1. #1

    Smile HELP Macro!! please dk frost pvp :D

    hi i tried creating this macro but some of my abylitys dont activate
    /cast Outbreak
    /cast Asphyxiate
    /cast Remorseless Winter
    /cast Pillar of Frost
    /cast Grievous Gladiator's Badge of Victory
    /cast Unholy Blight
    /cast Empower Rune Weapon

    why isnt it working ps im a noob to creating macros please help me

  2. #2
    Outbreak, Asphyxiate, Remorseless Winter, and Unholy Blight are all on the GCD. You can only cast one of those at a time, so you can only keep one of those in the macro.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Baphomette View Post
    Outbreak, Asphyxiate, Remorseless Winter, and Unholy Blight are all on the GCD. You can only cast one of those at a time, so you can only keep one of those in the macro.
    can u guys make one for me please

  4. #4
    I would so advise against using this macro if u could ever get it to work. Asphyxiate and remorseless winter r 2 dif stuns, outbreak and unholy blight do the same thing. and u prob dont want to cast empowered weapon right at the start since ull have full runes. If u need a macro to clear some space on ur bars u could always use
    /cast Pillar of Frost
    /cast Grievous Gladiator's Badge of Victory
    /cast Outbreak
    that would be ur small swifty macro. spam ur runes then cast empowered weapon.

  5. #5
    If you think that macro is a good idea you will be dead about 5 seconds after entering PVP combat anyway, so I wouldn't waste any time getting it to "work".

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