1. #1

    Wildhammer garrison buildings (and other racial architecture)

    Oh hai!
    I was thinking about racial architecture for garrisons (not like it's coming anytime soon, mind you) and I was wondering how they'd do anything dwarf-related. I know they based the bunker around it, but it's just not dwarf if it ain't in the ground is it? and that seems hard to do without designing an entire garrison solely around dwarves.So I was thinking, perhaps blizzard could do something with those fantastic wildhammer dwarf homes they made in cata? I think they worked really well, and that way there can be something truly dwarvish (and underground) to the whole thing.

    Here's a screenie in case you'd forgotten what they look like. I'd love to have my garrison look more like that. Not digging the open-layout human look. Rather have something snuggly and crowded. So what do you think, or what would you like to see?

  2. #2
    I was actually hoping they would do that or that the style of the buildings changed when you switched your guards. but blizzard will never take the long plunge, they will do the usual yawn while pushing the option to you and seeing your reaction before adding to it.
    Christopher W "Garage House Screen."

  3. #3
    Wasn't it this which sparked the infamous "it'd cost a raid tier" thing?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt0193 View Post
    Wasn't it this which sparked the infamous "it'd cost a raid tier" thing?
    had to search that comment to know what you were talking about lol
    Christopher W "Garage House Screen."

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