1. #1

    resto shmmy needs Ancestral Guidance back plz

    Why are they not giving back the old Ancestral Guidance in WoD? What's up with 20%? copying 60% of heal and 40% of dmg(I get the copying 40% of dmg being nerfed, dmg dealers should not heal so much. but why the heal also?) was perfectly in balance.
    Choosing when to use the skill to optimize it's potential is an actual 'decision making process' not it only makes it better than just to use HST on CD but fit blizzards design goal for WoD heal
    (though it risked some loss in total heal count, it created an option to concentrate your heal's capacity to shorter periods of time. why suck the life from restoration shaman and lessen player's options? the result makes current beta restoration shaman somewhat not fun and highly dependant to few skills)

    Also, the numbers don't fit with other 75Ts
    Let's do some math here

    Conductance now prolongs HR as long as 30 sec.
    In optimal circumstances, benefit of taking conductance as a talent, is earning 'time being took to cast HR' while conductance HR lasts(since it is wise to keep the HR on if there's more than 3~4 players gathered in a area- in optimal case, every time)
    + short time of period of on HR between individual HRs
    (+ and no need to point out, more mana)

    this means 2 set of HR cast times, and >1 sec of HR lasting(not being cut)
    and since the value of time can be exchanged with HPS
    (but benefit that potentially 'can' be gained by investing the time earned, should subtract contribution ratio of HR from HPS- since it is already there)

    (max benefit earned by using conductance) = (2 Healing Rain casting time/ 30) x (100 - HR contribution ratio in %)HPS + 2(prolonging moment of non-HR time if were not for conductance)/30 x (HR contribution ratio in %)HPS

    is the formula

    my shammy takes 2.08 sec to cast HR in WoD
    and there's about 0.5 sec gap between separate HR
    in my last test, HR's contribution ratio was between 10~20%(tried to always keep HR on)

    so the optimal potential of conductance

    4.16/30 x 90+ 1/30 x 10
    = 12.81%
    when contribution ratio of HR is 10%,

    4.16/30 x 80 + 1/30 x 20
    = 11.76%
    when contribution ratio of HR is 20%,

    of course, there a perk of there being more mana to utilize, you can heal more aggressively

    this perk seems to balance in talent 'Rushing Streams'

    which makes HST 2.3times powerful (heals two, and each heals 15% more)
    if to gain + 12% of HPS by using RS,

    HST with no talent should heal somewhere near 9.23% of your HPS

    which it does (actually 7~9%, but there are more factors)

    but AG on the other hand
    though supposed being used on CD, and assume 100% becomes valid, (2min CG, last 10sec)
    10/120(HPS - totem heal%)x (20% x 3)
    this is less than 5%(of course an impossible situation, harder to achieve, with way less output)

    moreover, this talent burns more mana than other two

    to gain equal value as other 75lv talents(10~12%of HPS), they should boost it back to 60% of heal
    (cuz of it copying your direct heal, AG has already gone through serious nerf and balancing. Why kill it by double dipping the numbers?)

    AG, though not been used by majority of restoration shamans(since it was way harder to optimize it's potential, and HST's auto heal was so much powerful or conductance was way more easier), was actually giving more decision option to the players making restoration shaman fun and active.

    Deciding when to use this skill is way more fun than to just use your HST on CD
    by having these 3 talents in balance, it was fun switching to all these talents accordingly. Plz do something about AG. resto-shammy needs it bad
    Last edited by sandpaperballet; 2014-10-10 at 06:24 AM.

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