Thread: Raid Nerves?

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  1. #1

    Raid Nerves?

    Does anyone suffer a lot from nervousness when raiding?

    I have a real problem when on a new boss or worse of all a boss that others in the raid have done but it’s my first time doing it that I am so nervous that I fuck up more than I should thus making me even more so than I should.

    I mean I sweat and shake because I am so worried about fucking up and making a mistake and it really affects me.

    An example from tonight:

    My guild has killed HC Garrosh a few times now and are rotating players to get the achievement etc. and as the only rogue in the raid (10man) I was put on engineer and I first fucked it up by not knowing the rotation needed for it after the first one (saving Adrenaline rush to get my killing spree up for the next engineer if he comes) but a few times after that I mucked up again on the engineer and people who had killed it before started getting annoyed so I decided to step out for the rogue that had killed it before since I was of no use.

    Now the problems is I really like this guild and have some good friendships in it but i don't have the practice on this boss unlike them so i need to learn so I annoy them when i fuck up on tactics they know.

    Now this isn't about the guild it’s all about me since I could move to another guild (won’t happen) I need to learn how to fix it.

    Does anyone else suffer like this?
    Or know of ways to control it?

  2. #2
    Scarab Lord Tyrgannus's Avatar
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    I feel this way the first 2-3 times I do an encounter, but it goes away permanently after that. Even if we're still wiping, I have a good feel of what we're supposed to in practice, not just theory.

  3. #3
    how about you speak up if you don't know the fight instead of wasting everyones time? if there is anything i hate more than wiping is people who are quiet that don't know what to do then they proceed to wipe the raid because of it. if you don't know the fight speak the fuck up so they can explain it. i guarantee it nobody gives a shit if you never did the fight as long as you tell them so they can explain to you what to do.

    for being nervous part it's pretty normal. if you join a raid with people who you don't know and get assigned important duty then it's normal to be nervous especially if that's your first time on the boss. it should go away once you are comfortable with the fight or if you start raiding with people and get to know them.
    Last edited by mmoc8ac7fab871; 2014-09-01 at 06:40 PM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Voldemorter View Post
    how about you speak up if you don't know the fight instead of wasting everyones time? if there is anything i hate more than wiping is people who are quiet that don't know what to do then they proceed to wipe the raid because of it. if you don't know the fight speak the fuck up so they can explain it. i guarantee it nobody gives a shit if you never did the fight as long as you tell them so they can explain to you what to do.
    I stepped out as soon as i saw that one or two people where getting annoyed but this doesn't help me in the long run, one of my worse fears is wasting others times. The only part of the HC Garrosh fight i don't really know is P4 but then again that's only videos and not actual tries and seeing and doing are one hell of a difference.

  5. #5
    if the guild is rotating players who never did it they probably would have replaced you with somebody who doesn't have to do anything else other than dps and invite the rogue who already did it for the engineers if you spoke up. it's not that hard to say "i never did this fight, can you put someone else on X duty who already did it/is familiar with it?"

  6. #6
    You should ask the other rogue HOW he do it, what cd he use, if he use prepot, if he have a special dudy in p4 like kiting the iron star.

  7. #7
    Stood in the Fire Vouksh89's Avatar
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    I get that the first few times I do a boss. Once I understand the mechanics and have the timing down, I'm fine. Same for if I'm doing a boss in a different role than normal (tank/heals/dps).

    Since they added the dungeon journal, I don't really watch videos anymore. I don't really learn a fight by just watching it, I have to actually be doing it. So if I can just read through the journal and get a general idea of the mechanics, I'm good.

  8. #8
    Yes, the first few times I do a boss I get nervous. Also if we've been wiping on a particular point I get nervous on that point until we get passed it.

  9. #9
    after 10 years of raiding the best advice i can offer you is to do your homework beforehand, watch a video of someone performing the role you will be performing, it helps immeasurably to have a real visual indication of how what you are supposed to be doing should look.

    Aside from that, don't beat yourself up over mistakes, learn from them. Hell i've raided for 10 years and i still die stupidly every now and then or mess up mechanics, what separates the best raiders from the rest of the pack is the ability to screw up once, learn from it, and not screw up the same mechanic/phase again. The ones who really annoy the rest of the raid are not the ones who make a stupid mistake every once in a while, especially on a fight they don't know, but the ones who repeatedly screw up a mechanic 50 attempts later. Just relax and don't be too hard on yourself, i've seen plenty of people who make the mistake of getting depressed over mistakes rather than learning from them.

    In this particular case, doing a job where if you personally screw up the raid wipes can be especially nerve-wracking, but if the rest of your raid are professionals they'll understand and won't gut you over it if you screw up 3-4 times getting it down.

  10. #10
    Of course you are nervous if you only have a vague idea about what you need to do. Usually if a guild is taking first timers to a kill like that I would expect them to explain you exactly what to do because different guilds use different tactics, you can't just do it based on a video. And if they don't you need to ask if you don't want to waste time.

  11. #11
    Yeah, if you're ever assigned a specific duty that you've never done before, look it up on your favorite forum or google it. If you can't find anything, then ask someone in your guild for help and definitely let them know that you could use some advice.

    As far as the shakes go, just remember that this is a game. You're a voice in someone's headphones and a name and an avatar. You're not you and you don't have to worry about this stuff affecting you personally. Have fun with it! Bring a positive attitude and you'll usually do great.
    Grand Crusader Belloc <-- 6608 Endless Tank Proving Grounds score! (
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  12. #12
    This has only happened recently on Heroic Shamans. As a ret paladin, I rarely have to tank, but I was called upon to do so on Shamans and I know a handful of the wipes were totally my fault. I wasn't timing my cooldowns well and I just don't have any experience tanking anything above LFR.

    On the kill I was getting pretty nervous cause I knew if I didn't keep it together we would wipe.

    Otherwise, it hasn't happened in a while. For whatever reason, the raids are less exciting or nerve wracking. I remember getting nervous doing Sarth 3d (the non-zerg way in early expac).

  13. #13
    If you knew that they were bringing you in you should have probably spoken to the other rogue as to how he did the engineers and any other tricks to the fight that would help you. That's all been said above

    You seem like you might be quite anxious in general (outside of raiding) from your post, so you might need to look at ways outside of the game to control that in general, which should be helpful to your raid nerves too. Maybe it's just a matter of relaxing - you sound like you're getting into your own head, which is causing the issue

  14. #14
    goes away as you raid more with your class raiding as elemental for 5-6 years now nothing phases me. first learn to always be on top of your job for any mechanics, then learn to take as little damage as possible with survival cooldowns well timed. 3rd maximise dps knowing how hard you can push things or risk taking for some extra damage taken for extra dps.

    but it sounds like you are being boosted in a sense by a 10man with garrosh on farm but you have never done it, you cannot really be blamed for making mistakes, did they get to garrosh all play flawlessly and kill him on the first try? no. did they wipe probably 100's of times(unless they turned up in 588 gear) yes almost certainly.

    also i rarely watch videos because i find i pick up the fight faster than most in the raid and learning first hand is far more useful.

    there is nothing to be worried about if you fuck up, you fuck up it happens, your guild members have failed loads on fights, if they didn't progression wouldn't exist and everyone would have 14/14hc first reset.
    Last edited by Socialhealer; 2014-09-01 at 11:17 PM.

  15. #15
    The Patient Jibberjabber's Avatar
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    first few times i do a fight, or if the raid is struggling a lot yes

  16. #16
    I only get a tiny bit of nerves when raiding with a new guild. I don't wanna cause a wipe or do anything stupid.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by pocketchange View Post
    Does anyone suffer a lot from nervousness when raiding?
    nope. mainly because I ran raids for years, and trying to run a raid, call out mechanics (because people dont hear dbm...), call out cooldown rotations (*because people forget...), keep note of where everyone is, remind the tanks to taunt, calm the raid down from raging at the arcane mage who just poped everythign on the pull, grabbed aggro and is now dead on the floor....and at the same time heal the raid......I kind of never had time to get nervous. now I no longer raid lead except in casual runs as I dont progression raid any more, everything just seams so relaxing

    If you are in a guild then they should accept you need to learn things, esp if they are doing harder content where if you cant happily wipe 50 times on a boss, you are not going to get anywhere as long as you are not a total pillock, you can ask questions if you dont know things, and you listen and learn....most people will not have a problem. people rarely expect perfection, they do expect a willingness to listen and learn.

    If you've not done a boss before, then its not reasonable to expect prefection. They may have it on farm, you dont.

    You have to ask why you are so nervous, after all its a game. is it the other people in the raid? are you afraid of them freaking out? if so you have to assess whether you really want to play with them anyway.
    Maybe you have a word with the raid leader, explain you are doing your best, but are a bit nervous, and he'll probably get the raid to cut you some slack.
    Last edited by mmoc3f25629bd0; 2014-09-01 at 11:23 PM.

  18. #18
    The Insane Revi's Avatar
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    I don't, no. It sounds like they put you in a pretty shitty position though, having you do it on your first kill when they had others with experience.

  19. #19
    Tis only a video game and you should feel happy. The fun is in the challenge.

  20. #20
    I think I've never been nervous at the beginning of progression or during progression on a fight but on the more challenging encounters that could still be messed up right at the end I was nervous everytime when the health bar came close to zero. But I don't think I ever messed up because of that, it rather made me be on my toes. So that's kind of a good nervousness.^^

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