1. #1

    Question WoD: Reasons why an Elemental Shaman should be in your raid...

    Reasons why an Elemental Shaman should be in your WoD raid... in favor of i.E. Mage or Warlock?

    [ x ] Raid Buff: Spell Power (also from 3 other classes/specs)
    [ x ] Raid Buff: Mastery (also from 2 other classes/specs)
    [ x ] Raid Buff: Spell Haste (also from 3 other classes/specs)
    [ x ] Raid CD: Bloodlust / Heroism
    [ x ] Raid CD: Stormlash Totem
    [ x ] Healing CD: Healing Tide
    [ x ] Healing CD: Ancestral Guidance
    [ x ] AoE DPS: Decent

    [ x ] Raid Buff: Haste (also from 6 other classes/specs)
    [ x ] Raid Buff: Mastery (also from 5 other classes/specs)
    [ x ] Bloodlust / Heroism (also from 2 other classes + Leatherworking)
    [ ? ] DPS

    Honestly - I don't see any reasons for an Elemental in a WoD raid. Maybe decent DPS? Or cool looking visuals?
    Currently adding another Mage instead of an Elemental makes more sense in my opinion.

    With Amplify Magic a Mage is even more "hybrid" than a Shaman.

    Your opinion?


  2. #2
    Not really limited to ele vs. other classes. More of a "shamans suck ".

    Tbh, outside of what they've done to shamans, the x-pack doesn't look that bad, imo. On the chance I actually return to wow come WoD, I'd probably break with years of tradition playing enh, and go feral, or moonkin, imo it comes closest to lore/playing experience etc., save for all the dozens of things that are done better on druids:

    -Signature trait: Forms are kinda op (immune to poly, no more beast ccs, snare/root spam removal, 30%+ speed in cat form, stealth as a hybrid...), compared to totems
    -More specialisation diversity. Feral's not using Balance's leftovers, like enh does with ele, and has it's entire seperate toolkit
    -More talent diversity. Blizz actually goes through the trouble of designing multiple talents for most talent slots. For shamans, it's limited to lvl100, really (even those suck though, and are shared in part)
    -Insane mobility, vs shamans with immobile totems, lb-on-move gone, and a dozen weak +speed effects.
    -Moonkin got their second big rework on playing style, ele pales in comparison
    -Feral works with a recource that was worked around with since classic. Enh at best starts getting interesting now with the newest changes, but I believe there will be a lot of buff/nerfing to be done, to actually refine it.
    -Even if Feral gets kited (which is close to impossible), it can pool energy and have its insanely strong bleed effects do their work
    -A lot more and better cc
    -Ele is better in safeheal than enh, moonkin dwarves ele in that regard on beta. I dunno how feral survivability does atm, but would not surprise me for feral to be better than enh at least
    -Battle rezz > reinkarnation
    -Feral/Balance have a dot on top of their regular heal. Ele/enh have healing surge only, basically. HST got brain-nerfed, Healing Rain is a pvp-no.
    -+speed glyph for Travelform is an instant mount for druid leveling+farming in wod, glyphed GW is 10% slower, and will at times be a loss overall. And when/if flying is introduced later on, Flying Form will be king for farming again. Looking at how crafting professions will be less attractive, running with herbalism/mining will be especially attractive for druids, or should I say, running with collecting professions will make druid very attractive as class choice (plus tauren for herb picking bonus).

    ..and so on
    Quote Originally Posted by Angoth
    I'm sorry that Blizzard won't just gift wrap awesome in a cup and let you drink your fill.

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