Quote Originally Posted by RoKPaNda View Post
According to the official forums this actually is a disconnect issue. You can see the official explanation of the bug here: http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/...ic/15083848240
By that I meant it wasn't a disconnect on my end, because they said "Maybe you disconnected" sorry. And isn't that something though that could be forced by some program possibly messing up the connection?

Also this part really is what I'm going to take from that post
"Something that speaks to this is when players mention that the player is holding a card over the game board and emoting or going through their cards. This should be one sign as to this being a connection issue as you cannot both use your mouse to hold a card over the game board AND click emotes or go through your hand. "

None of that happened to me, the opponent said "Well Played" put their card out, it floated, and nothing from there. Honestly it sounds weird to me that out of all the matches I've played, this has only happened once ever.