1. #1

    Two pallies, same raid. Different builds? (EF vs SS)

    So we might be going into a guild as two holy paladins. My big question to you paladin EXPERTS IS:

    1. is it worth it if one of us focused into crit and eternal flame and the other (probably ME) focus into mastery and sacred shield?


  2. #2
    well mastery is worthless with sacred shield for one. Crit is the only stat worth having while spec'd SS. It doesn't really matter though. If you were both spec'd SS or EF it would be fine. EF is a little easier to manage compared to SS and a lot more mana friendly.
    I love holy paladin and holy paladin culture.

  3. #3
    mastery only works for illuminated healing, therefore it's better for EF. both talents work differently on different boss fights, SS is good for a lot of sustained dmg or sustained tank healing, like brackenspore or imperator. Eternal flame is generally better because it refreshes your illuminated healing shield and while doing that gives some extra "oumph" to your healing.

  4. #4
    For SS crit > haste > mastery, for EF crit > mastery = haste. Also i dont think if you have two pally they have to go different ways... So i see no problems in both being EF (since its seems to be better in most of situations) and change to SS if thats better for a certain fight.

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