole lot of the ADs tbh.

    First off, there's a few reasons why Sivir was originally listed as the best Solo Queue AD carry: her spellshield makes her safe, she shoves lanes and towers like no one's business and, most importantly, she can be an initiator in a role that doesn't have generally doesn't have that option. Her Ult is as huge a "START KILLING STUFF NOW" signal as an Amumu ult, with the added benefit that you're not burying yourself in the enemy team while yours stands there and watches you get murdered.

    Secondly, whenever in doubt, Ezreal is a good pick. He has no bad match ups. He is extremely safe, so that even if your team is filled with morons that can't protect you, you will still get out alive. He does well with most supports.

    Any other AD carry is a toss up. Yes, Vayne or Twitch can snowball out of control. But they're risky picks. Yes, Caitlyn can dominate her lane, but is fairly useless past laning phase compared to other ADs. Yes, Tristana is my favourite and I'll pick her into anyone (other than Draven), but she's not a good choice for Solo Queue if you're not sure of your own abilities.

    As to Jinx, she is a solid pick, that does well in lane and thrives on chaining objectives. However, she also runs into trouble vs some of the more commons picks. Caitlyn or Sivir give her problems in lane. Vi in the jungle is horrible for a Jinx.
    i never liked sivirs passive and i think ricochet change

  2. #22
    Ashe imo, make your own plays!

  3. #23
    Ez has a high skill cap, but is most rewarding and has awesome escapes if you plan ahead.

    Don't ever go Vayne in ranked if enemy team picks Cait first. Also be in for a rough time if anyone half decent picks Cait after you go Vayne. Hard counter, Cait's AA range and stupid poke leaves Vayne almost crippled, unable to CS, unable to poke or make plays.

    Draven in ranked is also pretty risky. He leaves freaking targets for champs like Blitz/Thresh/Leona/Nami to go for with his axes, and if you juke their skillshots, you miss your axes and go OOM.

    I always like Ez or MF, both high skill ADCs (correct double-up poke is an art ).

    If you just want safe for solo q? Anyone with good escapes - Varus, Cait, Corki, Ez etc

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by hugplx View Post
    Don't ever go Vayne in ranked if enemy team picks Cait first. Also be in for a rough time if anyone half decent picks Cait after you go Vayne. Hard counter, Cait's AA range and stupid poke leaves Vayne almost crippled, unable to CS, unable to poke or make plays.
    Meh, any decent Vayne doesn't give a rat's ass about Cait, and will just farm her way into godhood :P At a basic level of play, sure, Cait makes her life hard, but depending on the support as well... Cait's early game damage is shit, Vayne's isn't once she gets silver bolts and spikes massively when she hits 6, as opposed to Cait :P

  5. #25
    I don't really play bot lane so I won't argue with those of you who do but how does Varus have good escapes? He only has a targeted AoE slow and his ult. And while his ult his a good disengage doesn't it leave him open for follow up ganks after he uses it until it's up again?

  6. #26
    Varus definitely does not have a good escape... or any escape :P He has a decent engage/disengage tool but he relies ENTIRELY on positioning. If you're out of position on Varus, you have flash and that's it.

  7. #27
    Hard to say, I generally would feel most comfortable with Sivir, can do everything myself if I have to. Vayne COULD work, but you are relying on your team to at least stall so you get farmed. Graves is also pretty safe. People will say cait, but she needs some sort of meatshield to work, not something you always get in soloqueue.

    I completely forgot Ashe, she's the best hands down.

  8. #28
    Herald of the Titans
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    thats a fairly interesting enemy jungler pick, leona. might have to give that a try

  9. #29
    If you can master her (don't bother if you can't because she's the hardest to play and is terrible without a very good player) than Vayne. If you're looking for an easy lane and just doing your role than Caitlyn.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by dokilar View Post
    thats a fairly interesting enemy jungler pick, leona. might have to give that a try
    WOrks if the other jungler (anything below gold) is probably not going to invade. Leona jungles slow, and can't escape or win duels. Very huge target for somone like lee sin to come kill often.

  10. #30
    Sivir, Cait, Jinx

  11. #31

  12. #32
    Cait is really nice in lane but i h8 playing her myself so i would have to say Vayne. A Vayne can really carry lategame even if both teams are very even on feed.

  13. #33
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    Caitlyn is my go to champion since I suck for the most part at ADC though I'm not bad with Cait at all. I know how to kite pretty efficiently with her and I actually out played a Singed who tped bot and ganked me, it was literally a 1v1 vs Singed as Cait and I avoided him long enough for my team to come back and get him. Kiting is something I'm apparently good at with ADC's and that's about it.
    Last edited by Duronos; 2013-11-22 at 04:35 PM.
    Hey everyone

  14. #34
    In order

    Vayne, Jinx, Cait, Graves/Corki/Ez, Sivir, then Lucian.

    Vayne is very scary when fed, Cait really isn't. Plus it's easy to get fed with her

    I think Lucian sucks, and most people don't know how to be a good Sivir.

    Btw Urgot support is OP
    Last edited by Bill Nye the Spy; 2013-11-22 at 05:08 PM.

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Nye the Spy View Post
    In order

    Vayne, Jinx, Cait, Graves/Corki/Ez, Sivir, then Lucian.

    Vayne is very scary when fed, Cait really isn't. Plus it's easy to get fed with her

    I think Lucian sucks, and most people don't know how to be a good Sivir.

    Btw Urgot support is OP
    Anyone have any tips on playing Vayne. I picked her up the other day and i'm starting to really enjoy her (especially late game). But, i struggle a bit early game, especially against ranged champs/supps such as Ashe, cait, sivir, zac.

    Anyone have any advice for how i can be better early game. Also, what sort of supports best suite vayne?


  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Sparkeeee View Post
    Anyone have any tips on playing Vayne. I picked her up the other day and i'm starting to really enjoy her (especially late game). But, i struggle a bit early game, especially against ranged champs/supps such as Ashe, cait, sivir, zac.

    Anyone have any advice for how i can be better early game. Also, what sort of supports best suite vayne?

    Vayne generally is an aggressive champ, so supports like Leona and blitz are great. But all supports work. I don't bot anymore, use to main vein(lel) and carry 20/3/5 but it's been a while

  17. #37
    I'd go with vayne, if she gets fed enough or if the game goes on long enough she'll just start melting people with some proper peel and kiting

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