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  1. #21
    To the OP, the other classes are sniping the relatively low healing requirements.

    Don't use uplift on cooldown, use it when it will go to use - having your UI set up to easily determine this helps.

    Don't forget healing spheres if you're at downtime, or if you or someone is taking high constant damage. I use these a lot for myself too, or a good tank that knows to look for them and move into them.

    Timing on TFT is very important, also to have chi pooled for use.

    And frankly, for 10 man normal with 3 heals, when your overhealing is likely through the roof compared to your other healers... You can call it overhealing, or you can call it potential healing. If the raid needs it, it's there. Until then, fistweave! :

    It's great for fights with boring low damage to heal
    It competes well in heal-sniping situations (not that that should matter but my numbers usually go up from FW in these situations because it's smart and quick)
    More damage always helps the raid
    DPS start to sweat and do better if a healer is breathing down their neck in numbers
    You get better at it, for heroic modes being comfortable basically being a melee and interrupting/stunning things becomes important.
    Going along with the above, if you dual spec to WW you'll already know a lot about the fight from a melee PoV.
    You can switch back to mistweaving whenever you want (for the final part sha of pride heroic, healing req's go up so I just stop Fw'ing, as an example)

    Nothing feels better than to win a fight right before enrage hits, with on-par heals and 100kdps. That's one of our strengths.

    Good luck

  2. #22
    thanks for some great tips.

    now for those of you suggesting i mainly do fistweaving...

    sample fistweave rotation please? i struggle like hell with mana when i try pure fistweaving..

    Last edited by McTurbo; 2014-04-21 at 07:21 PM.

  3. #23
    Single target:
    jab + tiger palm, repeat.

    jab + BoK, repeat
    TP when you're out of chi, but here's where you can use things like chi brew and SCK to generate more of it -- up to your comfortable level with mana usage anyway.

    Mandatory for both:
    Keep serpent zeal and tiger power up
    RM on CD (this is optional for long periods of no damage but you might want the chi)
    Mana Tea on CD
    Make full use of the legendary meta gem - get 8% back each time it procs.
    Be careful to not accidentally jab twice (ie, don't jab with muscle memory already up)
    Weakauras help out immensely with these.
    Stand behind your target ;-)

    Extra credit:
    SCK/RJW, but beware mana usage
    Prepot and re-pot later in the fight
    Save trinket procs for fight start (ie, don't roll RM before fight starts)
    Multi-jab or multi-surging at trinket proc @ fight start or when @ full mana
    Chi burst for AoE fights like galakras or Garrosh
    Xuen on most fights
    Vital mists for spot healing (mouseover macro helps greatly)

  4. #24
    I thought to post here instead of opening a new thread. Please correct me if I should have done so anyway.

    I've played Mistweaver all through MoP. My old main was a priest, but because my guild had more than enough of them for MoP, I decided to roll a monk. I haven't regretted a day, until now. My guild is a super casual 10-man, casual to the point where we've only recently started to fight Garrosh on normal difficulty. So far I've been doing fine with our priests and druids and paladins. We don't have a core team or anything like that, we want to give everyone a fair chance to raid, so naturally gearing up has been slow. We have jobs and families, WoW really is more like 3D Facebook app for us. We aim to have fun together, realm firsts are not for us. So yes, we're scrubs compared to everyone else here on MMO-forums.

    I love healing. I've played all the healing classes and healed every raid. I'm far from the best but I don't consider myself the worst either. I've always been able to carry my own weight in raids. But in our last raid on Garrosh I was healing it with a disc priest, and first time ever someone in my guild said I should heal more. And trust me, I tried all the tricks and tips I've ever read here on these forums. I swapped talents, glyphs, the bits and bobs, but no avail, the mists had a mind of their own and didn't follow my wishes. Finally I got frustrated enough that I took a druid to replace me, and it didn't take long for them to finally kill Garrosh.

    Now to you it probably sounds ridiculous. This late into the expansion, and we only now got him? Yes, it really took this long. But oh boy how happy they were. It was a great victory to our guild. Except to me. I should have been there with them. Instead I feel like the scrub of the scrubs. All the work I had put into my monk throughout this expansion went down the drain that one night. Now they say they will get the kill for the rest of us who weren't there in the guild's first kill, but what difference does it make for me. It's still the low healing monk in the raid. Yeah, I could take my shaman or priest but it wouldn't be the same. I would be like cheating, if you know what I mean. My monk deserves better even if I don't.

  5. #25
    Iron lady i feel your frustration trust me. years of healing and something about the monk simply alludes me, i cant get the same level or at least a good level of performance out of it consistently to where i feel like i am contributing to the group. I am not looking to beat the other healers.. i just don't want to be 40% behind them either. I have received some great advice in this thread and some private help in messages. as such my healing has jumped by at least 20% and last nights Thok kill was our fastest ever.

    my improvement so far 150k+ heals on thok (my best yet by using some of the advice here) i still have alot to learn and to figure out how to adapt fistweaving into that rotation is a biatch.. the monk to me so far is a prime example of having to learn the fights and know whats going on 10seconds before it happens.. without it.. your numbers suffer..i still am not optimal and probably behind the curve.. but i am improving thanks to this thread.

  6. #26
    Rushing Jade Wind in stacked situations or Xeon in others.

    Spelled Xuen wrong that's the problem,
    Also try not clicking so much it really hurts :'(
    Last edited by zAFierCe; 2014-04-24 at 02:56 PM.

  7. #27
    yep adjusting my bars and keybinds. that was pointed out to me in private.. some of my 8-15 second abilities are scattered on my bars so i need to put em where i can shift+ them so im not clicking or jumping around.. 9 years of healing some habits take a bit longer to break :P

  8. #28
    Wanted to give an update. Thanks for all the help. our thok kill last night we took him 79 stacks and17% before we were forced to transition due to mana issues. at the transition all 3 healers were neck and neck at 200k+ hps.. was very happy with that, if my healing gear was as good as my dps gear i think we could have downed him with 0 transitions.

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