Thread: should i worry

  1. #1

    should i worry

    hi i've started getting some gear, what worries me atm is how low mu multistrike is compared to haste. am gearing with item lvl in mind compared to stats. should i rethink about that?


  2. #2
    Should you worry? No. While Haste is less desirable than MS it still does provide some benefit to us. And remember all these stats are called secondaries for a reason. Our primary stat still outweighs our best secondary by about 3 to 1. So really the only time our secondaries are going to play a significant roll in decision process is when your within half a raid level difference (Warforged Normal with good stats versus Heroic with not so good, and yes that is generalized).

    And Highmaul doesn't really give us a lot of options to customize anyways.

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