Poll: Paid 90 Character Levels: Support or Oppose?

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  1. #1041
    The number of people that support this makes me wanna unsub. You guys can keep your shitty carebear console game. Please stay out of any future real RPGS.
    WoW is now a laughingstock to anyone with a clue. Blizzard penetrated you a long time ago and now they're balls deep and you can't even feel it.
    Last edited by Dormie; 2014-01-22 at 01:32 PM.

  2. #1042
    Quote Originally Posted by Brandon138 View Post
    The number of people that support this makes me wanna unsub. You guys can keep your shitty carebear console game. Please stay out of any future real RPGS.
    WoW is now a laughingstock to anyone with a clue. Blizzard penetrated you a long time ago and now they're balls deep and you can't even feel it.
    Why did you begin with WoW in the first place when you are only playing "real rpgs"?

  3. #1043
    Quote Originally Posted by poppinXans View Post
    Oppose. Anyone that supports this disgusts me. They are the ones ruining this game by allowing blizzard to do things like this. If you can't put in the work to get to max level, then you don't deserve to have a character at max level. Simple as that.
    That's the thing, we did get to max level. It's pointless to have to do it again on every character, cause it doesn't serve any purpose.

  4. #1044
    Quote Originally Posted by Mang View Post

    Blizzard wants people to enjoy and explore content so they remove the ability to fly at the beginning of the next expansion but they offer a skip to 90 and thus skipping all previous content. Nice double standard.
    You contradict yourself. Blizzard wants you to enjoy the content they just made, not content from years ago and wandering empty places when everybody is at Draenor. Blizzard brings EVERYBODY to Draenor now, I think it's a good thing. If they don't make it too crowded, that is. I'm thinking about Hellfire Peninsula at the start of TBC.

  5. #1045
    Support. 1-90 is old content and you should be able to skip it. Anyway, you should level to 100, so you get no opportunity over other players.
    Nice thing, I thought about rerolling to pala, but when I think of time I must waste from 1 to 90 it makes me very sad :<

  6. #1046
    Why do these threads never have a "I don't care" option?

    I don't mind it, as long as they reward players for actually questing and doing Blizzard's content.

  7. #1047
    The way WoW is going, every expansion might as well be a new game where you just start as max level and only have access to that continent. Seriously, nothing in this game transfers over to old content. How often do you need to go to old zones for mats or anything? Everything is focused on the content in the new expansion. Why dance around it?

  8. #1048
    i support and why do people keep thinking this mean wow is dying lets be honest here wow will die when the warcraft fanbase dies in real life its the truth and you know it so pretty much my life time i wont be seeing that happen.plus there doing this because the game is old and new players see it like a huge step to go tru support all the way!and ex wow players ext ext ext

  9. #1049
    Quote Originally Posted by Brandon138 View Post
    WoW is now a laughingstock to anyone with a clue.
    But you know better right?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brandon138 View Post
    The number of people that support this makes me wanna unsub.
    Ooops clearly not, or is this some virtual S&M thing I don't know about?

  10. #1050
    Quote Originally Posted by mikencarly View Post
    i support and why do people keep thinking this mean wow is dying lets be honest here wow will die when the warcraft fanbase dies in real life its the truth and you know it so pretty much my life time i wont be seeing that happen.plus there doing this because the game is old and new players see it like a huge step to go tru support all the way!and ex wow players ext ext ext
    Because WoW has been losing subs left and right, and the main lesson the devs seem to be taking from that is: expand the store.

  11. #1051
    Quote Originally Posted by PosPosPos View Post
    It's pay-to-win, and therefore I dislike it. However, I support it in the end because it's a necessary evil. Leveling a character from 1-90 just to see the "real" content is very tedious and puts off more potential customers than not.

    One of the many drawbacks to having a game as big as this.
    Leveling to 90 takes as much time as leveling to 70 took maybe even less. It's at least not as some make it out to be, that you have to level twice as long or something. And 2 or 3 days played time is really not a long grind.

    Doing Timeless Isle was already "tedious" after two weeks. That doesn't meen they have to sell that gear.

  12. #1052
    I totally oppose a free 90. I spent a lot of time leveling up my 22 level 90s. I got some of them by doing refer a freind and 5x boxing. I got a couple of free from that program which gave you a free 80. But, that doesn't matter. I have 22 level 90s. I have them with professions. What would happen if I lost my grip on the Auction house and the prices went down? That would really cut my profit margins.

    I totally disagree with giving NOOBS FREE ANYTHING. The number of subscribers keeps going down but I don't care. PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE TO WORK FOR THEIR toons and really learn how to play. I don't want to play with people in LFR who don't know their class and get everything for free. WORK! WORK FOR YOUR toons and your gear.

    Today a free 90 and tomarrow free top level gear. It's clear as day. This is the slippery slope which has no end. Pretty soon there's going to be an item on the in game store which says "YOU WIN" and it's going to cost $25 bucks. Enough is enough. It's all about eithics and values. The ethics of work and not getting something for nothing. ETHICS AND VALUES not greed and a company wanting to make a buck off its subscribers.

    Blizzard should care mostly about my entertainment AND NOT ABOUT THEM MAKING MONEY. ITS ABOUT ME NOT ABOUT BLIZZARD MAKING MONEY.

  13. #1053
    Quote Originally Posted by Furell View Post
    You contradict yourself. Blizzard wants you to enjoy the content they just made, not content from years ago and wandering empty places when everybody is at Draenor. Blizzard brings EVERYBODY to Draenor now, I think it's a good thing. If they don't make it too crowded, that is. I'm thinking about Hellfire Peninsula at the start of TBC.
    Blizzard loves you people. They can literally sell characters every expansion. The expansion after WoD will allow you to buy level 100 characters. Holy shit, the profit they will make for basically doing nothing.

  14. #1054
    Quote Originally Posted by Gilian View Post
    Blizzard loves you people. They can literally sell characters every expansion. The expansion after WoD will allow you to buy level 100 characters. Holy shit, the profit they will make for basically doing nothing.
    Let's ignore the "expansion after WoD" because no one has a crystal ball, lets focus on the current expansion and level 90's

    I'll get a free level 90 with WoD, I already play, I have a level 90, so why would I buy one? I already have a free one for any class I might want to try?

    But I'm not everyone, maybe a persons circumstances are different:

    I'm new to WoW

    I've never had an account before and I've bought the new expansion, I get a free level 90, why would I buy one?

    Now for this I'll give you that maybe they choose their free level 90 badly so there's a greater chance of one of these players buying another one (depending on their price) so there's a market, I'm just not sure it's very big.

    I'm an old player coming back.

    I used to play, but quit for some reason.

    Given the sub numbers and such chances are you left during Cata so you have at least a level 80?

    You get a free 90 with WoD and given you've played before, probably have a better idea of what you like / don't like in a class so I'd assume you're less likely to buy another due to a mistake.

    So they'll either re-roll with the free 90 or boost their old toon from whatever level they stopped at to 90, either way they aren't buying one.

    Now I'll totally admit that maybe I'm missing something, but I'll go out on a limb and say anyone playing at the moment has all the alts they want to have.

    Maybe there's a few people who'd like to have a X class but can't be arsed to level, but isn't that what they'd use the free 90 for? That missing alt, again though it's not a purchase.

    I'm just not sure where this huge market for buying toons is going to come from.

  15. #1055
    Quote Originally Posted by Furell View Post
    You contradict yourself. Blizzard wants you to enjoy the content they just made, not content from years ago and wandering empty places when everybody is at Draenor. Blizzard brings EVERYBODY to Draenor now, I think it's a good thing. If they don't make it too crowded, that is. I'm thinking about Hellfire Peninsula at the start of TBC.
    old content is far from empty, there are plenty of people to interact with. perhaps you should level a new character and find out for yourself.

  16. #1056
    I don't like the idea of instantly having a 90 of a class you've never played. You guys have been on the pre-made PTRs right? People don't know what they are doing. I think it's ok for veteran players who have a 90 already to power another, but maybe you have to play it up to a certain level first. It kind of depends on how Blizzard handles the solo scenarios for boosted to 90 players; if they do something like Proving Grounds (which is god awful and teaches you nothing, by the way) it will fail. They need to teach which spell/ability to use when and in what rotation.

  17. #1057
    Quote Originally Posted by Deuse View Post
    I don't like the idea of instantly having a 90 of a class you've never played. You guys have been on the pre-made PTRs right? People don't know what they are doing. I think it's ok for veteran players who have a 90 already to power another, but maybe you have to play it up to a certain level first. It kind of depends on how Blizzard handles the solo scenarios for boosted to 90 players; if they do something like Proving Grounds (which is god awful and teaches you nothing, by the way) it will fail. They need to teach which spell/ability to use when and in what rotation.
    Proving Grounds isn't a teaching tool, it's a test. Anyway, it's already entirely possible to ding 90 without knowing what you're doing. The sort of situations that require you to put effort into your numbers only ever surface at the level cap. The entire concept of a "rotation" is foreign to the crowd that have no characters at the level cap. You teach a guy a list 15-30-odd items long of buttons and priorities and rules and he's going to wander up to the first boar, two-shot it, and wonder why he wasted his time on the tutorial. I've seen a 30-ish mage in STV that did nothing but hit things with his staff. Upon questioning he revealed that he was trying to conserve mana. He knew full well his spells did more damage, that's why he was saving them for later. He'd gotten where he was on staff auto-attacks, and he was only going to go up from there.

    What I'm trying to say is, the human brain is a mysterious thing. It operates on logic, but said logic can differ between individuals to an outright hilarious degree. People who solo themselves up the level ladder aren't just teaching themselves good habits, they're also teaching themselves bad ones. And after 90 levels and who knows how much time has elapsed to get there, you've got a player who knows exactly what he's doing, but what he knows is varying degrees of wrong.

  18. #1058
    Quote Originally Posted by Sainur View Post
    I oppose this crap, with every hair of my beard and beyond.

    I've explained my point in a previous thread that was about the new store mount. But I'll say it again, it is extremely greedy and insulting to a customer like myself, who payed for ALL the expansions, + 12.99 monthly sub. Now there are 2 shiny Shop buttons on the game interface, shiny colors everywhere. But the in-game mounts that are obtained via achievements and so forth, are rainbow colored re-skins, riddled with broken animations, and zero effort put into them. The store mounts, imo, except the Reindeer, are all pretty badass and unique looking, I believe some of them even have a different model/skeleton. And they have PERFECT animations. But guess what? €20.

    AS WE ALREADY PAY FOR THE FUCKING EXPANSIONS AND MONTHY SUB, YOU ARE EXPECTED TO GET THE FULL PACKAGE. I suppose I could live with a store that's in a dark corner on the website, but slamming those Shop buttons right into your face in-game, is really sad. This is a desperate and greedy move from Blizzard, either they will learn the hard way, or keep refusing that they've made mistakes, and keep pulling stunts like these off. There is a difference between making money, and being a greedy cunt with a money-infusion that gets injected into your arm every day.

    Lets get back to the paid instant level 90 boost. This is P2W. If you say it is not, then you are either an ignorant fanboy, or don't know what P2W actually means.

    Pay to Win. You are paying money, for something ingame that gives you an advantage. Basically, you don't need to visit all of the pre-MoP areas. Meaning you're skipping everything. So yeah, here you are. Instant level 90. You just need to spend a few days in Draenor, and you're level 100. If that isn't P2W, then I don't know what is.

    Another thing I'd like to mention, is the darker nights. Blizzard is busy working on WoD, so they don't have time for things like this. WHAT. A LOAD. OF SHIT.

    But ofcourse, they do have time for a new mount, more money, and trying to pull off stunts like this. Lets just hope that ideas like this wont get through.
    Nice insulting people here for being fans really??? infact they OUR going TRU with it its a fact they our now asking people in surveys how much would you pay for such a service?

  19. #1059
    Quote Originally Posted by Itisamuh View Post
    That's the thing, we did get to max level. It's pointless to have to do it again on every character, cause it doesn't serve any purpose.
    Wut?? So now leveling does not have any purpose? So it doesnt matter if your level 15 or level 90, because you know, levels do not serve any purpose.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by mikencarly View Post
    Nice insulting people here for being fans really??? infact they OUR going TRU with it its a fact they our now asking people in surveys how much would you pay for such a service?
    Being a fan is different from being a fan-boy. Fan-boy would imply that Blizzard can do no wrong, being a fan means you like the game.

  20. #1060
    Blizzard is doing what most developers do in freemium games for mobile and tablets.

    "Pay 3.99 and get 3x more coins! Spend 5.99 and regenerate HP faster! Give us 9.99 and you'll unlock these epic 3d models!"
    Last edited by mmocda37b2a89b; 2014-01-23 at 12:43 PM.

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