Thread: SerenityNow

  1. #1


    I have been working on this addon for little over a year now and I think I have finally have it polished enough. It was everything I wanted when I used to raid lead. I would love to hear people's input on what might need fixing or redesigned.


  2. #2
    Global leak dump:

    === FILE: /Config.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Config.lua:28,46> (58 instructions, 232 bytes at 0045EF60)
    	[45]	GETGLOBAL	0 -18	; collectgarbage
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Config.lua:55,70> (54 instructions, 216 bytes at 00809F08)
    	[56]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; LibStub
    	[62]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; LibStub
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Config.lua:74,141> (89 instructions, 356 bytes at 0080F8E8)
    	[138]	GETGLOBAL	6 -6	; type
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Config.lua:101,107> (14 instructions, 56 bytes at 0080FF40)
    	[102]	GETGLOBAL	0 -1	; InCombatLockdown
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Config.lua:143,150> (49 instructions, 196 bytes at 00461320)
    	[144]	GETGLOBAL	2 -4	; LibStub
    	[145]	GETGLOBAL	1 -4	; LibStub
    	[147]	GETGLOBAL	1 -4	; LibStub
    	[148]	GETGLOBAL	1 -4	; LibStub
    	[149]	GETGLOBAL	4 -4	; LibStub
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Config.lua:152,197> (207 instructions, 828 bytes at 00461378)
    	[154]	GETGLOBAL	3 -3	; CreateFrame
    	[154]	GETGLOBAL	6 -5	; UIParent
    	[184]	GETGLOBAL	3 -3	; CreateFrame
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Config.lua:199,202> (12 instructions, 48 bytes at 00461428)
    	[201]	GETGLOBAL	4 -1	; LibStub
    === FILE: /Functions.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Functions.lua:31,59> (96 instructions, 384 bytes at 0064E5A8)
    	[32]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; ElvUI
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Functions.lua:65,70> (19 instructions, 76 bytes at 00828C08)
    	[67]	GETGLOBAL	3 -2	; UIParent
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Functions.lua:77,91> (31 instructions, 124 bytes at 00828F18)
    	[78]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; type
    	[80]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; type
    	[82]	GETGLOBAL	8 -1	; type
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Functions.lua:102,112> (20 instructions, 80 bytes at 00653060)
    	[106]	GETGLOBAL	9 -2	; table
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Functions.lua:114,121> (13 instructions, 52 bytes at 0064E818)
    	[115]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; ipairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Functions.lua:135,149> (29 instructions, 116 bytes at 00654338)
    	[137]	GETGLOBAL	1 -2	; IsInRaid
    	[138]	GETGLOBAL	1 -3	; IsInGroup
    	[143]	GETGLOBAL	1 -3	; IsInGroup
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Functions.lua:151,195> (109 instructions, 436 bytes at 00828770)
    	[157]	GETGLOBAL	10 -5	; UnitGUID
    	[162]	GETGLOBAL	5 -5	; UnitGUID
    	[167]	GETGLOBAL	5 -5	; UnitGUID
    	[169]	GETGLOBAL	5 -5	; UnitGUID
    	[171]	GETGLOBAL	5 -5	; UnitGUID
    	[188]	GETGLOBAL	10 -5	; UnitGUID
    	[190]	GETGLOBAL	10 -5	; UnitGUID
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Functions.lua:201,237> (194 instructions, 776 bytes at 00654D00)
    	[204]	GETGLOBAL	7 -6	; UnitIsGroupAssistant
    	[205]	GETGLOBAL	7 -8	; type
    	[209]	GETGLOBAL	8 -11	; IsInGroup
    	[229]	GETGLOBAL	7 -11	; IsInGroup
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Functions.lua:252,271> (49 instructions, 196 bytes at 00657530)
    	[256]	GETGLOBAL	6 -4	; CreateFrame
    	[263]	GETGLOBAL	9 -16	; GameFontNormal
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Functions.lua:288,322> (82 instructions, 328 bytes at 006575E0)
    	[291]	GETGLOBAL	4 -1	; ElvUI
    	[311]	GETGLOBAL	10 -19	; CreateFrame
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Functions.lua:360,387> (68 instructions, 272 bytes at 00657798)
    	[361]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; LibStub
    	[362]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; LibStub
    	[363]	GETGLOBAL	4 -1	; LibStub
    	[364]	GETGLOBAL	5 -1	; LibStub
    	[377]	GETGLOBAL	6 -18	; InterfaceOptionsFrame
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Functions.lua:389,395> (11 instructions, 44 bytes at 006577F0)
    	[390]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; SNgrid
    	[393]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; SNgrid
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Functions.lua:397,402> (9 instructions, 36 bytes at 00657848)
    	[398]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; SNgrid
    	[399]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; SNgrid
    	[400]	SETGLOBAL	1 -1	; SNgrid
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Functions.lua:404,450> (186 instructions, 744 bytes at 006578A0)
    	[405]	GETGLOBAL	1 -2	; CreateFrame
    	[405]	GETGLOBAL	4 -5	; UIParent
    	[405]	SETGLOBAL	1 -1	; SNgrid
    	[406]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; SNgrid
    	[407]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; SNgrid
    	[407]	GETGLOBAL	3 -5	; UIParent
    	[408]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; SNgrid
    	[411]	GETGLOBAL	2 -11	; GetScreenWidth
    	[412]	GETGLOBAL	3 -12	; GetScreenHeight
    	[413]	GETGLOBAL	4 -12	; GetScreenHeight
    	[415]	GETGLOBAL	5 -1	; SNgrid
    	[416]	GETGLOBAL	6 -1	; SNgrid
    	[418]	GETGLOBAL	8 -1	; SNgrid
    	[419]	GETGLOBAL	11 -1	; SNgrid
    	[420]	GETGLOBAL	12 -1	; SNgrid
    	[425]	GETGLOBAL	15 -1	; SNgrid
    	[426]	GETGLOBAL	15 -1	; SNgrid
    	[428]	GETGLOBAL	7 -12	; GetScreenHeight
    	[431]	GETGLOBAL	7 -1	; SNgrid
    	[433]	GETGLOBAL	11 -1	; SNgrid
    	[434]	GETGLOBAL	11 -1	; SNgrid
    	[437]	GETGLOBAL	8 -23	; floor
    	[438]	GETGLOBAL	11 -1	; SNgrid
    	[441]	GETGLOBAL	15 -1	; SNgrid
    	[442]	GETGLOBAL	15 -1	; SNgrid
    	[444]	GETGLOBAL	12 -1	; SNgrid
    	[447]	GETGLOBAL	15 -1	; SNgrid
    	[448]	GETGLOBAL	15 -1	; SNgrid
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Functions.lua:462,475> (32 instructions, 128 bytes at 00657950)
    	[467]	GETGLOBAL	2 -3	; GetSpellCooldown
    	[469]	GETGLOBAL	8 -5	; GetTime
    	[470]	GETGLOBAL	10 -5	; GetTime
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Functions.lua:494,616> (315 instructions, 1260 bytes at 00657A00)
    	[540]	GETGLOBAL	15 -49	; tostring
    	[544]	GETGLOBAL	18 -49	; tostring
    	[569]	GETGLOBAL	18 -65	; string
    	[569]	GETGLOBAL	19 -65	; string
    	[571]	GETGLOBAL	18 -65	; string
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Functions.lua:579,583> (10 instructions, 40 bytes at 00657A58)
    	[580]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; GetComboPoints
    function <D:\SerenityNow/Functions.lua:587,597> (21 instructions, 84 bytes at 00657AB0)
    	[589]	GETGLOBAL	12 -1	; select
    === FILE: /SerenityNow.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/SerenityNow.lua:136,147> (31 instructions, 124 bytes at 00528E08)
    	[144]	GETGLOBAL	1 -7	; IsAddOnLoaded
    function <D:\SerenityNow/SerenityNow.lua:153,197> (154 instructions, 616 bytes at 0052F9A8)
    	[165]	GETGLOBAL	4 -13	; InCombatLockdown
    	[172]	GETGLOBAL	4 -13	; InCombatLockdown
    	[180]	GETGLOBAL	4 -13	; InCombatLockdown
    	[189]	GETGLOBAL	4 -13	; InCombatLockdown
    function <D:\SerenityNow/SerenityNow.lua:208,219> (73 instructions, 292 bytes at 0055EF60)
    	[209]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; IsInRaid
    	[210]	GETGLOBAL	5 -1	; IsInRaid
    	[210]	GETGLOBAL	5 -1	; IsInRaid
    	[211]	GETGLOBAL	1 -12	; IsInGroup
    	[212]	GETGLOBAL	5 -12	; IsInGroup
    	[212]	GETGLOBAL	5 -12	; IsInGroup
    	[216]	GETGLOBAL	3 -15	; isBroadcasting
    === FILE: /Variables.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceComm-3.0/AceComm-3.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceComm-3.0/ChatThrottleLib.lua ===
    main <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceComm-3.0/ChatThrottleLib.lua:0,0> (142 instructions, 568 bytes at 002FE460)
    	[49]	SETGLOBAL	2 -3	; ChatThrottleLib
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceComm-3.0/ChatThrottleLib.lua:172,221> (101 instructions, 404 bytes at 0072FF38)
    	[183]	GETGLOBAL	1 -10	; pairs
    	[197]	GETGLOBAL	1 -13	; CreateFrame
    	[212]	GETGLOBAL	1 -25	; hooksecurefunc
    	[216]	GETGLOBAL	1 -25	; hooksecurefunc
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceComm-3.0/ChatThrottleLib.lua:255,279> (48 instructions, 192 bytes at 00301C00)
    	[265]	GETGLOBAL	5 -10	; GetFramerate
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceComm-3.0/ChatThrottleLib.lua:285,307> (68 instructions, 272 bytes at 00301C58)
    	[299]	GETGLOBAL	5 -12	; unpack
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceComm-3.0/ChatThrottleLib.lua:320,369> (82 instructions, 328 bytes at 00301D08)
    	[337]	GETGLOBAL	4 -6	; pairs
    	[346]	GETGLOBAL	4 -6	; pairs
    	[359]	GETGLOBAL	5 -6	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceComm-3.0/ChatThrottleLib.lua:396,438> (106 instructions, 424 bytes at 00301DB8)
    	[398]	GETGLOBAL	10 -2	; error
    	[400]	GETGLOBAL	10 -5	; type
    	[401]	GETGLOBAL	10 -2	; error
    	[401]	GETGLOBAL	12 -5	; type
    	[407]	GETGLOBAL	11 -2	; error
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceComm-3.0/ChatThrottleLib.lua:441,490> (123 instructions, 492 bytes at 00301E10)
    	[443]	GETGLOBAL	9 -2	; error
    	[445]	GETGLOBAL	9 -5	; type
    	[446]	GETGLOBAL	9 -2	; error
    	[446]	GETGLOBAL	11 -5	; type
    	[451]	GETGLOBAL	10 -9	; RegisterAddonMessagePrefix
    	[453]	GETGLOBAL	10 -2	; error
    	[458]	GETGLOBAL	10 -2	; error
    === FILE: /lib/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfig-3.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigCmd-3.0/AceConfigCmd-3.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigRegistry-3.0/AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceConsole-3.0/AceConsole-3.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceDB-3.0/AceDB-3.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceDBOptions-3.0/AceDBOptions-3.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-BlizOptionsGroup.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-DropDownGroup.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-Frame.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-InlineGroup.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-ScrollFrame.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-SimpleGroup.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TabGroup.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TreeGroup.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-Window.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Button.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-CheckBox.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-ColorPicker.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-DropDown-Items.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-DropDown.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-DropDown.lua:565,576> (38 instructions, 152 bytes at 002E21B8)
    	[568]	GETGLOBAL	5 -3	; error
    	[568]	GETGLOBAL	8 -6	; tostring
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-EditBox.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Heading.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Icon.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-InteractiveLabel.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Keybinding.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Label.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-MultiLineEditBox.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Slider.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/BackgroundWidget.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/BackgroundWidget.lua:14,19> (13 instructions, 52 bytes at 0045EA10)
    	[18]	GETGLOBAL	1 -4	; table
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/BackgroundWidget.lua:36,68> (93 instructions, 372 bytes at 0045E5B8)
    	[38]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; next
    	[39]	GETGLOBAL	1 -2	; table
    	[41]	GETGLOBAL	1 -4	; CreateFrame
    	[41]	GETGLOBAL	4 -6	; UIParent
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/BackgroundWidget.lua:140,142> (14 instructions, 56 bytes at 00461858)
    	[141]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; string
    	[141]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; string
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/BackgroundWidget.lua:145,171> (72 instructions, 288 bytes at 004618B0)
    	[154]	GETGLOBAL	2 -11	; pairs
    	[157]	GETGLOBAL	2 -14	; table
    	[158]	GETGLOBAL	2 -16	; ipairs
    	[169]	GETGLOBAL	2 -23	; wipe
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/BorderWidget.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/BorderWidget.lua:14,19> (13 instructions, 52 bytes at 0031EA10)
    	[18]	GETGLOBAL	1 -4	; table
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/BorderWidget.lua:39,67> (86 instructions, 344 bytes at 0031E5B8)
    	[41]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; next
    	[42]	GETGLOBAL	1 -2	; table
    	[44]	GETGLOBAL	1 -4	; CreateFrame
    	[44]	GETGLOBAL	4 -6	; UIParent
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/BorderWidget.lua:137,139> (14 instructions, 56 bytes at 003213E0)
    	[138]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; string
    	[138]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; string
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/BorderWidget.lua:142,168> (72 instructions, 288 bytes at 00321438)
    	[151]	GETGLOBAL	2 -11	; pairs
    	[154]	GETGLOBAL	2 -14	; table
    	[155]	GETGLOBAL	2 -16	; ipairs
    	[166]	GETGLOBAL	2 -23	; wipe
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/FontWidget.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/FontWidget.lua:14,19> (13 instructions, 52 bytes at 0060EA10)
    	[18]	GETGLOBAL	1 -4	; table
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/FontWidget.lua:29,56> (82 instructions, 328 bytes at 0060E980)
    	[31]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; next
    	[32]	GETGLOBAL	1 -2	; table
    	[34]	GETGLOBAL	1 -4	; CreateFrame
    	[34]	GETGLOBAL	4 -6	; UIParent
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/FontWidget.lua:122,124> (14 instructions, 56 bytes at 006100C8)
    	[123]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; string
    	[123]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; string
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/FontWidget.lua:127,154> (92 instructions, 368 bytes at 00610120)
    	[136]	GETGLOBAL	2 -11	; pairs
    	[139]	GETGLOBAL	2 -14	; table
    	[140]	GETGLOBAL	2 -16	; ipairs
    	[152]	GETGLOBAL	2 -27	; wipe
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/prototypes.lua ===
    main <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/prototypes.lua:0,0> (110 instructions, 440 bytes at 005CE460)
    	[26]	SETGLOBAL	4 -8	; AceGUIWidgetLSMlists
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/prototypes.lua:56,115> (203 instructions, 812 bytes at 0034BBD0)
    	[57]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; CreateFrame
    	[57]	GETGLOBAL	4 -3	; UIParent
    	[60]	GETGLOBAL	5 -3	; UIParent
    	[102]	GETGLOBAL	7 -1	; CreateFrame
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/prototypes.lua:117,133> (47 instructions, 188 bytes at 005CEC90)
    	[120]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; CreateFrame
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/prototypes.lua:163,196> (148 instructions, 592 bytes at 005CEDC0)
    	[169]	GETGLOBAL	4 -8	; next
    	[180]	GETGLOBAL	5 -18	; UIParent
    	[182]	GETGLOBAL	6 -18	; UIParent
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/prototypes.lua:198,203> (11 instructions, 44 bytes at 005CE970)
    	[199]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; ipairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/prototypes.lua:210,256> (140 instructions, 560 bytes at 00348688)
    	[212]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; next
    	[213]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; table
    	[215]	GETGLOBAL	2 -4	; CreateFrame
    	[215]	GETGLOBAL	5 -6	; UIParent
    	[222]	GETGLOBAL	2 -4	; CreateFrame
    	[226]	GETGLOBAL	3 -4	; CreateFrame
    	[239]	GETGLOBAL	5 -4	; CreateFrame
    	[252]	GETGLOBAL	4 -6	; UIParent
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/prototypes.lua:258,266> (22 instructions, 88 bytes at 00348778)
    	[264]	GETGLOBAL	2 -6	; table
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/SoundWidget.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/SoundWidget.lua:14,19> (13 instructions, 52 bytes at 0031EA10)
    	[18]	GETGLOBAL	1 -4	; table
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/SoundWidget.lua:29,33> (22 instructions, 88 bytes at 0031E980)
    	[32]	GETGLOBAL	4 -5	; PlaySoundFile
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/SoundWidget.lua:35,80> (128 instructions, 512 bytes at 0031E5B8)
    	[37]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; next
    	[38]	GETGLOBAL	1 -2	; table
    	[40]	GETGLOBAL	1 -4	; CreateFrame
    	[40]	GETGLOBAL	4 -6	; UIParent
    	[53]	GETGLOBAL	2 -4	; CreateFrame
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/SoundWidget.lua:147,149> (14 instructions, 56 bytes at 00321048)
    	[148]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; string
    	[148]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; string
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/SoundWidget.lua:152,176> (70 instructions, 280 bytes at 003210A0)
    	[161]	GETGLOBAL	2 -11	; pairs
    	[164]	GETGLOBAL	2 -14	; table
    	[165]	GETGLOBAL	2 -16	; ipairs
    	[174]	GETGLOBAL	2 -23	; wipe
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/SoundWidget.lua:199,203> (21 instructions, 84 bytes at 00321258)
    	[202]	GETGLOBAL	3 -5	; PlaySoundFile
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/SoundWidget.lua:205,258> (120 instructions, 480 bytes at 003212B0)
    	[219]	GETGLOBAL	2 -11	; CreateFrame
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/StatusbarWidget.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/StatusbarWidget.lua:14,19> (13 instructions, 52 bytes at 002CEA10)
    	[18]	GETGLOBAL	1 -4	; table
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/StatusbarWidget.lua:29,65> (110 instructions, 440 bytes at 002CE980)
    	[31]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; next
    	[32]	GETGLOBAL	1 -2	; table
    	[34]	GETGLOBAL	1 -4	; CreateFrame
    	[34]	GETGLOBAL	4 -6	; UIParent
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/StatusbarWidget.lua:131,133> (14 instructions, 56 bytes at 002D0340)
    	[132]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; string
    	[132]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; string
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/StatusbarWidget.lua:136,165> (89 instructions, 356 bytes at 002D0398)
    	[145]	GETGLOBAL	2 -11	; pairs
    	[148]	GETGLOBAL	2 -14	; table
    	[149]	GETGLOBAL	2 -16	; ipairs
    	[163]	GETGLOBAL	2 -27	; wipe
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-BlizOptionsGroup.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-DropDownGroup.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-Frame.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-InlineGroup.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-ScrollFrame.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-SimpleGroup.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TabGroup.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TreeGroup.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-Window.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Button.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-CheckBox.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-ColorPicker.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-DropDown-Items.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-DropDown.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-EditBox.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Heading.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Icon.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-InteractiveLabel.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Keybinding.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Label.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-MultiLineEditBox.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Slider.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua:11,19> (43 instructions, 172 bytes at 002CE9E8)
    	[12]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; assert
    	[12]	GETGLOBAL	4 -2	; type
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; assert
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	4 -5	; tonumber
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	5 -6	; strmatch
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua:21,26> (21 instructions, 84 bytes at 007B8728)
    	[23]	GETGLOBAL	3 -2	; error
    	[23]	GETGLOBAL	6 -5	; tostring
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets/Libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua:28,28> (5 instructions, 20 bytes at 002CE660)
    	[28]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; pairs
    === FILE: /lib/AceHook-3.0/AceHook-3.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceLocale-3.0/AceLocale-3.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceSerializer-3.0/AceSerializer-3.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/LibDataBroker-1.1/LibDataBroker-1.1.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDataBroker-1.1/LibDataBroker-1.1.lua:36,51> (50 instructions, 200 bytes at 0030EEA0)
    	[40]	GETGLOBAL	3 -2	; assert
    	[40]	GETGLOBAL	4 -3	; type
    	[42]	GETGLOBAL	3 -7	; pairs
    	[47]	GETGLOBAL	3 -9	; setmetatable
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDataBroker-1.1/LibDataBroker-1.1.lua:55,57> (5 instructions, 20 bytes at 007B7EC8)
    	[56]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDataBroker-1.1/LibDataBroker-1.1.lua:70,78> (28 instructions, 112 bytes at 007BF658)
    	[71]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; type
    	[72]	GETGLOBAL	3 -2	; assert
    	[75]	GETGLOBAL	4 -2	; assert
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDataBroker-1.1/LibDataBroker-1.1.lua:81,89> (28 instructions, 112 bytes at 007BF880)
    	[82]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; type
    	[83]	GETGLOBAL	3 -2	; assert
    	[86]	GETGLOBAL	4 -2	; assert
    === FILE: /lib/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua ===
    main <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:0,0> (275 instructions, 1100 bytes at 0052E460)
    	[159]	SETGLOBAL	13 -35	; onDragStop
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:64,70> (52 instructions, 208 bytes at 005087F0)
    	[67]	GETGLOBAL	3 -3	; UIParent
    	[67]	GETGLOBAL	3 -3	; UIParent
    	[68]	GETGLOBAL	4 -3	; UIParent
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:72,83> (33 instructions, 132 bytes at 0052EF88)
    	[76]	GETGLOBAL	2 -4	; GameTooltip
    	[77]	GETGLOBAL	2 -4	; GameTooltip
    	[78]	GETGLOBAL	3 -4	; GameTooltip
    	[79]	GETGLOBAL	2 -4	; GameTooltip
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:85,89> (11 instructions, 44 bytes at 00507EF0)
    	[87]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; GameTooltip
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:113,128> (75 instructions, 300 bytes at 00508338)
    	[114]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; math
    	[115]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; math
    	[115]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; math
    	[118]	GETGLOBAL	5 -11	; GetMinimapShape
    	[118]	GETGLOBAL	5 -11	; GetMinimapShape
    	[124]	GETGLOBAL	8 -1	; math
    	[124]	GETGLOBAL	10 -1	; math
    	[125]	GETGLOBAL	8 -1	; math
    	[125]	GETGLOBAL	10 -1	; math
    	[127]	GETGLOBAL	10 -20	; Minimap
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:136,147> (40 instructions, 160 bytes at 00533DB8)
    	[137]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; Minimap
    	[138]	GETGLOBAL	3 -3	; GetCursorPosition
    	[139]	GETGLOBAL	5 -1	; Minimap
    	[142]	GETGLOBAL	7 -7	; math
    	[142]	GETGLOBAL	8 -7	; math
    	[144]	GETGLOBAL	6 -7	; math
    	[144]	GETGLOBAL	7 -7	; math
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:149,156> (15 instructions, 60 bytes at 00534118)
    	[155]	GETGLOBAL	1 -9	; GameTooltip
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:178,223> (142 instructions, 568 bytes at 00537030)
    	[179]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; CreateFrame
    	[179]	GETGLOBAL	6 -4	; Minimap
    	[211]	GETGLOBAL	10 -46	; onDragStop
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:239,248> (36 instructions, 144 bytes at 00537190)
    	[240]	GETGLOBAL	0 -1	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:256,264> (42 instructions, 168 bytes at 00537240)
    	[257]	GETGLOBAL	4 -2	; error
    	[258]	GETGLOBAL	4 -2	; error
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:276,284> (33 instructions, 132 bytes at 005372F0)
    	[280]	GETGLOBAL	5 -6	; onDragStop
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:299,317> (54 instructions, 216 bytes at 00537500)
    	[312]	GETGLOBAL	7 -11	; onDragStop
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:322,336> (44 instructions, 176 bytes at 005375B0)
    	[324]	GETGLOBAL	1 -3	; pairs
    	[330]	GETGLOBAL	1 -3	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:338,343> (12 instructions, 48 bytes at 00537608)
    	[340]	GETGLOBAL	1 -3	; pairs
    === FILE: /lib/LibDispellable-1.0/LibDispellable-1.0.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDispellable-1.0/LibDispellable-1.0.lua:82,84> (11 instructions, 44 bytes at 00357E40)
    	[83]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; IsSpellKnown
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDispellable-1.0/LibDispellable-1.0.lua:86,88> (16 instructions, 64 bytes at 0023E930)
    	[87]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; select
    	[87]	GETGLOBAL	4 -3	; GetTalentInfo
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDispellable-1.0/LibDispellable-1.0.lua:90,143> (126 instructions, 504 bytes at 00356D30)
    	[91]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; wipe
    	[94]	GETGLOBAL	1 -5	; UnitClass
    	[102]	GETGLOBAL	3 -12	; IsSpellKnown
    	[122]	GETGLOBAL	3 -12	; IsSpellKnown
    	[135]	GETGLOBAL	3 -12	; IsSpellKnown
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDispellable-1.0/LibDispellable-1.0.lua:168,176> (39 instructions, 156 bytes at 0023E7C8)
    	[170]	GETGLOBAL	6 -1	; UnitCanAttack
    	[172]	GETGLOBAL	6 -7	; UnitCanAssist
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDispellable-1.0/LibDispellable-1.0.lua:184,193> (40 instructions, 160 bytes at 0023EE18)
    	[187]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; UnitBuff
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDispellable-1.0/LibDispellable-1.0.lua:195,204> (33 instructions, 132 bytes at 0024DB30)
    	[198]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; UnitDebuff
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDispellable-1.0/LibDispellable-1.0.lua:215,223> (40 instructions, 160 bytes at 0024DEA0)
    	[216]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; UnitCanAttack
    	[218]	GETGLOBAL	3 -6	; UnitCanAssist
    	[218]	GETGLOBAL	3 -7	; next
    === FILE: /lib/LibDispellable-1.0/LibStub.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDispellable-1.0/LibStub.lua:11,19> (43 instructions, 172 bytes at 004CE9E8)
    	[12]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; assert
    	[12]	GETGLOBAL	4 -2	; type
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; assert
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	4 -5	; tonumber
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	5 -6	; strmatch
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDispellable-1.0/LibStub.lua:21,26> (21 instructions, 84 bytes at 006286D0)
    	[23]	GETGLOBAL	3 -2	; error
    	[23]	GETGLOBAL	6 -5	; tostring
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDispellable-1.0/LibStub.lua:28,28> (5 instructions, 20 bytes at 004CE660)
    	[28]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; pairs
    === FILE: /lib/LibDualSpec-1.0/LibDualSpec-1.0.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDualSpec-1.0/LibDualSpec-1.0.lua:202,206> (12 instructions, 48 bytes at 00609590)
    	[203]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; pairs
    	[204]	GETGLOBAL	6 -2	; rawset
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDualSpec-1.0/LibDualSpec-1.0.lua:226,242> (69 instructions, 276 bytes at 0060FF40)
    	[227]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; LibStub
    	[228]	GETGLOBAL	3 -3	; type
    	[229]	GETGLOBAL	3 -5	; error
    	[230]	GETGLOBAL	3 -3	; type
    	[231]	GETGLOBAL	3 -5	; error
    	[233]	GETGLOBAL	3 -5	; error
    	[235]	GETGLOBAL	3 -5	; error
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDualSpec-1.0/LibDualSpec-1.0.lua:286,305> (78 instructions, 312 bytes at 0046D810)
    	[287]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; LibStub
    	[288]	GETGLOBAL	3 -3	; type
    	[289]	GETGLOBAL	3 -5	; error
    	[290]	GETGLOBAL	3 -3	; type
    	[291]	GETGLOBAL	3 -5	; error
    	[293]	GETGLOBAL	3 -5	; error
    	[295]	GETGLOBAL	3 -5	; error
    	[297]	GETGLOBAL	3 -5	; error
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDualSpec-1.0/LibDualSpec-1.0.lua:311,317> (12 instructions, 48 bytes at 0046D868)
    	[313]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; next
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDualSpec-1.0/LibDualSpec-1.0.lua:333,342> (19 instructions, 76 bytes at 0046D918)
    	[338]	GETGLOBAL	1 -4	; pairs
    === FILE: /lib/LibDualSpec-1.0/LibStub.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDualSpec-1.0/LibStub.lua:11,19> (43 instructions, 172 bytes at 0045E9E8)
    	[12]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; assert
    	[12]	GETGLOBAL	4 -2	; type
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; assert
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	4 -5	; tonumber
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	5 -6	; strmatch
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDualSpec-1.0/LibStub.lua:21,26> (21 instructions, 84 bytes at 002886C0)
    	[23]	GETGLOBAL	3 -2	; error
    	[23]	GETGLOBAL	6 -5	; tostring
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibDualSpec-1.0/LibStub.lua:28,28> (5 instructions, 20 bytes at 0045EBB8)
    	[28]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; pairs
    === FILE: /lib/LibFancyBar-1.0/bars.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibFancyBar-1.0/bars.lua:236,324> (219 instructions, 876 bytes at 006289C0)
    	[241]	GETGLOBAL	9 -3	; UIParent
    	[310]	GETGLOBAL	7 -51	; r
    	[310]	GETGLOBAL	8 -52	; g
    	[310]	GETGLOBAL	9 -53	; b
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibFancyBar-1.0/bars.lua:362,402> (139 instructions, 556 bytes at 00628AC8)
    	[366]	GETGLOBAL	5 -4	; type
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibFancyBar-1.0/bars.lua:448,457> (31 instructions, 124 bytes at 00473478)
    	[451]	GETGLOBAL	6 -3	; _G
    	[451]	GETGLOBAL	6 -3	; _G
    	[452]	GETGLOBAL	6 -3	; _G
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibFancyBar-1.0/bars.lua:463,472> (31 instructions, 124 bytes at 004734D0)
    	[466]	GETGLOBAL	6 -3	; _G
    	[466]	GETGLOBAL	6 -3	; _G
    	[467]	GETGLOBAL	6 -3	; _G
    === FILE: /lib/LibFancyBar-1.0/groups.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibFancyBar-1.0/groups.lua:148,215> (178 instructions, 712 bytes at 002D10C8)
    	[149]	GETGLOBAL	7 -2	; UIParent
    	[183]	GETGLOBAL	12 -38	; GameFontNormal
    === FILE: /lib/LibFancyBar-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/LibFancyBar-1.0/LibStub/LibStub.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibFancyBar-1.0/LibStub/LibStub.lua:11,19> (43 instructions, 172 bytes at 0023E9E8)
    	[12]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; assert
    	[12]	GETGLOBAL	4 -2	; type
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; assert
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	4 -5	; tonumber
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	5 -6	; strmatch
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibFancyBar-1.0/LibStub/LibStub.lua:21,26> (21 instructions, 84 bytes at 008986D8)
    	[23]	GETGLOBAL	3 -2	; error
    	[23]	GETGLOBAL	6 -5	; tostring
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibFancyBar-1.0/LibStub/LibStub.lua:28,28> (5 instructions, 20 bytes at 0023E660)
    	[28]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; pairs
    === FILE: /lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0.lua:159,179> (61 instructions, 244 bytes at 00759568)
    	[174]	GETGLOBAL	1 -16	; RegisterAddonMessagePrefix
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0.lua:190,208> (74 instructions, 296 bytes at 00757FC0)
    	[193]	GETGLOBAL	2 -4	; next
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0.lua:225,269> (95 instructions, 380 bytes at 002FED88)
    	[226]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; CreateFrame
    	[227]	GETGLOBAL	4 -6	; UIParent
    	[249]	GETGLOBAL	10 -20	; MAX_NUM_TALENTS
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0.lua:272,282> (36 instructions, 144 bytes at 0030D1A0)
    	[276]	GETGLOBAL	3 -3	; ipairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0.lua:315,360> (130 instructions, 520 bytes at 0075FF80)
    	[317]	GETGLOBAL	1 -3	; InCombatLockdown
    	[320]	GETGLOBAL	1 -4	; InspectFrame
    	[320]	GETGLOBAL	1 -4	; InspectFrame
    	[328]	GETGLOBAL	4 -8	; next
    	[330]	GETGLOBAL	5 -10	; GetTime
    	[345]	GETGLOBAL	4 -16	; pairs
    	[357]	GETGLOBAL	4 -8	; next
    	[357]	GETGLOBAL	4 -8	; next
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0.lua:367,369> (5 instructions, 20 bytes at 0030F798)
    	[368]	GETGLOBAL	3 -3	; GetTime
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0.lua:380,446> (160 instructions, 640 bytes at 0030F848)
    	[419]	GETGLOBAL	11 -30	; MAX_NUM_TALENTS
    	[426]	GETGLOBAL	8 -32	; wipe
    	[428]	GETGLOBAL	10 -34	; NUM_GLYPH_SLOTS
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0.lua:478,501> (49 instructions, 196 bytes at 0030F8F8)
    	[483]	GETGLOBAL	4 -3	; ipairs
    	[495]	GETGLOBAL	4 -9	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0.lua:511,552> (118 instructions, 472 bytes at 0030F9A8)
    	[520]	GETGLOBAL	5 -6	; pairs
    	[528]	GETGLOBAL	6 -6	; pairs
    	[532]	GETGLOBAL	7 -10	; NUM_GLYPH_SLOTS
    	[535]	GETGLOBAL	6 -6	; pairs
    	[540]	GETGLOBAL	7 -10	; NUM_GLYPH_SLOTS
    	[544]	GETGLOBAL	6 -14	; UnitInBattleground
    	[546]	GETGLOBAL	6 -16	; SendAddonMessage
    	[547]	GETGLOBAL	6 -18	; GetNumGroupMembers
    	[549]	GETGLOBAL	6 -16	; SendAddonMessage
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0.lua:564,639> (245 instructions, 980 bytes at 0030FA00)
    	[568]	GETGLOBAL	5 -7	; me
    	[570]	GETGLOBAL	6 -8	; strsplit
    	[591]	GETGLOBAL	11 -34	; tonumber
    	[603]	GETGLOBAL	13 -48	; wipe
    	[605]	GETGLOBAL	17 -34	; tonumber
    	[612]	GETGLOBAL	14 -48	; wipe
    	[614]	GETGLOBAL	18 -34	; tonumber
    	[623]	GETGLOBAL	22 -34	; tonumber
    	[624]	GETGLOBAL	22 -34	; tonumber
    	[625]	GETGLOBAL	22 -34	; tonumber
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0.lua:678,688> (26 instructions, 104 bytes at 0030FC10)
    	[684]	GETGLOBAL	6 -4	; UNKNOWN
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0.lua:702,708> (15 instructions, 60 bytes at 0030FCC0)
    	[704]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; pairs
    	[705]	GETGLOBAL	7 -4	; table
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0.lua:711,717> (15 instructions, 60 bytes at 0030FD70)
    	[713]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; pairs
    	[714]	GETGLOBAL	7 -4	; table
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0.lua:726,738> (26 instructions, 104 bytes at 0030FE78)
    	[728]	GETGLOBAL	2 -3	; ipairs
    === FILE: /lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua ===
    === FILE: /lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibStub/LibStub.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibStub/LibStub.lua:11,19> (43 instructions, 172 bytes at 0048E9E8)
    	[12]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; assert
    	[12]	GETGLOBAL	4 -2	; type
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; assert
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	4 -5	; tonumber
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	5 -6	; strmatch
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibStub/LibStub.lua:21,26> (21 instructions, 84 bytes at 004686E8)
    	[23]	GETGLOBAL	3 -2	; error
    	[23]	GETGLOBAL	6 -5	; tostring
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibGroupInSpecT-1.0/LibStub/LibStub.lua:28,28> (5 instructions, 20 bytes at 0048E660)
    	[28]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; pairs
    === FILE: /lib/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua:206,223> (76 instructions, 304 bytes at 0034ABF0)
    	[208]	GETGLOBAL	5 -2	; error
    	[211]	GETGLOBAL	5 -2	; error
    === FILE: /lib/LibStub/LibStub.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibStub/LibStub.lua:11,19> (43 instructions, 172 bytes at 0045E638)
    	[12]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; assert
    	[12]	GETGLOBAL	4 -2	; type
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; assert
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	4 -5	; tonumber
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	5 -6	; strmatch
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibStub/LibStub.lua:21,26> (21 instructions, 84 bytes at 0045EE38)
    	[23]	GETGLOBAL	3 -2	; error
    	[23]	GETGLOBAL	6 -5	; tostring
    function <D:\SerenityNow/lib/LibStub/LibStub.lua:28,28> (5 instructions, 20 bytes at 005A6D28)
    	[28]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; pairs
    === FILE: /locales/deDE.lua ===
    === FILE: /locales/enUS.lua ===
    === FILE: /media/sharedmedia.lua ===
    === FILE: /modules/Bloodlust.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Bloodlust.lua:73,76> (15 instructions, 60 bytes at 0082F900)
    	[74]	GETGLOBAL	0 -1	; table
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Bloodlust.lua:83,85> (9 instructions, 36 bytes at 0082FDB8)
    	[84]	GETGLOBAL	0 -1	; table
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Bloodlust.lua:105,112> (20 instructions, 80 bytes at 0045F920)
    	[108]	GETGLOBAL	2 -4	; CreateFrame
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Bloodlust.lua:141,160> (56 instructions, 224 bytes at 0045FBE0)
    	[144]	GETGLOBAL	13 -2	; select
    	[148]	GETGLOBAL	19 -6	; UnitInParty
    	[148]	GETGLOBAL	19 -7	; UnitInRaid
    	[149]	GETGLOBAL	20 -11	; random
    	[150]	GETGLOBAL	20 -12	; SendChatMessage
    === FILE: /modules/Buffs.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Buffs.lua:15,237> (255 instructions, 1020 bytes at 0023E848)
    	[117]	GETGLOBAL	3 -48	; AceGUIWidgetLSMlists
    	[162]	GETGLOBAL	3 -48	; AceGUIWidgetLSMlists
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Buffs.lua:80,88> (25 instructions, 100 bytes at 008BDA50)
    	[84]	GETGLOBAL	3 -6	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Buffs.lua:119,128> (46 instructions, 184 bytes at 0023F198)
    	[123]	GETGLOBAL	3 -6	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Buffs.lua:139,148> (46 instructions, 184 bytes at 0023F2A0)
    	[143]	GETGLOBAL	3 -6	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Buffs.lua:164,172> (29 instructions, 116 bytes at 0023F400)
    	[168]	GETGLOBAL	3 -6	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Buffs.lua:199,215> (81 instructions, 324 bytes at 0023F610)
    	[210]	GETGLOBAL	3 -17	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Buffs.lua:251,298> (96 instructions, 384 bytes at 0023F8D0)
    	[261]	GETGLOBAL	16 -5	; canAssist
    	[266]	GETGLOBAL	16 -8	; pairs
    	[286]	GETGLOBAL	21 -18	; GetTime
    	[286]	GETGLOBAL	23 -19	; UnitGUID
    	[291]	GETGLOBAL	19 -18	; GetTime
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Buffs.lua:300,331> (156 instructions, 624 bytes at 0023F928)
    	[308]	GETGLOBAL	3 -19	; unpack
    	[316]	GETGLOBAL	4 -29	; GameFontNormal
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Buffs.lua:358,365> (23 instructions, 92 bytes at 0023FB38)
    	[363]	GETGLOBAL	5 -8	; unpack
    	[364]	GETGLOBAL	3 -9	; wipe
    === FILE: /modules/Castbar.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Castbar.lua:31,136> (128 instructions, 512 bytes at 0023E838)
    	[113]	GETGLOBAL	3 -43	; AceGUIWidgetLSMlists
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Castbar.lua:43,53> (27 instructions, 108 bytes at 0023EED0)
    	[50]	GETGLOBAL	2 -6	; IsAddOnLoaded
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Castbar.lua:138,200> (277 instructions, 1108 bytes at 0023FFC0)
    	[142]	GETGLOBAL	7 -8	; UIParent
    	[145]	GETGLOBAL	3 -6	; CreateFrame
    	[151]	GETGLOBAL	2 -17	; UnitClass
    	[156]	GETGLOBAL	8 -6	; CreateFrame
    	[159]	GETGLOBAL	7 -25	; IsAddOnLoaded
    	[165]	GETGLOBAL	9 -33	; unpack
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Castbar.lua:202,256> (75 instructions, 300 bytes at 00240070)
    	[204]	GETGLOBAL	1 -3	; CastingBarFrame
    	[205]	GETGLOBAL	1 -3	; CastingBarFrame
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Castbar.lua:258,266> (29 instructions, 116 bytes at 00240120)
    	[262]	GETGLOBAL	1 -7	; CastingBarFrame
    	[262]	GETGLOBAL	2 -7	; CastingBarFrame
    	[263]	GETGLOBAL	1 -10	; IsAddOnLoaded
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Castbar.lua:281,290> (30 instructions, 120 bytes at 00240228)
    	[287]	GETGLOBAL	5 -10	; unpack
    	[289]	GETGLOBAL	3 -11	; wipe
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Castbar.lua:292,306> (130 instructions, 520 bytes at 00240280)
    	[295]	GETGLOBAL	3 -8	; unpack
    	[302]	GETGLOBAL	1 -25	; IsAddOnLoaded
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Castbar.lua:347,496> (466 instructions, 1864 bytes at 002403E0)
    	[351]	GETGLOBAL	5 -4	; UnitCastingInfo
    	[354]	GETGLOBAL	12 -8	; GetTime
    	[376]	GETGLOBAL	12 -35	; GetNetStats
    	[404]	GETGLOBAL	5 -49	; UnitChannelInfo
    	[407]	GETGLOBAL	13 -8	; GetTime
    	[429]	GETGLOBAL	13 -35	; GetNetStats
    	[459]	GETGLOBAL	12 -4	; UnitCastingInfo
    	[461]	GETGLOBAL	12 -49	; UnitChannelInfo
    	[466]	GETGLOBAL	12 -8	; GetTime
    === FILE: /modules/ClassPower.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/ClassPower.lua:14,109> (115 instructions, 460 bytes at 002EE5A8)
    	[99]	GETGLOBAL	3 -43	; AceGUIWidgetLSMlists
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/ClassPower.lua:26,36> (27 instructions, 108 bytes at 002C99C8)
    	[33]	GETGLOBAL	2 -6	; IsAddOnLoaded
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/ClassPower.lua:111,149> (71 instructions, 284 bytes at 002CEEA8)
    	[121]	GETGLOBAL	6 -18	; UIParent
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/ClassPower.lua:192,202> (37 instructions, 148 bytes at 002CF0B8)
    	[199]	GETGLOBAL	3 -11	; wipe
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/ClassPower.lua:204,215> (58 instructions, 232 bytes at 002CF110)
    	[211]	GETGLOBAL	1 -14	; IsAddOnLoaded
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/ClassPower.lua:217,240> (97 instructions, 388 bytes at 002CF168)
    	[218]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; CreateFrame
    	[226]	GETGLOBAL	7 -1	; CreateFrame
    === FILE: /modules/Cooldowns.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Cooldowns.lua:25,274> (297 instructions, 1188 bytes at 0045EF80)
    	[151]	GETGLOBAL	3 -54	; AceGUIWidgetLSMlists
    	[199]	GETGLOBAL	3 -54	; AceGUIWidgetLSMlists
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Cooldowns.lua:307,315> (25 instructions, 100 bytes at 00460160)
    	[310]	GETGLOBAL	6 -2	; strsub
    	[311]	GETGLOBAL	7 -4	; strconcat
    	[311]	GETGLOBAL	9 -5	; strlower
    	[311]	GETGLOBAL	10 -2	; strsub
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Cooldowns.lua:331,347> (45 instructions, 180 bytes at 00460268)
    	[335]	GETGLOBAL	6 -8	; GetSpellInfo
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Cooldowns.lua:368,408> (191 instructions, 764 bytes at 00477128)
    	[393]	GETGLOBAL	4 -38	; GameFontNormal
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Cooldowns.lua:438,445> (23 instructions, 92 bytes at 00477338)
    	[444]	GETGLOBAL	3 -9	; wipe
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Cooldowns.lua:452,469> (41 instructions, 164 bytes at 004773E8)
    	[460]	GETGLOBAL	4 -15	; GetSpecialization
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Cooldowns.lua:471,539> (164 instructions, 656 bytes at 00477440)
    	[474]	GETGLOBAL	13 -2	; select
    	[485]	GETGLOBAL	19 -14	; IsInGroup
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Cooldowns.lua:569,596> (141 instructions, 564 bytes at 004774F0)
    	[577]	GETGLOBAL	18 -10	; GetSpellInfo
    	[581]	GETGLOBAL	18 -10	; GetSpellInfo
    	[584]	GETGLOBAL	18 -10	; GetSpellInfo
    	[593]	GETGLOBAL	18 -21	; destName
    === FILE: /modules/CrowdControl.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/CrowdControl.lua:20,230> (233 instructions, 932 bytes at 004CE5A0)
    	[104]	GETGLOBAL	3 -44	; AceGUIWidgetLSMlists
    	[149]	GETGLOBAL	3 -44	; AceGUIWidgetLSMlists
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/CrowdControl.lua:82,90> (25 instructions, 100 bytes at 004CFC10)
    	[86]	GETGLOBAL	3 -6	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/CrowdControl.lua:106,115> (46 instructions, 184 bytes at 004CFD70)
    	[110]	GETGLOBAL	3 -6	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/CrowdControl.lua:126,135> (46 instructions, 184 bytes at 004CFE78)
    	[130]	GETGLOBAL	3 -6	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/CrowdControl.lua:151,159> (29 instructions, 116 bytes at 004CFFD8)
    	[155]	GETGLOBAL	3 -6	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/CrowdControl.lua:192,208> (81 instructions, 324 bytes at 004D0240)
    	[203]	GETGLOBAL	3 -17	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/CrowdControl.lua:232,260> (142 instructions, 568 bytes at 004D03F8)
    	[235]	GETGLOBAL	6 -9	; crowdcontrol
    	[239]	GETGLOBAL	3 -20	; unpack
    	[246]	GETGLOBAL	4 -28	; GameFontNormal
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/CrowdControl.lua:285,292> (23 instructions, 92 bytes at 004D0660)
    	[290]	GETGLOBAL	5 -8	; unpack
    	[291]	GETGLOBAL	3 -9	; wipe
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/CrowdControl.lua:299,366> (125 instructions, 500 bytes at 004D0710)
    	[302]	GETGLOBAL	5 -2	; UnitIsEnemy
    	[305]	GETGLOBAL	6 -5	; UnitDebuff
    	[310]	GETGLOBAL	19 -9	; pairs
    	[312]	GETGLOBAL	28 -12	; GetTime
    	[312]	GETGLOBAL	30 -13	; UnitGUID
    	[313]	GETGLOBAL	24 -9	; pairs
    	[315]	GETGLOBAL	30 -12	; GetTime
    	[332]	GETGLOBAL	14 -20	; select
    	[335]	GETGLOBAL	16 -9	; pairs
    	[346]	GETGLOBAL	16 -29	; bit
    === FILE: /modules/Debuffs.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Debuffs.lua:23,245> (260 instructions, 1040 bytes at 0054E670)
    	[125]	GETGLOBAL	3 -48	; AceGUIWidgetLSMlists
    	[170]	GETGLOBAL	3 -48	; AceGUIWidgetLSMlists
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Debuffs.lua:247,276> (156 instructions, 624 bytes at 005504A8)
    	[262]	GETGLOBAL	4 -28	; GameFontNormal
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Debuffs.lua:301,308> (23 instructions, 92 bytes at 005506B8)
    	[307]	GETGLOBAL	3 -8	; wipe
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Debuffs.lua:330,429> (125 instructions, 500 bytes at 005507C0)
    	[337]	GETGLOBAL	4 -4	; UnitExists
    	[347]	GETGLOBAL	17 -8	; tContains
    	[374]	GETGLOBAL	18 -18	; expirationTime
    === FILE: /modules/Dispel.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Dispel.lua:66,85> (67 instructions, 268 bytes at 003B99A8)
    	[69]	GETGLOBAL	6 -6	; UIParent
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Dispel.lua:117,124> (23 instructions, 92 bytes at 004610B0)
    	[123]	GETGLOBAL	3 -8	; wipe
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Dispel.lua:132,153> (41 instructions, 164 bytes at 00461160)
    	[146]	GETGLOBAL	25 -12	; GetSpellTexture
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Dispel.lua:155,178> (40 instructions, 160 bytes at 004611B8)
    	[159]	GETGLOBAL	13 -2	; select
    === FILE: /modules/Interrupt.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Interrupt.lua:28,85> (76 instructions, 304 bytes at 0045E5A0)
    	[61]	GETGLOBAL	3 -24	; AceGUIWidgetLSMlists
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Interrupt.lua:87,91> (16 instructions, 64 bytes at 00546D28)
    	[90]	GETGLOBAL	6 -6	; UIParent
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Interrupt.lua:122,129> (23 instructions, 92 bytes at 004601E0)
    	[128]	GETGLOBAL	3 -8	; wipe
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Interrupt.lua:137,167> (105 instructions, 420 bytes at 00460290)
    	[138]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; IsInInstance
    	[139]	GETGLOBAL	5 -2	; IsAddOnLoaded
    	[151]	GETGLOBAL	8 -14	; UnitCastingInfo
    	[153]	GETGLOBAL	8 -15	; UnitChannelInfo
    	[161]	GETGLOBAL	16 -20	; tostring
    === FILE: /modules/Inviter.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Inviter.lua:25,42> (18 instructions, 72 bytes at 005CE5A0)
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Inviter.lua:44,56> (28 instructions, 112 bytes at 005CE6E0)
    	[50]	GETGLOBAL	9 -4	; string
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Inviter.lua:58,209> (154 instructions, 616 bytes at 0039C968)
    	[60]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; CreateFrame
    	[205]	GETGLOBAL	1 -58	; LibStub
    	[206]	GETGLOBAL	1 -58	; LibStub
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Inviter.lua:76,90> (29 instructions, 116 bytes at 0039CA48)
    	[82]	GETGLOBAL	1 -4	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Inviter.lua:118,124> (10 instructions, 40 bytes at 00398758)
    	[120]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Inviter.lua:150,156> (10 instructions, 40 bytes at 005D1528)
    	[152]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Inviter.lua:185,191> (10 instructions, 40 bytes at 005D1738)
    	[187]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Inviter.lua:211,225> (26 instructions, 104 bytes at 005D1840)
    	[214]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; GetNumFriends
    	[215]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; BNGetNumFriends
    	[217]	GETGLOBAL	4 -4	; GetNumGuildMembers
    	[218]	GETGLOBAL	7 -5	; GetGuildRosterInfo
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Inviter.lua:227,234> (15 instructions, 60 bytes at 005D1898)
    	[232]	GETGLOBAL	4 -5	; LibStub
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Inviter.lua:243,299> (198 instructions, 792 bytes at 005D18F0)
    	[245]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter
    	[251]	GETGLOBAL	2 -5	; GetNumGroupMembers
    	[251]	GETGLOBAL	2 -7	; IsInRaid
    	[253]	GETGLOBAL	2 -10	; ConvertToRaid
    	[256]	GETGLOBAL	2 -11	; InviteUnit
    	[261]	GETGLOBAL	2 -18	; GetLootMethod
    	[262]	GETGLOBAL	3 -20	; strlen
    	[262]	GETGLOBAL	3 -7	; IsInRaid
    	[263]	GETGLOBAL	3 -21	; UnitInRaid
    	[264]	GETGLOBAL	3 -22	; SetLootMethod
    	[266]	GETGLOBAL	3 -25	; PromoteToAssistant
    	[268]	SETGLOBAL	3 -27	; masterlooter
    	[272]	GETGLOBAL	3 -7	; IsInRaid
    	[272]	GETGLOBAL	3 -27	; masterlooter
    	[273]	GETGLOBAL	3 -29	; SetLootThreshold
    	[275]	GETGLOBAL	3 -20	; strlen
    	[275]	GETGLOBAL	3 -21	; UnitInRaid
    	[276]	GETGLOBAL	3 -25	; PromoteToAssistant
    	[283]	GETGLOBAL	2 -32	; SetEveryoneIsAssistant
    	[288]	GETGLOBAL	2 -36	; wipe
    	[293]	GETGLOBAL	2 -37	; ChatFrame_RemoveMessageEventFilter
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Inviter.lua:301,307> (26 instructions, 104 bytes at 005D1948)
    	[302]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; string
    	[303]	GETGLOBAL	3 -4	; strsplit
    	[304]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; string
    	[305]	GETGLOBAL	3 -4	; strsplit
    === FILE: /modules/Minimap.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Minimap.lua:11,50> (41 instructions, 164 bytes at 0053E5A0)
    	[13]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; LibStub
    	[14]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; LibStub
    === FILE: /modules/PowerBar.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/PowerBar.lua:31,162> (171 instructions, 684 bytes at 0045E6E0)
    	[119]	GETGLOBAL	3 -46	; AceGUIWidgetLSMlists
    	[152]	GETGLOBAL	3 -46	; AceGUIWidgetLSMlists
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/PowerBar.lua:43,53> (27 instructions, 108 bytes at 0045EBB0)
    	[50]	GETGLOBAL	2 -6	; IsAddOnLoaded
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/PowerBar.lua:164,229> (300 instructions, 1200 bytes at 00460288)
    	[168]	GETGLOBAL	6 -5	; UIParent
    	[171]	GETGLOBAL	2 -4	; CreateFrame
    	[178]	GETGLOBAL	2 -4	; CreateFrame
    	[214]	GETGLOBAL	11 -50	; string
    	[219]	GETGLOBAL	10 -4	; CreateFrame
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/PowerBar.lua:266,274> (23 instructions, 92 bytes at 00460498)
    	[273]	GETGLOBAL	3 -9	; wipe
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/PowerBar.lua:276,297> (163 instructions, 652 bytes at 004604F0)
    	[294]	GETGLOBAL	1 -33	; IsAddOnLoaded
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/PowerBar.lua:309,409> (320 instructions, 1280 bytes at 004605A0)
    	[321]	GETGLOBAL	11 -12	; select
    	[325]	GETGLOBAL	11 -12	; select
    	[343]	GETGLOBAL	8 -24	; UnitAlternatePowerInfo
    	[365]	GETGLOBAL	16 -36	; string
    	[370]	GETGLOBAL	14 -40	; HasVehicleActionBar
    	[372]	GETGLOBAL	14 -42	; CreateFrame
    	[389]	GETGLOBAL	21 -12	; select
    	[393]	GETGLOBAL	21 -12	; select
    === FILE: /modules/RaidBuffs.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:14,17> (5 instructions, 20 bytes at 0023E5A0)
    	[15]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; GetSpellInfo
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:19,22> (5 instructions, 20 bytes at 00356C78)
    	[20]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; GetSpellInfo
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:26,40> (17 instructions, 68 bytes at 00356CD0)
    	[28]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; setmetatable
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:289,298> (23 instructions, 92 bytes at 0024F520)
    	[291]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; pairs
    	[293]	GETGLOBAL	8 -6	; UnitBuff
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:300,420> (247 instructions, 988 bytes at 0024F578)
    	[305]	GETGLOBAL	6 -6	; UIParent
    	[320]	GETGLOBAL	5 -19	; pairs
    	[321]	GETGLOBAL	11 -4	; CreateFrame
    	[361]	GETGLOBAL	13 -42	; GameFontGreenLarge
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:339,351> (39 instructions, 156 bytes at 0024F5D0)
    	[340]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; GameTooltip
    	[341]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; GameTooltip
    	[343]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; GameTooltip
    	[345]	GETGLOBAL	2 -8	; pairs
    	[347]	GETGLOBAL	8 -1	; GameTooltip
    	[350]	GETGLOBAL	2 -1	; GameTooltip
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:352,355> (7 instructions, 28 bytes at 0024F628)
    	[353]	GETGLOBAL	0 -1	; GameTooltip
    	[354]	GETGLOBAL	0 -1	; GameTooltip
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:369,418> (130 instructions, 520 bytes at 0024F6D8)
    	[371]	GETGLOBAL	3 -3	; IsInGroup
    	[382]	GETGLOBAL	3 -15	; GetNumGroupMembers
    	[385]	GETGLOBAL	3 -18	; wipe
    	[386]	GETGLOBAL	4 -15	; GetNumGroupMembers
    	[387]	GETGLOBAL	7 -19	; GetRaidRosterInfo
    	[399]	GETGLOBAL	12 -24	; select
    	[403]	GETGLOBAL	14 -26	; InCombatLockdown
    	[411]	GETGLOBAL	15 -29	; UnitInRaid
    	[411]	GETGLOBAL	15 -31	; UnitFactionGroup
    	[411]	GETGLOBAL	16 -31	; UnitFactionGroup
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:422,458> (120 instructions, 480 bytes at 0024F730)
    	[423]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; IsInGroup
    	[425]	GETGLOBAL	1 -3	; pairs
    	[429]	GETGLOBAL	6 -9	; wipe
    	[433]	GETGLOBAL	1 -9	; wipe
    	[434]	GETGLOBAL	2 -11	; GetNumGroupMembers
    	[435]	GETGLOBAL	5 -12	; GetRaidRosterInfo
    	[447]	GETGLOBAL	1 -3	; pairs
    	[448]	GETGLOBAL	8 -17	; tostring
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:465,471> (22 instructions, 88 bytes at 0024F7E0)
    	[467]	GETGLOBAL	1 -3	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:473,481> (35 instructions, 140 bytes at 0024F890)
    	[477]	GETGLOBAL	1 -9	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:483,490> (23 instructions, 92 bytes at 0024F8E8)
    	[488]	GETGLOBAL	5 -8	; unpack
    	[489]	GETGLOBAL	3 -10	; wipe
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:492,524> (129 instructions, 516 bytes at 0024F940)
    	[494]	GETGLOBAL	3 -4	; unpack
    	[506]	GETGLOBAL	5 -17	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:526,558> (84 instructions, 336 bytes at 0024F998)
    	[527]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; GetRealZoneText
    	[529]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; pairs
    	[532]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; pairs
    	[533]	GETGLOBAL	7 -4	; wipe
    	[536]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; pairs
    	[537]	GETGLOBAL	7 -2	; pairs
    	[538]	GETGLOBAL	12 -5	; type
    	[544]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; pairs
    	[545]	GETGLOBAL	7 -2	; pairs
    	[550]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; pairs
    	[551]	GETGLOBAL	7 -2	; pairs
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:560,562> (7 instructions, 28 bytes at 0024F9F0)
    	[561]	GETGLOBAL	4 -2	; unpack
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:564,607> (80 instructions, 320 bytes at 0024FA48)
    	[587]	GETGLOBAL	2 -5	; IsInGroup
    	[588]	GETGLOBAL	2 -6	; pairs
    	[592]	GETGLOBAL	7 -10	; wipe
    	[597]	GETGLOBAL	2 -6	; pairs
    	[598]	GETGLOBAL	9 -12	; tostring
    	[605]	GETGLOBAL	2 -15	; collectgarbage
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:567,586> (52 instructions, 208 bytes at 0024FAA0)
    	[570]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; IsInGroup
    	[571]	GETGLOBAL	2 -3	; pairs
    	[575]	GETGLOBAL	7 -8	; wipe
    	[580]	GETGLOBAL	2 -3	; pairs
    	[581]	GETGLOBAL	9 -10	; tostring
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:609,650> (94 instructions, 376 bytes at 0024FAF8)
    	[613]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; SendChatMessage
    	[615]	GETGLOBAL	3 -3	; pairs
    	[616]	GETGLOBAL	8 -3	; pairs
    	[622]	GETGLOBAL	14 -7	; strjoin
    	[626]	GETGLOBAL	13 -10	; table
    	[628]	GETGLOBAL	13 -10	; table
    	[632]	GETGLOBAL	8 -1	; SendChatMessage
    	[640]	GETGLOBAL	3 -3	; pairs
    	[648]	GETGLOBAL	3 -1	; SendChatMessage
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:652,675> (36 instructions, 144 bytes at 0024FB50)
    	[661]	GETGLOBAL	2 -6	; IsInInstance
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:677,696> (53 instructions, 212 bytes at 0024FBA8)
    	[680]	GETGLOBAL	1 -2	; pairs
    	[681]	GETGLOBAL	6 -3	; GetUnitName
    	[682]	GETGLOBAL	6 -5	; SendChatMessage
    	[688]	GETGLOBAL	1 -2	; pairs
    	[689]	GETGLOBAL	6 -3	; GetUnitName
    	[690]	GETGLOBAL	6 -5	; SendChatMessage
    	[694]	GETGLOBAL	1 -9	; wipe
    	[695]	GETGLOBAL	1 -9	; wipe
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/RaidBuffs.lua:698,751> (129 instructions, 516 bytes at 0024FC00)
    	[714]	GETGLOBAL	6 -6	; UnitIsDeadOrGhost
    	[717]	GETGLOBAL	8 -9	; UnitIsGroupLeader
    	[717]	GETGLOBAL	8 -10	; UnitIsGroupAssistant
    	[721]	GETGLOBAL	10 -13	; GetSpellLink
    	[736]	GETGLOBAL	12 -23	; _G
    	[742]	GETGLOBAL	14 -27	; string
    	[750]	GETGLOBAL	12 -30	; SendChatMessage
    === FILE: /modules/ReadyCheck.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/ReadyCheck.lua:66,81> (66 instructions, 264 bytes at 00599BA8)
    	[71]	GETGLOBAL	6 -9	; UIParent
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/ReadyCheck.lua:106,113> (23 instructions, 92 bytes at 005BFDB8)
    	[111]	GETGLOBAL	5 -8	; unpack
    	[112]	GETGLOBAL	3 -10	; wipe
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/ReadyCheck.lua:115,118> (16 instructions, 64 bytes at 005BFE10)
    	[117]	GETGLOBAL	3 -4	; unpack
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/ReadyCheck.lua:122,139> (48 instructions, 192 bytes at 005BFE68)
    	[123]	GETGLOBAL	4 -1	; IsInRaid
    	[127]	GETGLOBAL	5 -6	; GetNumGroupMembers
    	[128]	GETGLOBAL	8 -7	; GetRaidRosterInfo
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/ReadyCheck.lua:141,155> (41 instructions, 164 bytes at 005BFEC0)
    	[145]	GETGLOBAL	5 -1	; UnitName
    	[146]	GETGLOBAL	5 -1	; UnitName
    	[150]	GETGLOBAL	5 -1	; UnitName
    	[152]	GETGLOBAL	5 -1	; UnitName
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/ReadyCheck.lua:157,208> (158 instructions, 632 bytes at 005BFF18)
    	[166]	GETGLOBAL	5 -3	; pairs
    	[173]	GETGLOBAL	10 -7	; strjoin
    	[177]	GETGLOBAL	5 -9	; UnitIsGroupLeader
    	[177]	GETGLOBAL	5 -11	; UnitIsGroupAssistant
    	[189]	GETGLOBAL	7 -22	; SendChatMessage
    	[191]	GETGLOBAL	7 -22	; SendChatMessage
    	[199]	GETGLOBAL	6 -22	; SendChatMessage
    	[201]	GETGLOBAL	6 -22	; SendChatMessage
    	[205]	GETGLOBAL	6 -27	; wipe
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/ReadyCheck.lua:210,214> (13 instructions, 52 bytes at 005BFF70)
    	[211]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; wipe
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/ReadyCheck.lua:225,289> (206 instructions, 824 bytes at 005C0020)
    	[235]	GETGLOBAL	6 -6	; pairs
    	[238]	GETGLOBAL	12 -8	; CreateFrame
    	[278]	GETGLOBAL	7 -46	; unpack
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/ReadyCheck.lua:291,309> (45 instructions, 180 bytes at 005C0078)
    	[295]	GETGLOBAL	4 -4	; tonumber
    	[296]	GETGLOBAL	4 -4	; tonumber
    	[299]	GETGLOBAL	8 -6	; GetGuildRosterInfo
    	[307]	GETGLOBAL	4 -14	; wipe
    === FILE: /modules/Threat.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Threat.lua:66,95> (159 instructions, 636 bytes at 002FEB90)
    	[69]	GETGLOBAL	2 -4	; CreateFrame
    	[69]	GETGLOBAL	5 -6	; UIParent
    	[70]	GETGLOBAL	3 -8	; unpack
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Threat.lua:124,131> (23 instructions, 92 bytes at 00304760)
    	[129]	GETGLOBAL	5 -8	; unpack
    	[130]	GETGLOBAL	3 -9	; wipe
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Threat.lua:133,138> (50 instructions, 200 bytes at 003047B8)
    	[135]	GETGLOBAL	3 -4	; unpack
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/Threat.lua:140,234> (184 instructions, 736 bytes at 00304810)
    	[145]	GETGLOBAL	14 -3	; select
    	[164]	GETGLOBAL	16 -19	; extraFlag1
    	[164]	GETGLOBAL	16 -19	; extraFlag1
    	[198]	GETGLOBAL	7 -28	; UnitDetailedThreatSituation
    	[200]	GETGLOBAL	11 -30	; GetSpecializationInfo
    	[200]	GETGLOBAL	12 -31	; GetSpecialization
    	[207]	GETGLOBAL	17 -34	; GetSpellCooldown
    	[208]	GETGLOBAL	20 -35	; GetSpellInfo
    	[213]	SETGLOBAL	23 -36	; args
    	[214]	GETGLOBAL	23 -37	; SendChatMessage
    	[216]	GETGLOBAL	27 -36	; args
    === FILE: /modules/classes/Chi.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/Chi.lua:42,53> (31 instructions, 124 bytes at 0045E508)
    	[49]	GETGLOBAL	2 -8	; MonkHarmonyBar
    	[50]	GETGLOBAL	2 -8	; MonkHarmonyBar
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/Chi.lua:55,63> (21 instructions, 84 bytes at 0045E648)
    	[60]	GETGLOBAL	2 -5	; MonkHarmonyBar
    	[61]	GETGLOBAL	2 -5	; MonkHarmonyBar
    	[61]	GETGLOBAL	3 -5	; MonkHarmonyBar
    === FILE: /modules/classes/Combo.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/Combo.lua:75,90> (41 instructions, 164 bytes at 007CD900)
    	[87]	GETGLOBAL	3 -12	; ComboFrame
    	[88]	GETGLOBAL	3 -12	; ComboFrame
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/Combo.lua:92,100> (26 instructions, 104 bytes at 007CD360)
    	[97]	GETGLOBAL	2 -7	; ComboFrame
    	[98]	GETGLOBAL	2 -7	; ComboFrame
    	[98]	GETGLOBAL	3 -7	; ComboFrame
    === FILE: /modules/classes/Eclipse.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/Eclipse.lua:30,81> (270 instructions, 1080 bytes at 0045E538)
    	[36]	GETGLOBAL	5 -6	; CreateFrame
    	[44]	GETGLOBAL	6 -6	; CreateFrame
    	[45]	GETGLOBAL	6 -6	; CreateFrame
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/Eclipse.lua:83,95> (38 instructions, 152 bytes at 007CF398)
    	[92]	GETGLOBAL	2 -11	; EclipseBarFrame
    	[93]	GETGLOBAL	2 -11	; EclipseBarFrame
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/Eclipse.lua:97,106> (30 instructions, 120 bytes at 0045EE18)
    	[103]	GETGLOBAL	2 -8	; EclipseBarFrame
    	[104]	GETGLOBAL	2 -8	; EclipseBarFrame
    	[104]	GETGLOBAL	3 -8	; EclipseBarFrame
    === FILE: /modules/classes/HolyPower.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/HolyPower.lua:23,31> (23 instructions, 92 bytes at 0064EF30)
    	[27]	GETGLOBAL	2 -6	; PaladinPowerBar
    	[28]	GETGLOBAL	2 -6	; PaladinPowerBar
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/HolyPower.lua:33,40> (22 instructions, 88 bytes at 0064E788)
    	[37]	GETGLOBAL	2 -6	; PaladinPowerBar
    	[38]	GETGLOBAL	2 -6	; PaladinPowerBar
    	[38]	GETGLOBAL	3 -6	; PaladinPowerBar
    === FILE: /modules/classes/Runes.lua ===
    main <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/Runes.lua:0,0> (96 instructions, 384 bytes at 0045E460)
    	[185]	SETGLOBAL	18 -32	; Update
    	[191]	SETGLOBAL	18 -33	; UpdateAllRuneTypes
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/Runes.lua:25,66> (69 instructions, 276 bytes at 0045ECE8)
    	[63]	GETGLOBAL	2 -21	; RuneFrame
    	[64]	GETGLOBAL	2 -21	; RuneFrame
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/Runes.lua:68,82> (44 instructions, 176 bytes at 0045E538)
    	[73]	GETGLOBAL	2 -5	; RuneFrame
    	[74]	GETGLOBAL	2 -5	; RuneFrame
    	[74]	GETGLOBAL	3 -5	; RuneFrame
    	[76]	GETGLOBAL	6 -12	; _G
    	[78]	GETGLOBAL	7 -14	; RuneButton_Update
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/Runes.lua:176,183> (28 instructions, 112 bytes at 004639C0)
    	[179]	GETGLOBAL	6 -3	; alt
    	[180]	GETGLOBAL	6 -3	; alt
    === FILE: /modules/classes/ShadowOrbs.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/ShadowOrbs.lua:33,46> (24 instructions, 96 bytes at 0061EC38)
    	[38]	GETGLOBAL	5 -3	; GetSpecialization
    	[39]	GETGLOBAL	6 -4	; UnitLevel
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/ShadowOrbs.lua:50,69> (52 instructions, 208 bytes at 0061E840)
    	[52]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; GetSpecialization
    	[53]	GETGLOBAL	3 -3	; UnitLevel
    	[65]	GETGLOBAL	4 -15	; PriestBarFrame
    	[66]	GETGLOBAL	4 -15	; PriestBarFrame
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/ShadowOrbs.lua:71,80> (25 instructions, 100 bytes at 0061E628)
    	[75]	GETGLOBAL	2 -5	; PriestBarFrame
    	[76]	GETGLOBAL	2 -5	; PriestBarFrame
    	[76]	GETGLOBAL	3 -5	; PriestBarFrame
    	[77]	GETGLOBAL	2 -5	; PriestBarFrame
    	[78]	GETGLOBAL	2 -11	; PriestBarFrame_CheckAndShow
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/ShadowOrbs.lua:98,114> (43 instructions, 172 bytes at 003EEF28)
    	[100]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; GetSpecialization
    	[101]	GETGLOBAL	3 -3	; UnitLevel
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/ShadowOrbs.lua:125,133> (52 instructions, 208 bytes at 00620A80)
    	[128]	GETGLOBAL	2 -7	; curOrbs
    === FILE: /modules/classes/Shards.lua ===
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/Shards.lua:37,50> (43 instructions, 172 bytes at 0045E898)
    	[39]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; WarlockPowerFrame
    	[40]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; WarlockPowerFrame
    	[40]	GETGLOBAL	3 -2	; WarlockPowerFrame
    	[41]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; WarlockPowerFrame
    	[41]	GETGLOBAL	3 -2	; WarlockPowerFrame
    	[42]	GETGLOBAL	2 -2	; WarlockPowerFrame
    	[49]	GETGLOBAL	2 -14	; collectgarbage
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/Shards.lua:52,60> (25 instructions, 100 bytes at 0045E568)
    	[56]	GETGLOBAL	2 -5	; WarlockPowerFrame
    	[56]	GETGLOBAL	3 -5	; WarlockPowerFrame
    	[57]	GETGLOBAL	2 -5	; WarlockPowerFrame
    	[58]	GETGLOBAL	2 -5	; WarlockPowerFrame
    	[58]	GETGLOBAL	3 -5	; WarlockPowerFrame
    	[59]	GETGLOBAL	2 -10	; collectgarbage
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/Shards.lua:62,147> (235 instructions, 940 bytes at 002EC540)
    	[64]	GETGLOBAL	3 -3	; GetSpecialization
    	[77]	GETGLOBAL	4 -12	; UnitPowerMax
    	[78]	GETGLOBAL	5 -14	; UnitPower
    	[80]	GETGLOBAL	7 -15	; floor
    	[100]	GETGLOBAL	4 -14	; UnitPower
    	[101]	GETGLOBAL	5 -12	; UnitPowerMax
    	[127]	GETGLOBAL	4 -14	; UnitPower
    	[128]	GETGLOBAL	5 -12	; UnitPowerMax
    function <D:\SerenityNow/modules/classes/Shards.lua:166,182> (89 instructions, 356 bytes at 0045EDB8)
    	[167]	GETGLOBAL	1 -1	; GetSpecialization
    === FILE: /spells/CCList.lua ===
    === FILE: /spells/MainSpells.lua ===
    PS: A number of your files have the UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) prepended to them. While this shouldn't cause any issues loading them in WoW, it will cause issues trying to load them into a console 5.1 interpreter - the BOM was present in Config.lua, spells/MainSpells, the enUS locale as well as most files in modules/ and modules/classes/.

  3. #3
    A large number of those leaks seem to be the libraries. For my code just declaring a local variable for the global should be fine right? How do I not receive a global leak with LibStub? declare that as a local first?

  4. #4
    Generally, you don't want to (and also can't, if you use the packager to include them, which you should) resolve leaks caused by libraries' Lua files. They're just in the dump because my recursion script doesn't know which files are library files.

    For other GETGLOBAL leaks (especially ones that are situated in code that is used repeatedly), I recommend dedicating a block at the top of your file to fetching those globals into locals. Example taken from one of my addons:
    local print, type, tonumber, math, unpack, setmetatable, table, tinsert, tContains, pairs, ipairs, next, tostring, setfenv =
          print, type, tonumber, math, unpack, setmetatable, table, tinsert, tContains, pairs, ipairs, next, tostring, setfenv
    local GetTime, GetInstanceInfo, GetCurrentMapAreaID, GetLFGMode, GetPartyLFGID, GetLFGCategoryForID, SetMapToCurrentZone, SendChatMessage, IsInGroup, IsPartyLFG, UnitExists, UnitGUID =
          GetTime, GetInstanceInfo, GetCurrentMapAreaID, GetLFGMode, GetPartyLFGID, GetLFGCategoryForID, SetMapToCurrentZone, SendChatMessage, IsInGroup, IsPartyLFG, UnitExists, UnitGUID
    (Note that you could also fetch all of those in a single line - I prefer to keep them structured by global source (baseline Lua, WoW API function, WoW API constant), but that's simply personal preference.)

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