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  1. #201
    Basics are better as u said. But your finishing needs still some practice:
    Between 0:45 and 2:00 u dipped to low and stayed there.
    U even used a Manapotion at 1:57 (which was wrong in 2 points: Dont use a Manapotion and dont use it at 92% Mana)

    Second: CDs:
    U used Arcane Power after your first Evocation which is just wrong. PC-AP-SNs->Burn->Evo->Conserve
    Second burn was a little bit delayed but ok for the fightlength.

    Third RoP:
    Kargath is a fine fight for RoP. Esp with your killtime you should never cast an RoP infight. U place 2 RoPs at the fight between 2 Firepillars and stay there nearly all of the time. Only if u get targeted mutiple times (which u got only 1 time) u could maybe recast the rune.
    Looking at your casts of IF i assume u have a problem with moving. Try to improve that. With 2 RoPs side-on-side and IF u should be able to DPS all the time and avoid any stuff.
    IF is a little bit difficult to learn but it is worth it.

  2. #202
    Can't tell you how much I appreciate the feedback. This is the first time I have ever used logs, or been raiding this competitively. I will definitely keep working on getting better. I didn't log last expansion but frost was so simple and I was always top (or almost top) dps (on recount) with the old guild I ran with so life was carefree lol.

  3. #203
    Hello guys.. im gonna make it quick..
    Got Blackhand and oregorger's mythic trinket and heroic's darmac..
    do i have to use BH and Ore for both fire and arcane?... or it is better to use darmac and BH for arcane..

    thanks for feedback

  4. #204
    Both Mythic.

  5. #205
    Hey guys,

    I am currently raiding heroic BRF with guild and am sitting around ~685 item level. I play both fire and arcane depending on the fights but I find that I enjoy playing fire more. Looking at my current performance, I feel it's satisfactory for the content we as a guild are currently doing, but I feel it's not up to mythic level.

    I guess my question would be is; Am I currently doing the most DPS I could be, given my current gear and what is available to me? Is there something I'm not doing/casting enough of? or too much of? I would appreciate any advice one can give me.

    My armory link is here: /thaurissan/Breazy/advanced (US)

    Link for logs is here: reports/G2DcT78HtaCdzmpB#boss=-2 (warcraftlogs)

    Apologies for not being able to post the full link as this is my first time posting.
    Would appreciate advice for both Arcane and Fire, where possible. Thank you in advance.

  6. #206
    Quote Originally Posted by Breazyy View Post
    Hey guys,

    I am currently raiding heroic BRF with guild and am sitting around ~685 item level. I play both fire and arcane depending on the fights but I find that I enjoy playing fire more. Looking at my current performance, I feel it's satisfactory for the content we as a guild are currently doing, but I feel it's not up to mythic level.

    I guess my question would be is; Am I currently doing the most DPS I could be, given my current gear and what is available to me? Is there something I'm not doing/casting enough of? or too much of? I would appreciate any advice one can give me.

    My armory link is here: /thaurissan/Breazy/advanced (US)

    Link for logs is here: reports/G2DcT78HtaCdzmpB#boss=-2 (warcraftlogs)

    Apologies for not being able to post the full link as this is my first time posting.
    Would appreciate advice for both Arcane and Fire, where possible. Thank you in advance.
    I have time to comment on Gruul: 32k in 685 (with 4P and 685+ trinkets) is very very low. As a baseline, my guildie in 676 on a similar kill time (20s shorter) managed 37k.

    First your RoP uptime is too low at 76%. It really should be 95%+ on this boss.

    You're not using abilities enough: 4 SN casts with over a 4 minute pull. You don't ONLY jam these into PC. Just 2 PoM casts as well.

    Unfortunately you did not log using Advanced Combat Logging (please do) so I cannot monitor your mana usage. I can see that your opener is kind of butchered (you cast AB 5x instead of 4 before crystal, you don't pop PoM+AB into crystal), but nothing too egregious. Really need advanced combat logging here to evaluate how you're burning and conserving.
    Last edited by trystero; 2015-05-19 at 01:56 PM.

  7. #207
    Hi everyone

    Tonight I was asked to help my guild on Blackhand Mythic progression since they lost one of their mages two weeks ago and the other one can't show up for raids at the moment. So it was this other mage who is a trial and me. I'm currently sitting at 697. Comparing my dps with others I feel like there is room for improvement.

    So my question is could you please give me some advice on how I can maximize my DPS.

    What I've found so far is that I should have played without AP glyph.

    Keep in mind that I wasn't assigned to do tank damage in P2 so that's also a reason why my DPS is low compared to the other mage.

    Link to logs from tonight: (#21 and #23 were a 1% and a 0.3% wipe :/)

    My armory:

    Thank you in advance for your help.
    Last edited by borki; 2015-06-01 at 10:22 PM.

  8. #208
    Hello, I'm fire specced and I feel I'm doing enough damage compared to the quality of my gear.

    Combat Logs:

  9. #209
    Warcraftlogs for you:
    General advice: Warcraftlogs>>>>>>>AMR (amr has some nice things but overall WCL is far more superior for log analysis)

    Looking at the log:
    Singletarget (Kromog):
    12x BW: You should nuke the first 2 charges at the start for trinketprocs.
    2x Combustion:
    Way to low. Wrong timing. Used 2 of 4 possibilties. Get a ignite tracker and make a WA/TMW for Combustion ready.
    RoP: Kromog is a fight where u start with 2 runes side on side and then recast 1 (or maybe a second) rune. Thats it.
    U casted 15 RoPs and your uptime is 37%. Kromog is a simple fight for RoP. In connection with only 3 uses of IF you have to optimize your movement. If RoP is not yours take Incanters. The difference is only marginal and comparing to your RoP-uptime Inc is just plain better.
    LvL 100 Talent: Not meteor castet, no PC castet so i assume u skilled Kindling which comes down to not using Combu often enough. (beside the fact that u shouldn't use Kindling for singletarget)

    Multitarget (Iron Maidens):
    Same as above:
    1 Combustion (this is a fight for kindling and many combustions)
    first Blastwave after 1:16 (u should spec LB for 2 or more consistent targets)
    4 PCs (at least u casted them but way to few)
    3 RoPs with an uptime of 20% (again go IF if u cant manage RoP)

    Overall: The ground is there. Fireball/Pyros/IB seems ok. But your CDs and your movement are breaking every achievable DPS.
    Dont look so much at top logs and assume PC and RoP as the best and choose it.
    Start with Meteor and IF. Make a WA/TMW for Meteor/BW-CD and use them on CD. Your DPS should go up.
    Get an Ignitetracker and a CombustionCDs tracker and use is. Your DPS should go up.
    After all that u can start learning RoP and PC/Kindling.

  10. #210
    If you want to learn the rotation and how/when to do a Combustion without worrying about other things you go IF/Kindling for every boss. Unless you intend on doing double IB spreads you should go with Kindling.

    Kromog RoP will only work if the group allows you to specifically pick a hand over your RoP. Otherwise you will lose 20 seconds every set of hands. Add that with the dodges and you're looking at 37% uptime

  11. #211
    Thanks for the advice, I'll try it out and report back. BTW I used AMR because the WarcraftLogs one is a bit outdated for my character.

  12. #212
    Hey guys,

    Mythic thogar attempts going on at the moment. Why the hell are my combustions so low compared to the other 2 mages? Pre cast pyro never crits, I'm waiting for a heating up to use an IB, might get to like an 11k ignite dot and thats about it. Something I'm doing wrong here?

    Mage name is "RandomDoug"

    warcraftlogs DOT COM/reports/KbqYrTa4JXFvG9cN/

    Thanks guys!!

    I always thought once you had a decent tick of Ignite you could double iB and then combust, why the hell does it drop my ignite amount on the target? I just don't understand.
    Last edited by Vampgaze; 2015-06-14 at 07:12 AM.

  13. #213
    Quote Originally Posted by Vampgaze View Post
    I always thought once you had a decent tick of Ignite you could double iB and then combust, why the hell does it drop my ignite amount on the target? I just don't understand.
    U have to targetswitch after 2xIB. 2xIB doesn't increase Ignite on your current target.
    The idea behind the trick is the spreading of Ignite with IB.
    U cast IB first to spread your ignite to all targets.
    Second IB spreads the ignite again and the values are added together.
    So after second IB u have a huge combustion at another target.
    Then u combust on that other target and spread the huge combust with another IB.
    Doing 2xIB->Combust on the same target is pointless.

  14. #214
    Basically after double inferno blast every target around with ignite will have double the ignite power except the one you used the inferno blasts on.

    It's easy to just make a macro for this sort of thing.

  15. #215
    hello my fellow mages, i have been running into some problems playing fire as of late while progressing through BRF M, i have been noticing lower ignite tick damage, worse combustions, ignite doubling onely giving 5-10% bonus to my ignite and overall lower damage.

    in the logs i am top dps, but i usualy am this even though i have lower ilvl than the other mages, what is strange is that i used to have about 10k avg ignite and my combustion was easely at 30k for the pull and arroung 20-25k after that on progress, now i struggle getting it to 20k and often have to use it to get 8-10k for the adds.

    i also have a small question for arcane ST, when i use crystal, how long after the crystal is down would you guys reccoment i wait at max before i use evo? i used to just wait untill i had 50% mana but then i ran into mana problems after my following crystals and i dont think that should happen as they have the same CD and basicly should line up perfectly.

    Thanks alot for taking the time.

  16. #216
    They won't ever line up perfectly other than the opener because you will use PC as soon as you hit 4 stacks and it could be up to 30 seconds after that when you use Evo. That means they will generally be anywhere between 20-30s apart.

    To be safe if I have PC ready and have less than 20s on Evo I start the burn phase. As long as you let yourself build back to two stacks of SN before PC it would be incredibly unlucky to be anywhere near 50% when Evo comes off CD.
    On occasion if I've started a burn with 30s left without 2x SN and terrible AM procs, and ended up in no mans land around 50% mana and Evo still has 5s left.
    Last edited by Zelendria; 2015-06-23 at 09:25 AM.

  17. #217
    The difference between 40% mana/2evoticks and 70% mana/1evotick is overall a really small one. So try to work around that.
    U shouldn't delay your burn for to long. If AP is over just evo back. 50% is a guide not set in stone. Sometimes if all stars align u get procs of am over procs of am and after 20 sec of AP u have still 75% mana->just evo and cancel it immediatly after the gcd is over.

  18. #218
    Anyone know what the best 3 crafted pieces to make would be for 6.2?

  19. #219
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeiss1232 View Post
    Anyone know what the best 3 crafted pieces to make would be for 6.2?
    Crystalfire Spellstaff of the Peerless
    Hexweave Robe of the Peerless
    Sandman's Pouch

    this is what i would reccoment if you'r looking for some craftet gear to get into raiding with.
    if you get chest tier i'd either get Hexweave Cowl of the Peerless, or if you need that slot for tier too, a Stone of the Elements never hurt anyone.
    EDIT: was in fire mindset for the recomendations i made, Feverflare is for arcane and deft is for frost.
    This wont nesseserily be absolute BIS for you, but it's a good starting point.
    Last edited by denzildk; 2015-06-30 at 02:15 PM. Reason: updated info for arcane and frost.

  20. #220
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeiss1232 View Post
    Anyone know what the best 3 crafted pieces to make would be for 6.2?
    For what spec, what level do you raid at?
    3 off pieces that don't have the right secondary stats for your spec is a good start.

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