1. #1

    DOTA Partners Thread

    Hello, this thread may be used to find like-minded people to play DOTO with. Please include whatever information might be helpful to your prospective DOTO partners, like so.

    Name: Screwdizzle (with D3 Witchdoctor icon)

    MMR: 2800 (granted I did go like 15-2 in ranked )

    Games Played: ~500

    What I'm looking for: Similarly players who like to play casually but also learn and improve. Rotating heroes and positions is a must. Nobody likes to have to play support all the time (if they don't like it) and nobody likes the guy that just goes Invoker mid every game.

    When and where I like to play: 8-10 PM Eastern weekdays and anytime weekends; U.S. East, West

    Favorite Positions: Mostly Offlaners/Mid initiators/supports but I'll play anything.
    Your comments are duly noted and ignored.
    I punch a hobo every time someone says 'it's not a rotation it's a priority list lol'.

  2. #2
    You could just link your steam XD


    mmr: 4k~
    Games played: 1800~ (+ 2400~ on WC3)
    position: can play any, I like mid/4 support though.
    time: I'm usually around if I'm not raiding x)

  3. #3
    ht tp : / / steamcommunity .com /profiles/ 76561197981691778
    ht tp : / / www .dotabuff .com/players/21426050

    My mmr it's a bit low right now (3k) but I'm working on it.
    I was around 5k equivalent in HoN but then quit mobas for about 2 years and have been recently relearning the game. I'm most comfortable playing roles 1 and 2 but also played 5 competitively. Off lane core is the only position I'm not too confident in. Anyway I'm usually on after 6pm est unless I'm raiding(tue wed thur)

    Had to space out links as I have to few posts

  4. #4
    Add http://steamcommunity.com/id/MetaPlanetarism/ -&- http://steamcommunity.com/id/Planetarism/

    Either experienced shadowshaman/broodmother/NP/warlock/leshrac/kotl/veno/drow splitpushers -OR- decent players highly motivated to learn this playstyle^ (I'll teach in botgame practice w/ you)

    End games very fast, b4 25-30min - NecroBook|'Fresher|Aghanim|Drums|BoT - 2 Towers down by 7:00, 1-2 Barracks by 15:00 minimum quota. Ty.
    >>> And then.. <<<

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