1. #1

    Jungle - Thoughts

    Attention all janglers,

    What are your current thoughts on the state of the jungle currently in season 4?
    Did you enjoy season 3 jungle more?
    Who are your favorite janglers currently?
    Anything else you have to add?

    I think the jungle is alright this season. I prefer season 3 jungle to be honest, because getting level 4 from blue buff, wolfs, then red buff and then ganking a lane when they are level 3/2 caused me to snowball and carry easier. I am use to season 4 now and can carry, but idk I still like season 3.

    My fav jangles are:
    1. Udyr (OP)
    2. Kha'Zix (xenomorph)
    3. Elise (spooderbitch)
    4. Nasus (Pimpcane)
    5. Gragas (Bigboi)

    Then in no order
    -Hecarim (ponyfag)
    -Zac (flobber)
    -Nunu (The Objective Securer)
    -Maokai (Treebeard)

    More of a fan of a jungler that can carry, because I can't rely on my team, else I'd play rammus, amumu, and all those Tanky god janglers.

    Anyway, what are your thoughts?
    Last edited by Bill Nye the Spy; 2014-01-23 at 04:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    My thoughts are that I have an extremely hard time taking a post serious when I see 'ponyfag, jangler, flobber, spooderbitch' etc. in there.

    That said, I feel the power level for the jungler is about right currently. It feels a bit off, because supports gained so much more from the season change in comparison, but I think overall, the changes are pretty good.

    Several types of junglers are viable, you don't just need to play support tank Jarvan. Ward spots have become more predictable and contrary to popular belief, it's actually easier to gank early despite trinket changes.

  3. #3
    Warchief godofslack's Avatar
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    It's okay, surely better than season 3 where you played bruiser ancient golem, ninja tabi, bulwark, and locket every game. But in terms of power we're either the second or third most powerful champion depending on if mid is one of the strong mids or weak ones. This patch isn't bad for the jungle, only ADCs and most mids.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    My thoughts are that I have an extremely hard time taking a post serious when I see 'ponyfag, jangler, flobber, spooderbitch' etc. in there.

    That said, I feel the power level for the jungler is about right currently. It feels a bit off, because supports gained so much more from the season change in comparison, but I think overall, the changes are pretty good.

    Several types of junglers are viable, you don't just need to play support tank Jarvan. Ward spots have become more predictable and contrary to popular belief, it's actually easier to gank early despite trinket changes.
    Yeah man, fun names ruin everything, am I right.

    No offense but it sounds like your boring and not someone I would play with.
    Last edited by Bill Nye the Spy; 2014-01-23 at 06:15 PM.

  5. #5
    I'm surprised cho isn't being played in the jungle atm. Speed clear is ridiculous with AS reds + E at lvl 1. And it only gets faster with more ranks. Q and E are just silence one point wonders. And feast is just as good if not BETTER objective control than Nunu with feast. Late game transitions to a super tank with true damage burst with feast. And his CC with a good skillshot predictions, wreck team fights.

  6. #6
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SargorVirm View Post
    I'm surprised cho isn't being played in the jungle atm. Speed clear is ridiculous with AS reds + E at lvl 1. And it only gets faster with more ranks. Q and E are just silence one point wonders. And feast is just as good if not BETTER objective control than Nunu with feast. Late game transitions to a super tank with true damage burst with feast. And his CC with a good skillshot predictions, wreck team fights.
    He gets wrecked by early duelists.

  7. #7
    I've found it a bit of a change since S3 I would just farm a lane for champ kills. Now you can fall waaaay behind if you don't keep farming the jungle. Also found that while the new wards are annoying most people in lower elo don't bother to buy wards/upgrade trinket, so if you know a bush is warded 90% of the time it will be down in under 60 seconds. Took some getting used to but kind of getting to grips with it, I've became much more farm focused than gank focused which can result in some people crying that they haven't had a gank after being killed 5 times by the enemy jungler, but then again, that's not much of a change.

  8. #8
    I dont mind the new jungle. The wight helps me if my top and mid are being dicks, and keep taking my wraiths + golems.

    As for favourite junglers, it's Vi, Nasus, Nautilus and Hecarim in no particular order.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Kakazam View Post
    I've found it a bit of a change since S3 I would just farm a lane for champ kills. Now you can fall waaaay behind if you don't keep farming the jungle. Also found that while the new wards are annoying most people in lower elo don't bother to buy wards/upgrade trinket, so if you know a bush is warded 90% of the time it will be down in under 60 seconds. Took some getting used to but kind of getting to grips with it, I've became much more farm focused than gank focused which can result in some people crying that they haven't had a gank after being killed 5 times by the enemy jungler, but then again, that's not much of a change.
    That's low Elo for yah

    It's like we have to camp their lane all game when they get rekt'd

    It's even better when 2+ lanes do it and bitch and moan

  10. #10
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    In the jungle
    Carry harder than I used to in the new jungle, then again I play a very very good Shaco and solid Elise so what is there to say. I often am like 3/0 seven minutes into the game.

    If you want to rise in ELO fast, main jungle or at least that's the results I'm getting. Overall the new jungle is alright, kind of annoys me they nerfed the early level 3 but it's not to big of a deal. Considering the junglers I generally play are gank happy I tend to just say fuck the Big wraith and golems early on but then again most of my experience jungling this season is Shaco and Shaco mostly. Since I start with Dorans Blade on him I tend to always go for a gank after I hit level 3.

    Farming junglers are iffy to say the least specifically in solo queue. You just can't trust your team to work with a farming jungler, you need ganks and in solo queue you need to take a jungler that can gank pre-6 efficiently. I just played against a Nasus jungle and the first thing that came to my mind was "he's just going to farm" and I was like "Oh no you don't", kill him when we're both lv 2 and that's basically the jist of farming junglers. Easy to kill super early on, take advantage of them so they fall behind. Farming junglers fall behind (even with the new elastic band xp change) very very fast if you just mess with them.

    The new jungle is nice, I carry harder so I'm not complaining.
    Hey everyone

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Ergar View Post
    I dont mind the new jungle. The wight helps me if my top and mid are being dicks, and keep taking my wraiths + golems.

    As for favourite junglers, it's Vi, Nasus, Nautilus and Hecarim in no particular order.
    "Being dicks"? First off, wraiths and golems respawn hilariously fast. Secondly, if your laner is having a hard time or is a hard push champion that has little roam, Wraiths/golems are an immense help to them. Also, if they're having hard enough time as to want Wraiths/Golems, you should be working on pressuring that lane so they don't fall massively behind.

    Oh, one more thing... don't whine about me taking Wraiths/Golems then come into my lane after a pathetic gank and take an entire wave and fuck me over for a while because the lane is now frozen at the other team's tower.

    I can't play gank-heavy champions anymore btw... I fell FOUR LEVELS behind a Diana as Eve yesterday (she was 14, I was 10), despite me being 2/1/4 with 40-50 farm and her being 1/0/0 with 50-60 farm. FOUR LEVELS.

    Jungle isn't there to help your team anymore... it's a lane without a real objective. That's not a good change.
    Last edited by Drikkink; 2014-01-24 at 05:16 PM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Drikkink View Post

    Jungle isn't there to help your team anymore... it's a lane without a real objective. That's not a good change.
    Jungle is probably the hardest carry position right now. If you're picking jungle to... farm the jungle, then you're doing it wrong. A strong ganker will turn equal lanes, or sometimes even losing lanes, into a win for their team, by facilitating kills for their team, or by pressuring the enemies into playing less aggressively, or even zoning them entirely. Then when your lanes are winning, you can easily take objectives.

    There are few things worse than to play, as a laner, against a strong enemy jungler, like elise, who's constantly ganking every lane, while your jungle is just farming the jungle (which I don't know how you expect to be able to do anyway, since when your lanes start losing, enemy laners will start pouring into your jungle to steal your creeps/buffs and kick your ass). By the time you make it to end-game teamfights in that game, your team will be so far behind that it doesn't matter if you're decently farmed... you can't fight the enemy team if every single one of their laners are stronger than yours.

    It often doesn't take more than one successful gank to turn an equal lane into a lost lane that snowballs for the enemy. A 2v2+jungle that turns into 2 kills for the enemy carry means you will lose every allin from that point on, so you're stuck under tower... then elise comes by to dive you (along with their mid if your mid is losing as well), and you die again. And again... and again...
    "Quack, quack, Mr. Bond."

  13. #13
    cant really say im a fan

  14. #14
    To carry as a jungler currently, you need to get first kill or a kill right away. That is if you want to carry easily and quickly. You can still outplay and carry without kills of course, as long as your team isn't ass. I'm going to post a video sometime soon on how I jungle and how to get those early kills and carry your team in games.

    Anyway, always watch your mini map. If you see one of your lanes are being pushed, you should be trying to gank said appropriate lane. If all your lanes are pushed to enemy's turret, farm the jungle. If you have no objectives or ganks needed at time, you farm. You should always have something to do. Buy wards and ward where you find appropriate too.

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