1. #2041
    Thanks a bunch for doing the give away. In the US.

  2. #2042
    US - Kilrogg. I could use that mount since I'm broke and can't get it myself. Fingers crossed! =)

  3. #2043
    EU server cool pup bro

  4. #2044
    I want one US server!

  5. #2045

  6. #2046
    Awesome mount and pet! Good luck everyone! - US

  7. #2047
    US server. Free stuff so why not!

  8. #2048
    Greetings from the US!

  9. #2049
    EU thanks!

  10. #2050

  11. #2051
    Please, please, please ... EU-server

  12. #2052
    Love the pet and the mount and its for a good cause

    US Server

  13. #2053
    Gief dat pet! EU

  14. #2054
    Cool deal! US Server here~

  15. #2055
    YAY i've been waiting for this mount ...US server

  16. #2056
    omg gief!!!

  17. #2057
    Man, this would go great with all of my other mounts and pets! Count me in. (US)

  18. #2058

  19. #2059
    Yes, I'm gunna win!

  20. #2060
    I'll never win.


    Just in case.

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