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  1. #301
    J4/VI/Sejuani/Jinx/Zyra , these are the ones i play on a higher level.

    I still love to play Zyra support and build damage, her AA animation is really good and makes it easy to AA harass in lane .

  2. #302
    Jinx because she is really crazy have burst cc and area dmg . I love her <3

  3. #303
    For me it's Xerath. Even though he's a bit squishy, he's got some serious range with his Q attack, and his AoE is helpful for Gankage. His W is also good if you're running away as you can time it for where players are going to be if they chase you, and it slows them down on direct hit. Pair these together with Flash and you can usually get away from ambushes unscathed.
    In a word - he's good at keeping your distance from hard hitters and he's pretty powerful himself!

  4. #304
    The Lightbringer Skayth's Avatar
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    right now?

    Jungle: Skarner Sated Devour on him is beast mode. Q is constantly up thanks to how the Q works, and then clears camps quickly, while becoming a tanking monstrosity. Depending how I am doing, I typical build is Chilling smite -> Devour enchant -> Boots -> spellblade -> Swiftness boots w/ ala chant. I can cut it for merc treds if necessity. If I am carrying that game, I go Triforce immediately, if not, I build Righteous Glory first, and then Iceborn Gauntlet. By then, my games have been over.

    My Carry build is set to be: Stalker's Blade w/ Sated Devour ~ Boots of Swiftness w/alacrity ~ Triforce ~ Righteous Glory ~ Either Banshee's Veil or Randuin's Omen (Depending on the enemy team's composition) ~ and Zephyr. I only do this build if I know I am ahead, or have not been touched in the jungle. Having such a speed increase from most of the items, and having flash, I pop onto picks that attempt to run away, usually the adc or apc, if not their own sated devour jungler, and ult them back into my team, while taking half their health by myself, with ease, if not more. Stalker's Blade is so that you can still gank before 6. While E is basically the same, I tend to hold it till after the chilling smite wears off, to keep whatever I am ganking/counter ganking cant get away. If its bot lane, I usually end up with a double kill (or double assists), as I always let the enemy team push our lanes to the tower, making it so much easier to gank, even if they have it warded.

    My Tank build goes: Stalker's Blade w/ Sated Devour ~ Mercury Treads w/alacrity ~ Iceborn Gauntlet ~ Righteous Glory ~ Banshee's Veil ~ and Randuin's Omen. I build this if I have either been countered jungled a lot (nunu or camped in the jungle) or we have no tanks what so ever. As it is, Sated Devour is stupidly good for Skarner with the double auto hits counting towards his Q's cooldown timer, so even if behind, once he gets it, and he is in the middle of the team fight, he stun everyone with quick ease. It still does a lot of damage, by itself.

    My Hybrid of the two is: Stalker's Blade w/ Sated Devour ~ Boots of Swiftness w/alacrity ~ Triforce ~ Righteous Glory ~ Banshee's Veil ~ and Randuin's Omen. Pretty basic, if I am doing very but we will still need a tank for late game, I just build tanky. This has been the prime one to go towards, with all the mid EZ's and my bot lane doing shitty.

    Top: Depends on what we need. I have been liking Naut top, but then I get camped hard. Then, if I can, its either Yorick, Mordekaiser, Shen, or Cho'gath for days.

    Mid: Viktor, Mordekaiser, or Cho'gath.
    As it is, I would be main Cho'gath, for either top or mid, but hes been banned for forever.

    Adc: I dont Adc. if I am forced to, Jayce time.

    Support: It depends on the circumstances, but I own all the supports, and i use them all fairly well. Recently, I have been partial to Shen Support, with his global ult screwing people up. Fun times.

  5. #305
    I have mostly tried to learn to be better at ADC, so been playing a lot of different ADCs. Think I enjoy Ashe and Caitlyn the most, with some Jinx as a sidedish.

    If not I like to go Kata mid or Akali top. Love to be able to snowball hard, and roam and get other lanes to snowball.

    In the jungle I really dont have a main, just pick something I feel like there and then.

    Also, I quit ranked because I was tired of not having fun in a game. A game is all about fun, and the moment you start to care about rating, it sucks out the fun and makes it stress. Best decision ever really. Now almost every game is fun - lose lane, well, it dosnt really matter if the game is lost! Won lane, other lanes are losing - well, lets see what we can do!
    And if people start with drama, I just mute them.

    To the "should I give 'my' buffs to others"-question; I'd say it really depends on what you play, what mid play, how mid does and how you does. But lets say its an Ezreal mid, if you give him Blue he can spam his abilites so much, clear that wave so darn fast, and toss out ults 24/7. It is a huge boost to him. So if his lane is pretty equal, and you give him 'your' blue, he will most likely push the enemy out and win the lane. Which in turn will make your Ezreal able to roam and put pressure on other lanes aswell.
    Now if you take the blue on some mana jungler, you can stay out in the map more, farm harder and gank more. But a jungler always create pressure, even if he is in base, simply because if you cant see the enemy jungler he can be in that bush right next to you. It makes people play more safe.
    Also a 2 man gank is stronger than a one man gank (if mid comes with you down bot), which in turn can turn into a double kill + dragon rather quickly.

    So again - it is very situational.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And that whole last part is in the wrong thread! That was a discussion going on in the vent thread^^
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  6. #306
    Right now, I've been playing lots of support.

    It's mostly been with a duo (usually one of my ADCs), or a ranked team. I only ever play Taric anymore - everyone says he's bad, but my first item is normally Locket (obviously not bought if enemy team has no big APCs). Since by the time it's complete, my W is maxed out, there's a ton of free assists no matter what I do, and that means more gold even if I go mid to help with a gank and don't actually hit my enemy, and I'm sharing a good 20-30 armor and 20 MR the whole game.

    Taric is really good at locking down opponents and peeling/healing his ADC, so he can get really aggressive. His ultimate just tops everything off - you see Taric alone at bot, his ADC went back? Let's dive! LOLNOPE, GET GEMMED!

    Full build usually ends up Ruby Sightstone, Mercury's Treads, Spirit Visage, Frozen Heart, Iceborn Gauntlet, and Banshee's Veil, although I'll change items depending on who I'm facing (like always Thornmail against heavy AAing champs, etc). After the jungler and mid are done, I steal blue if I can, and just spam the crap out of my abilities. He can bait very well, and he 1v1s splendidly, and is especially good at holding out fights until the time is right for a good engage or so his team can get away.

  7. #307
    Stood in the Fire Lellybaby's Avatar
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    Lulu is growing on me again both as Mid or Support

    As Mid -

    Safe Farming
    Easy Harass
    Strong early game
    Good protection for a carry
    Best CC against an enemy carry

    As Support -

    protection for your carry
    Easy CC against an enemy carry

    Her W on an enemy is extreme underestimated in my opinion.

    In Silver-Gold games fed enemies tend to play reckless and silencing them for 2 seconds is usually enough for them to get annihilated.

    I've won many games where the team think its over with an enemy fed Vayne, Akali or Fiora. One W and they get blown up.

  8. #308
    The Lightbringer Artorius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow the Edgehog View Post
    Right now, I've been playing lots of support.

    It's mostly been with a duo (usually one of my ADCs), or a ranked team. I only ever play Taric anymore - everyone says he's bad, but my first item is normally Locket (obviously not bought if enemy team has no big APCs). Since by the time it's complete, my W is maxed out, there's a ton of free assists no matter what I do, and that means more gold even if I go mid to help with a gank and don't actually hit my enemy, and I'm sharing a good 20-30 armor and 20 MR the whole game.

    Taric is really good at locking down opponents and peeling/healing his ADC, so he can get really aggressive. His ultimate just tops everything off - you see Taric alone at bot, his ADC went back? Let's dive! LOLNOPE, GET GEMMED!

    Full build usually ends up Ruby Sightstone, Mercury's Treads, Spirit Visage, Frozen Heart, Iceborn Gauntlet, and Banshee's Veil, although I'll change items depending on who I'm facing (like always Thornmail against heavy AAing champs, etc). After the jungler and mid are done, I steal blue if I can, and just spam the crap out of my abilities. He can bait very well, and he 1v1s splendidly, and is especially good at holding out fights until the time is right for a good engage or so his team can get away.
    Support you say Shadow??
    Try this :

    I'm a main Sona player and I couldn't have laughed more when they gave me her at Nemesis Draft.

  9. #309
    You guys got Yasou, Alistar and Braum in Nemesis Draft? Must have been fun for that Yasou if Alistar and Braum knew what they where doing.. :P
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  10. #310
    Quote Originally Posted by Artorius View Post
    Support you say Shadow??
    Try this :

    I'm a main Sona player and I couldn't have laughed more when they gave me her at Nemesis Draft.
    Don't make me whip out the Jungle Taric. Fast clears, Cinderhulk works well with Sightstone, and the Righteous Glory ganks are truly, truly, truly outrageous.

    Not to mention that RavHydra/Iceborn is a glorious pairing of items.

    Quote Originally Posted by Feederino Senpai View Post
    You guys got Yasou, Alistar and Braum in Nemesis Draft? Must have been fun for that Yasou if Alistar and Braum knew what they where doing.. :P
    Amen. All of the knockups!

  11. #311
    The Lightbringer Artorius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feederino Senpai View Post
    You guys got Yasou, Alistar and Braum in Nemesis Draft? Must have been fun for that Yasou if Alistar and Braum knew what they where doing.. :P
    Even worse is that we gave them Singed and Heimer lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow the Edgehog View Post
    Don't make me whip out the Jungle Taric. Fast clears, Cinderhulk works well with Sightstone, and the Righteous Glory ganks are truly, truly, truly outrageous.

    Not to mention that RavHydra/Iceborn is a glorious pairing of items.
    I did some Leona jungle/top or simply support with bruiser build (start with sheen for glorious Q damage, then Trinity and then randuins), she's my third most played Champion but I don't usually make her much different than tank/usual support.
    I'm playing a lot of Diana jungle lately, she's just too broken and I love her.
    Rofl acing the enemy team alone at the lategame, best jungle is carry jungle.

  12. #312
    Mine is LeBlanc,,too good to have an oponent.

  13. #313
    Olaf/Shyvana Jungle - Because they smash face

  14. #314
    Malzahar is mine atm, cant stop playing him. Just way too fun. Has a great early lane phase against most champs, and I very very rarely see people building quicksilver to counter me. His main counter is gank plank but I have really been seeing him mid much.

  15. #315
    Quote Originally Posted by superslim View Post
    Malzahar is mine atm, cant stop playing him. Just way too fun. Has a great early lane phase against most champs, and I very very rarely see people building quicksilver to counter me. His main counter is gank plank but I have really been seeing him mid much.
    annie too. flash combo.

  16. #316
    Field Marshal Emmique's Avatar
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    Love the health shred you get vs anyone that tries to stack health, melting a 4k health tank in seconds is super satisfying.

    Also been playing a lot of Vel'koz lately.

  17. #317
    Been having a lot of fun with the new GP lately!
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  18. #318
    Heimerdinger on top lane - never banned, counters most melee top laners, insane dmg if fed - that's why I love him.

  19. #319
    Mine is Shaco, epicness to the bone my friend

  20. #320
    Janna - so mobile, can reset whole fights, never dies (okay never isn't true but never more than two times)

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