Best EU (horde) Homeless semi-hardcore raiding guild is recruiting for our core group and SoO hc progression!
Currently in need of heal [pala] and rdps [warlock/boomkin/shadow priest] to complete our team.

Realm: Burning LEgion
Current progress: 11/14 HC SoO

Raid times:

Guild Criterias:
* You're able to make all three raiding days every week.
* You got TeamSpeak 3.x and a working microphone AND SPEAK PL!!!!
* You're patient and are willing to wipe for hours to get the current boss down.
* You're a good behaved person, last thing we want during the raids is a bad athmosphere.
* You always give a notice (in person, forum or mail etc) everytime you can't make it to a raid

If you ever wonder about anything, feel free to whisper Ketion/Yshuo/Skajuuss/Daaxe/Murzynfuria ingame