1. #1

    Keybind kgPanels to show/hide

    Looking for a macro or something that lets me keybind multiple (up to ~15) kgPanels to toggle at the same time

  2. #2
    I would set them all to be parented to one particular panel, and use a macro like this:

    /run local f = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("kgPanels"):FetchFrame("PANELNAME") if f:IsShown() then f:Hide() else f:Show() end

    Thanks to Crudor.

  3. #3
    Problem with that is that they disappear for some reason when I have them parented. They turn completely invisible and when I unlock them they show over the whole screen. Is there are fix for this then?

  4. #4
    I've never had that happen, including when I tested the above (using just two fresh panels, one parented to the other). If you parent panel2 to panel1, panel2 should be visible if and only if panel1 is visible unless you specify otherwise. Perhaps you have some circular anchoring going on or something like that?

  5. #5
    Tried it again and got it to work this time. Thanks!

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