1. #1

    How wreak havoc with Havoc?

    I have been playing my Warlock alt in Flex and have been unhappy with dps. I think part of the reason is I don't use Havoc optimally. I have the following questions:
    1) Do you use Havoc on CD or use it when you have trinket proc(s)?
    2) In a fight with adds (Protectors, Norushen, Sha, etc) is it better to better to Havoc longer living mob and cast Shadowburn on smaller mobs?
    3) I'm not used to switching targets so I sometimes accidentally Havoc the wrong mob. Does anyone use macro to make it easier to use Havoc?

    Maybe macro can cast Havoc on Focus Target if it exists otherwise cast Havoc on Target. So long as boss is Focus this allows switching to Manifestation, Agony etc and when below 20% cast Havoc without having to switch to Boss to cast Havoc and switching back. Does this make sense? (English is not my first language)

  2. #2
    /cast [@mouseover] havoc

    use havoc on cd, unless there's a trinket coming out of cd in the next 5 sec, or there will be a add dying in the next 10 sec. because havoc + 3 shadowburns is better than havoc + chaos bolt

    always shadowburn, and make sure you have havoc to use together if you can. anticipation is the key.

  3. #3
    /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][@focus,harm,nodead][]Havoc
    Tries to cast Havoc on whatever is below your mousecursor. If nothing is there, it tries to shoot Havoc at your focus target. If nothing is there it uses normal behaviour (your current target).

    You can mix and match parts of that macro to suit your needs, but a mouseover is so useful I advice it for every destro lock.

    Make a similar macro for Shadowburn and you can burncleave without ever switching targets by just mousing over stuff.

    As for it's usage, you want to drop Havoc on a mob with a lot of life, and then get 1 to 3 Shadow Burns on low hp mobs.
    Look at it like this: you're copying damage. You don't want that copied damage go to waste and if the Havoced target dies you lose your extra copy damage.
    If nothing is in low hp range you want an empowered Chaos Bolt copied.

    And yes, use it on CD unless you know you will get Shadowburn possibilities before it will come off cooldown again. For instance on Nourushen it's generally not useful to copy a Chaos Bolt on a big add if you know there will be little adds soon as well that you can burncleave. 1 Shadowburn + 2 Incinerates is already a better use of Havoc then a single Chaos Bolt in general, and 3 Shadowburns is just awesome. So keep that in mind.

    Also note that no damage is copied and Havoc charges aren't used if you cast on the Havoced target or use FnB ae versions of spells. So you can drop a Havoc on a boss, FnB Incin spam a pack of adds and when they start dropping low Shadowburn like mad. At that point, the Shadowburns will get copied.

    To give an example: On Galakras waves, Havoc the Shaman or a Skull..basher (sp? The ones with the ton of hp and the charge). Then FnB AE till the lower hp adds get low, then Shadow Burn those. The Havoc should still be active so the Shaman gets pounded by the copied SB nukes. On my raids it's often enough to bring the Shaman low as well so I can continu SB spam on the Shaman after killing the low hp ones with the free Embers I just got from their kills. It's just awesome dps and very useful.

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